1937 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 35 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 205

Elm.er F. ROM, B.$.(B"".) c..OC8<!e Hi<;lh School CoI1tlQa ofld..ho Undl"y H"ll; Sw....l H"Il, O"O'Y" WoUoc.. Roun.......U. B.A. Coeur d' AleM High School Phi G8mm" Pe1l8; Silver Len",,; Blu.. K.. y; Preso Club; ArQOn.. ut. 1.2; Gam of tM Mounl"in•. 1-2. A08Od"le Edilor J. Editor 4; Hou... Pmlldent, J; Inlerlr81ernily Council. 3·4. T,..,8.umr 3; ChIlIr1'Mn Interfr"lernity Council Conilitution CommlUee,

Kurt Otto Rubl,."h. B.S.(Fod AI""" Fortier High School. New Orl"8n., Loul.i8M Loui.18M Sklle Unlveuily Undl"y H"ll; Sweet H811; Auoci8tad For...te...; Foreston' Choru. c.en G. Rud..n. B.A. Troy High School

,John Le.. Ru .. bk... B.S.(O..ol.) Wolloce Hi<;lh School Alpho T8u Omeq,,; Si<;lm8 Gommll Ep"llon; Aoeocioted Min..... , Eull....... Joh... Ry.n, B.A. EmmaU HI<;lh School Pell" Tou Pell,,; lnlerooUtlQl"le Knighl., 1.2; Engll.h Club. 1·2·3·4. T""",ul"" 4; The Cun"ln. 3·4; PeS_t Club; Dr8m..tic.. 1-2.3·4; A,S.U.!. PI"y•.

M .. rion Rob..rto Ry .. n. B.A.

Edword Uille High School, Auburn. Moine Colby ColltlQe. W8lerville. M"lne W.A.A .. 3; Ar<;1Ol"lllut. 3-4; Gam oltha Mountoin•. 4 S.. rn Ry..... , B.S.(Bu•.) Monrovi8 Hi9h SchooL Monrovi8. c..lilornl"

C ..rol J..... n S.m.m.. B.S.(Mu...Ed.) Moooow High School K"l'P" Alph" Thet,,; O"leth Telh Gimel. Vioe·PI"8Oident 2; Tmble CI"f; A c..ppeU.. Choi" UnlversllY Singero; P"nhellenic. K.thl.... " S..m.m.. B.S.(Ed.) Mosoow Hi<;lh School

Joon S.ndlor<!. B.S.(Ed.) K"lJ<><n High School

Ed .... Sowy••. B.S.(H.Ec.} Mol8d High School U...iyeuily o( ld ..ho. Southam Br" ...ch Forney H811; Home Eco... omlc. Club.

Mog-dol.no Morlo SChn.ld.... B.A.

Lewl. 800 CIMI Hlqh School. Spok.....e. W8.hi"'gto... Pelt.> Qamm8; Hi9h...l Honorl, 1-2-3; Siqm" Alph.. 1010; c..rd'MI Key; PeSmel Club; Gem of the Mounl8ino, 1·2.3; Blue Budel. 2; A..",18hr Editor 3. Edilor 4; Clo.. T........umr, 2; A.W.S. c..bl .....l, 3; Ch8irm.. n Song Feol. J; Alph" Lembd8 Dell<l; T"'ble Clef. 1·2.3; N8rlha. Tllble. W.lt.r E. Scho.. nf..ld. B.S.(Allr.) Burley High School University Club; Ag Club; Rille Te,"n. 2-3·4; Anim81 Husb.mdry Judqlng T.... m. 4.

Wilbur Schroeder. B.S.(Allr.) Mllln" Township High School, Ceo P18ine•. Illinoi. Unive ...lty ollllinOlo Pelt" Chi; Hi<;Ih Hono.... 2-3; Alphll Zel<l; AQ Club; AQrotlomy Judq. InQ T80m. 2. Ketherin. Loui•• $(,huett.nh.l ...... B.S.(H.Ec.) KelJOgq High School G .. mm" Phi Bet,,; Phi Up"llon Omicron; Home Ec<momi<:o Club; DeSmat Club; Ar\lOMUl 1·3; Gem 01 the Mounlllin••

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