1929 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 27 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 296

E telle Marguerite Pickrell BF.c.wsE- throughtJut lu•r collegr life she lws displa)'ed 11 positive IMdrrship in rr:l'r_}' nctivit)' sl1e lws bun i nterrsted in, IMdership in her dnss being especinll)· notewort/1)'; nnd in so doing lws ncquired tlu• distinction of being one of the fore most, ff nott/Jeforemo.rt, woman in her class.

Edward Eli Poulton B F.CAUSE-his interests are grffller in number nnd more varied t/wn pel'llflps any other man on the campus, iurluding membersiJip in many l10nomry OIXlllliZlltions nndfratrrnities, and embracing nrtivity in fill}' problem of student interts/ with wiJich he romr.r in contact.




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