1942 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 40 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 162

Pi Beta Phi

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lux iliary- 1\/osc-ou· l "ofunteer Fire department . . . E ;Ytin guishrr drills .. . Though som e flam es still flicker.

S li:NlOLt S

Bcu y B ulrs

J ea n C ummin gs

Arl ine Campbell

D orothy

I ary Fra uccK Curler


Eugenia P enick

hn c l Coll ier

Evalyn Scbullz l\1 ar y Elizabeth Scolt




\nn A lban

Billy Loui se Kunler

Oli ve Holml'b

Ji unie Mae Tibbs

J\lurciu Kimbl e

Roberta Thomas Patricia l,; nlernabrer


Lorenc Hult·s

E rm a K offel

Mary Auu Freclantl

Joy Myrrl Maxfield

lldrn Ga le

J o Ann

Delrrna Goodhu e

Carmclta R ca

Sylvia Kni g ht

Dora Vllark


t'ltli:S II\I E -;

IJale•. n. Co llier C: nle

;\I ban Campbe ll }-.le ming Holmes, 0 .

Arm" Cnrl e r

Kuni Cr

\1 n(•C:re1or

ixCln Schu lt z

urube rf'

U nt e rn ~1hre r


l~'r ec l ,uul Holm e~.

S<·ott Wnrk


Kimhlc Muxlic lc.l Pe nic k Tt.o mntt

Oale •. L.

8uro ke r

C ummings Garner Kni gbt 1\·t in s te r

Oix Goodhu e

KofTel M.o rroll


R ea



Eleano ra \rm s

Virginia H olmes

Ph yllis Burol..er

Am y MacG r egor

\Jury Jan e Dix

J eanne

Peggy Fleming

Beth Morrall

Maxi uc G arn cr


Patricia Pugh Louise Thom pson

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