1931 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 29 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 218

Fencing Kaar.

/(wls~r, Richt~rdson,

Hntrltin son , Nicholto

F encing is a new sport on the Idaho ca mpus t his yea r. A class in technique was organized the first sem ester and many of the women were so interest ed that they continued with it the next sem est er. Iot on ly becau e the sport is new, but because of it fascin ation, it seem s to grip the p articipant and pectators as well. There i a thrill in the flash of foils that cannot be s urpa ed b y any other sport. In the short time that fencing has been offered, it popularity h as grown amazingly. The women take pride in their perfection of technique and in their skill of combat. There have been some very fln e e, hibition . The women who have gone out for fencing are Florence Rudgcr, J es ie U utchin on, M ildred Richardson, Grace ichols, and Virgini a Kaar.

May Fete T he Twenty -first Annual May Fete wa pre ided over b y Ruth ewhouse on if ay 7, 1930. Georgetta Miller was the Queen' 1aid of Honor and Lois J'h0mpson acted as her page. The whole essence of the springtime wa bro ugh t horne in dances b y the women in p h. sical education classes and clim axed b y th e winding of the May Pole. M iss Janette Wirt and Miss Verna M cDon ald were directors. The big thrill of the day was the procession of senior women a nd the pledging of new members to Mortar Board and Silver Lance.

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