1938 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 36 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 49

Laura Nell Coppock Jose Moraloa Corpuz. Lucille Ann Cottle Glenn A. Couqhlan B.S.(Ed.), Athol Hiqh School; B.S.(Min.Enq.); M.S.(M1n. B.S.(Ed.); Madioon Htqh LLB Kemmerer, Wyom.nq, Ridenb.>ugh Hall. School. Rexburg. Idaho; R1ch Eng.); La Union High School, S1gma Nu San Fernando, La Un1on, Junior Colleqe; Forney Hall; • Phlllpplnea; W ashington Pem Club; Univero1ty S1nqoro 3; W .A.A. 3·4; Pep Band Slatct Colleqe; Sigma Gamma Epsilon; Siqma Tau; American Show 3; Taps and Terps 2·3. Society ol Civil Engineers.

Jack M c Kinney . . . maMglnq odilor ol the "Sheet" .. . took a Morch v11ca· Uon following the Press club edition ... prexy ol Sigma Chi . . . no particulor port In a storm (sorority to you~.

H omer David, Jr. John H . Daly Glendon V. Davia Dori• Helen Dawaon B.A., U.B.. Buhl Htgh School B.A .• Moacow H1qh School; B.S.(Bus.); Parm a High B.S ,Homo Ec.). Burley Htqh Phi Delta Theta. School; Univert~ty ol Idaho. Alpha Tau Omeqa; Curta1n: School. Kappa Alph" Theta: Hell O.vero; Track Manager Southern Branch; Phi Gamma Pht Upe1lon Omicron; Cor· 1·2; Oass V1oe Pretident 2: Delta; Curtain; Alpha Kappa dmal Key; Home Ee Oub: Bench and &r 4·5-6. SecrePsi; Blue Key; lntercollequ1te W. A.A. 1: A.W .S. CounCil 3: tary 5, Chief )uolioe 6. Kniqhta; Minor "I" Oub; Ten· Esecuttve Boord 4. nts 34; Gem; Argonaut.

Lola M ao Dickinaon Walter Dinn!aon Clifford Irvin Dobler Peter Fablon Dodds B.S.(Ed.). Moscow Htqh 8 S.(Ed.); Pierce H1qh School. B.S.(Bua.); W orley High B. A Lewll and Clark Hiqh School School. School. Spokontt. w .,ahinqton: Gonzaga University; H1qh Honors 3; S1qm.. Nu: Mihlary S...nd.

Elmer Dallinq Eddington B.S.(Ed.): Suqar-S..lem ~lioh School, Suqar City, Triangle C lub: Pem Club.

Nova E!aingor Harold Carl E lg Edward Gregory Elliott B.S.(Ed.); M oaco w H igh B.S.(For.): Idaho Falla High B. A.; Boise High School; Phi School: Alpha Phi; Women's School Gamma Doha. " I" C lub 3 -4; He ll Dive rs 2 ·3· 4 : Pa m 3·4: W.A.A. 1·2 ·3·4; Tope ond Te rpa 2.


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