1941 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 39 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 57

John Gray Harry R o bert Gruer B.S.(Ag r.); Senn Hig h School; B.S.(B,.s.); Harden Loke High Chicogo, Illinois; Slgmo A!ph a School; Delio Chi. E~ilon; Ag Oub; Cloud Clippers.

R a ymo nd Greene

LL.B.; Hill Mllitory Acade my, Mackoy, Idaho: Phi Gommo Delta.

M a rion GreU

B.A.(Ger.); Sl. Boniface High School, Uniontown. Washington; Washington Stole College; Hayo Hall; Newman Club; DeSmet Club 1·2·3; O oss Treasurer 3 ; Inlro· murol Debote; Unive rsity Sinqors 2·3·4; W.A.A.; lndC'pendent Student Council; Jnternol!onol Relollona 1-2: Holl Preoir!enl.

Keith C . Greave. B.S. (Bua.); Preston High School; Idaho Oub; Alpho Kapfl<l Psi, Executive Board 3; Independent Council 2-3-4; Election Board 2-4.

Richard Rayorne Greine r LL.B.; Horrloon High School; Willis Sweet Holl; Bench and

& r.

Donald JarnM Hagedorn M ary Grun e wald Alvin T . Hadley B.S. (Agr.); Moscow High School; B. A.; Nezperoe High School; Hays BS.(Agr.): Rockland High School; Phi Go mma Delta; Hig hest Hon· Compus Oub; Alpho Phi Chi; Hall; High Honora 2-3; Argo· ors 4; High Honors 3; Alpho Ze to. Lombda Delta Sigmo; Ag C lub; naul 2. President 4; Alpha Phi O mega; Independe nt Counc il 3 -4; Ani mol Ag C lub; Argonaut 1-2; Gem 1-2Husbandry Judging Team 3 -4. 3 -4, A..t. Busmess Manoqor 4; Gem Award 2-3-4; Ag Oub &II Chairman 3; Little International Chairman.

Mary Hall Herohel Hall Ardith Adelia Hall B.S.(Agr.); Pretlon High School; B.S.(H.Ec.); Moscow High School. B. S. (Bus. ); McCammon High Campus Club. Sch oo l; U . I.S . B.; Ridenbaugh Ha ll: Lombdo Delio Sigmo: Uni· vertJIY Singers.

Ellyne Hallman

~~..:, ~::,~• High School: Delio


B.S.(Ag.); Shelley High School.

Ronnl• Harria

B.S. (Ed.): Idaho Falls Hiqh School; Kapfl<l Siqmo; Scobbord Md Blodft; "I" Oub; C lass Pres! dent!.

R o bert Scott HamUton Kenneth Karl H anford B.S.(E.E.); Boioe High School B. S.( Pre Med); B o11e H ogh Boooe Junior Coli-; Lombda Chi School; BoJunior College; Alpho; Asaociated Enqtneen 2 -3 Lombda Chi Alpha; Alpha Ep&l· 4; Americon lnotttute of Electrical Jon Delta; House President. Engineers 2·3 -4; President. Idaho Branch, Electrical Engineers 4 .

Fred G . Harrie R o bert W . Harrl.o B.S.(Bus.); John Monhall Htgh B.S.(For.); Huron Hig h School, School. Hollywood, Cahfomia; Huron. South Dakota; Huron College; Delta Tau Delta; Curtain; W illis Sweet Hall; Pershing Riflea; Idaho Fo resters: House President l nlercoUeqiote Knights; Junior Knight, Royol Duke; Blue Key; 3; Gem 1-2 -3; Universoty Singers I Independent Councol; Preatdent W tlllo Sweet Hall 4; Oass Secte· tory 2: Oasa Preaident 3 .

Walter Harrie B.S.(Ed.); Moscow High School.

Jake Harohbarqer B.S.; Ashton High School; Chris· man Hall: Alpha Epsilon Delto; Curiam, Preoident of A F.D. 4


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