1937 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 35 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 288

rACULTY Lew C. Cody

Arthur o...ldaon I. H. Reo.....n

S&NIORS A11;.,n Paul R..tn>ond CMn-. Beardmo:>r. Waller 2ich


e,.tl HIwIn*>n Fr_Jeon. R.oy llnc:oln la_ Moerdoer Ma .......ll Neill

R . - SmoIuw,1

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Goo<oo"'A...,., WI!-. Lorer> WrtqM Paul Wrl<;Jht

lack Oh.e,

.JUNIORS John Bank.. F<anc!l Beatty Wal..... o.nn.....

Thomo. Pu<ton 0.. RIe....nt-> Dooan Whllla, Ralph W,!-.


SOPHOMORES Donald Albin Anlhony Knapp Robert Daqqell Edwin Uloyd Gen" Davidoon Emmell Porte< Corle Eornay s..rnuel Rich Roberl Srnllh Frank ruller CMrleo Gabby Wllliarn Sturqill 'arneo Hamplon We ...... T_n

n.or.... V_<

£uqene Herron Mamn Hull W...,. ~

u.looor Wlute Edgar Wll.on. ,,,,,1 W,J.on.

TRESHM&N Jack Doone r...:lericl Drale Paloy FIlq>4hicl Walle< I. Gne.r .... C_

Sidney Thl_n

William Tom!!..,n M .. lvln WelnberQ


0.0,.. Merton Wrlqht

D. Albin. O. Alliao"'~' knb. C. 8M.rdrn...... T. 8M.1tJ". A. BlalJo. R. Daqlr4ltt E. L. Dan•.,.. E. D.rid.on. W. Din... l.on.~. Doon•• T. 0....". C. E...n.J". D. Tiupootricl. C. GaboJ".~' Hampton. E. H.lTOn. C. Hiq¢ n. M. H"If. W. ~aeoheon. r. oIon_ R. K.-lnlr4l', R. Line"ln. E. LlloJ"d. r. Lyo M. Neill, .I. au E. P ..rt.r T. Purt"n. S. Rleh. W. Rleh. D. Rleh.rdaon. W. S... d..... V. SIoU R. Smith R. T.o.n. W. Teo_n, S. Thl_n. O. ThI_n. W. T"rnlln."n, T. v __•. M. W"lno,,"'l K. Whit". D. Whltl.y. A. Wll.on. E. WI'-on. R. Wll.on O. Wood. L. Wright. P. Wright

Founded I8S6-Unl_ty OIl ALoha...... Idaho Alpha Chaptar-No...mI:>er II. 1919 c:oao..-Purple end Gold fIower-Vlolel

PAGE 284

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