1938 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 36 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 334

PHI UPSILON OMICRON Zeta chapter of Phi Upsilon Omicron, national home economics fraternity, selects its members on the basis of scholarship, leadership, and personality. It aims to promote interest in moral, social, and intellectual advance· ments.

Advisors: Adah Lewis, Marion Featherstone, Mrs. Marie Miller M embers: Marta Berg, Doris Dawson, Jean Dunkle, G retchen Farber, Ethel Gehrke, Alberta Hill, Neva Homan, Evelyn Jenki ns, Beulah Johnson, Helen Luke, Sally Mitchell, Katherine Roos, Ka therine Schuettenhelm, Jean Spooner, Mary Stevens, Mary Sullivan, Dorothy Swendig, Helen Turinsky Officers: President Vice President Secretary Treasurer

· Ethel Gehrke Dorothy Swendig Doris Dawson Gretchen Farber

A . Hill, H . Tur inaky, N . Homan , M . Ste v e n a, M . B e rq , B . Johnoon, D . Swlndiq, E . Jenkins, S. M itchell M. Sulliva n , J . Spoo n e r , J . D unkle, M in A . Le w i•, H . Luke, E . Gehrke, D . Daws on


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