1942 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 40 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 208

V. Tflly nefl , C. Lnntey, B. Da v is, E. Batzel, R. R e inhardt , L. Pet erson V. N e ls on , D . /Ja s keu , 1'. Arnold, L. Stearns, f>. Sc luwbe l, 1'. llarfow, C. Pomeroy, II . Jl forgcm K. B rown , 1'. Tipton , D . llo lder, D . Bray, T. Arima R. Tr1ilflo n , J. Curtis, K. Downing, J. John s on , T. Arnold, C. PomProy, Le arn s, E. M ills, E. Crrn edin[!e r, Dr. L. C. Cady, E. Ros ti , /J. Titu.~, 1'. H aynes, De an J. E. /Juclwrwn , C. rPren, C. Luntey, TT. ult , , t. Jan ssen , C. malley, Dr. II. F. Gauss, C. Davis, D . Bolton, B. Dy e , IV. Fin (' h , J . Cockre ll , II . . Ire/ , /J. Fortin, J. Nelson, E. Cone, E. Cunningham, B. Ralston , F. Olm , Dr. Wilson , Prof. J. II. Johnson, B. K e nne mer, R . L.

A. 1/ornbaker , 1'. Conley, i\1. 1l1alnoric k, 8. Leonord, D . W ihle, IJ . Llluh路l~onen, S. J o h nston , A. Tu.ylor, J . Smedley, /J . Thomas, U . Williams

C. M i ndf'n , C. l'enncll, 11. /Jrf' vic k , D. Gray, W. Lon g, JJ. O 'Connor , C. O ' Con n or , C. 'l'oev.~, T . Fcntitnan C. J e.ffer.<on, A. O lson, D . 1/older, E. Zie linski , J . '/'(ly lor


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