1939 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 37 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 96

Jane Montgomery

Eden Rtdonblouqh Hall Elmer M orvan Heyburn James Morrow

Anaconda. Monlan. Bela Theta ?1 Dorothy Moss Payette Gamma Phi Belli

Elinor Mortimer


O..lla Della Della William MueUer St. Manes Stqma Cht R oy Neal Arco: U.I.S.B. W1lhs Sweet Hall Adrian N elson

RexburQ, R•cks Collfl<le Idaho Club Theda Nelson Jerome; Albion Stale Colleqe Rldonl><tuqh Hall Oaorve Niet:told BoOnton, New Jersey Christine Nuckol~ Montpelier P1 Bela Phi Jay N ungester Na.,P• Delta Tau 0..11~ F orest Ober Wh1ther C1hlornia ld•ho Club O a?rgo Olmstead Plummer

Idaho Club Glenn Olmstead Looter Olson Genesee Lambdo Chi Alpha Walter Obon Presion

Chrt<man Hall John O'Neill MO!ICOW

Tau Kapp!l F.po 1lon Alvin Orme Squirrel L.D.S. In• hlule


A little on the chubby side. Jean promotes Fiii·Kappa com bina!ions, is active in Cardtnal Key, and upholds K.K.G.'s honor in W.A.A. Outstanding !ls an Argona ut copy reader and headline writer.

William Osmundson St. Maries Idaho Club Howard Pariah F1ler Beta Theta PI

Ronald Parko Burley Pfu 0. It~ Th..


Essa.IT\ary Parker Boise

Kappo Kappa


Elmer Parka Moscow RoN Paraons Boise

Beta Theto Pt

Raymond Peck Pocatello Siqma Alpha Ep II• n Wallace Pefley


L1ndley Hall CharlH Paterson Emmell Doran Peteraon

Grace William Piedmont 1..4va Hoi Sprlnqo Lindley Hall Oenevra P ond Whatoh•h, Montana; W•llam· "lte Untverolly, Salem Kappa Alpha Theta

Pop 96


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