1933 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 31 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 230

Coach Anderson

Assistant Coach Spaugy

Freshman Foot ball Otto Anderson and Art Spaugy developed a football team from new material of which they should well be proud. Anderson, who was head coach for the Idaho freshman team, is the type of man who is able to obtain the confidence of his players and inspire them to fight whether winning or losing. Spaugy, who has played on the Idaho varsity for the last three years, ably assisted Anderson in improving the line, and was also recognized by the players as a competent leader. Anderson gained his football experience at the University of Southern California.

Several of the frosh have shown promise of being varsity caliber within the next year or two. Some of the men who showed up particularly well on the yearling team are: Ehler, center; Moore, tackle; Elliott, end; Peterson, guard; and Inman, Holmes, Honsowetz, and Spaugy in the backfield. If these men keep working they should fit into Calland's gridiron machine. The freshmen were put through light scrimmage practices and chalk talks during the spring session. Numerous plays are given the new aspirants to l~arn during the months of summer vacatiOn.

First Row: Coach Anderson, Trainer 'Nicks, Sampson, Keel, Banks, A. Peterson, Parker, Worthington, Edelblutc, Manager Fikknn, Assistant Coach A. Spnugy Second Row: Braham, Wadsworth, Smith, Inman, Holmes, Dayton, Sackett, Franklin, Hager, Honsowetz, LeGore Third Row: J\Jills, Ward, Moore, Elliott, Ehler, D. Spaugy, Owen, Iverson, 13. l'eterson

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