1941 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 39 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 70

K eit h L . W arner

B.S.(Bus.); North Central High School, Spokane, Washington: Phi G emme Delta; Scabbard end Blade; Curtem.

Jam•• W uhburn

B.S.(Agr.); Celdwell High School; CollOQ& of Idaho; Idaho Club; Aq Club: Interchurch Council.

G.,i! Anderson W ebster B.S. (Ed.); Polouee Hiqh Schoo1, Palouse, Washington .

Wa llace Boyce We bat e r K athleen P alm W en-y Edith Weiaoe rher B.S Ed ); St. Maries Htgh School; B.S.(H.Ec.); Bellevue High School; B. A.; Lewiston ~igh School; KeP: Teu Me m Al.,ph: Alph11 Phi Cht; U.I.S.B.; Kappa Alpha Theto; pe Alpha Theta, W .A.A. 1-2-3-4, "I' Club; Manor "I' Club; Pem High Honora 1-2; Home Ec Club A.W.S. Council 3-4, Yell Queen Club. 2; University Sangers 1·2: Pep 3-4: Newman C lub 3·4: Gem 3·4 Bond Show 1·2-3.

M ichael W eyer Chea ter Wes tfall Raymond We•ton B S.(Met.E.) . Cra igmont High B.S.(Pre·Med.) ; W allace High B.S.(Eiec.E.); S pokane, Woshlng· School: Slgmo Nu; Alpho Phi Cht; School; Teu K~ppe Epotlon: AS. ton Vondal.,..rs 3·4. M.E. 2-3-4· Asaocte led Engtnoora 1·2·3·4 Pre11dent 4 .

Carl W illr.e r Robert W illiam Whiteman B S.(Bus1: Camhrldqe Htoh B.S.<For ); Grace High School. School; College of Idaho: Delta Ch1.

Er<na W illlanu B.S.(Ed.); Moo.c:ow High School.

Robert E. W llllama B.S.(For .); ld~ho Fells High School; ldoho Club.

R uth W illie B.S.(Ed.); O.scode High School.

G enevie ve Willaon B.S.(Ed.); Reuben s Htqh School: Lewiston Stole Normal; Kappa Alpha Theto: lntemetionel Rela· Hons: Vonsity Debate: Trehle Clef.

Lawr.nce Wllaon B.S.(Ed.); Mo.cow Htgh School.

W innUred R . W lleon B.S.(Ed I M< ··>w H1qh School: Htgh H· non I 3; Keppe Delta Pi; Treblo Cluf. lnt.,rchurch Council.


M axine WoUe B. A.; Moucow High School.

Kenne th Wooda O eorve H . Wyaonv B.S.(Ed.); Moscow High School; B.S.(Ch em.): Nezpe r ce Htqh School; Lewiston Stole Normol: Scebbord end Blode. Lindley Hell; Rho Epsilon: Redto C lub.


Wolfe B.A .: Moecow H1qh School.

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