1938 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 36 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 127

HANDBOOK Each year as the Frosh start their college careers, they are handed the indispensable "Frosh Bible," published by the Associated Students to aid in the orientation of first-year students. The handbook, edited by Lee Dailey, contains a greeting from the President of the University, a list of officials, a handy calendar of events throughout the year, helpful information on campus government and affairs, a resume of athletics and other activities, as well as explanations of campus traditions, and the words of Idaho songs.

Lee Dailey, Jean Spooner




The Blue Bucket ataH

By candid camera, caricature, joke, and jingle, the private life of many a campus Jo or Josephine College is revealed to avid readers of Idaho's humor publication, The Blue Bucket. Besides idle gossip, many fine feature articles and short stories are published in each one of the six issues.

Jean Dunkle

Last year Jean Dunkle so capably assisted one of the first women chosen to edit the traditional Bucket, that her succession to the editor's chair for 1937-38 was inevitable. Dick Darnell, ATO journalist, is the associate editor. Ray Givens, Sigma Chi, directs all business angles in his capacity as business manager.


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