1942 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 40 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 173


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Willis Sweet Hall

" BP it et•Pr so /rumble'' . , • the 1\ avy wauts their home .

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Dale Burl..hu ltcr Douglas Ca mpbell Ru ssell Conrad T ed C r abb Earl C rca Ega n Drenl.. er Ja el.. Fox ormun Fr<·del..ind Joe Gordon Nick Grk ovic l~ lm c r ll uug Rowland ll uegelc orman ll uwlcy D on Jliel..s Leroy 1I ull J ohn J ohnson R alph J osly n P ete Kala marid e11 J oh n Kenda ll Foster Larson George Layos H arlow \l e Kinne} 1\lnr vi n l\1c Ve)

J oe l\1alta R obert Marsing Ja mes M eyer J ea n Milar James Miller Rulon Miller Vernon all y Jack Newell Ross ewlon Boll O'Connor J oh n P eebles Dale Price Jack Raglund Gord on R oss Ri chunl Shaver Robert Spohn Clifton S tauff George S teele Walter S tevens Roy Ta ylor John T ewbey F red Thurs ton Arth ur na Bill \\ illiams

Ja ck A ms tulz J oe Anderson Hober t Alwood Dick Bal..er Donald Bernhart Ja ck Berr y Jack Bowmun Lowell Brough K eith Brow nin g S tuart Clclrn Ri chard Davis Lawrence Douglus Phillip Eva ns Lyle Fagnun Ernest G rubsl..i J ohn Grimme l l Robe rt ll ug bom Aus tin !Iunn y John H uns \\ illiam I I arri so n J ohn H ar t Richard ll atha wuy IT urold TT a upl 11 arr y II end ron \\ illiam If ofT J ucl.. ll ol.. e J a mes ll olt Burl..c l l orsley Al bert llribur Phil !lull Albert lluntcr G lenn J ohnson llobcrt Kerr

T ed Lake D ean Larson Veri Law R obert Lindsay Clifford Lough Glade L yon AleJo Martine lli Steve Meikle J ames Moore Vincent ally J ack Nelsoo Charles Ohms Milo P ea rson Wilsie P latt Phil Pratt Wayn e R obi nson Wilfred R ooney K enn eth Saari Wi lliam Sewell C harles Seymou r Don S hufelt Thomas Slayton R ober t Smith Jam es Spooner Oscar Stau ff Da vid S t idolph D on Str ong Ja ck T allent Cbarlcs Thomas Jack Thurst on M erl y n VanCuren Hobert \Vachter Hieha rd Woodhead Glenn Zim merman

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