1928 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 26 - University of Idaho Yearbook

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Good Gracious A nnabelle Elaborate stage settings carrying out the futuristic idea made a spectacular sight for the opening of "Good Gracious :\nnab elle," the three-act romantic farce-comedy by Clare Kunner. T he cast included the best of student talent in dramatics. Alene H oneywell took advantage of her lead and was exceptionally fine as Annabelle, while J ames Allen, as George Wi mbledon, portrayed to perfection a drunken dude. J ean Collette, as the under cook, brought laughs every time she spoke a word; and F rank Egbers as J ames L udgate, G eo rge Wimbledon's man, made a fitting butler. Beardslee 1 e rrill as J ohn R awson, a western mine owner of great wealth, also exhibited a unique bit of acting. Other c haracters were: J ames Dunn as \\"ickham, a house detective; B urdette Belknap as Wilbur Page 228

J enn ings, a poet; Beulah Brown as Ethel Dean, an artist in distress; Dean ~ew h ouse as Alfred Weatherby, whose father can no longer pay his bills; Louise L amielle, Gwendo1yn ~ Iorley, a poor girl at the mercy of her rich parents; Maitland H ubbard, Alec, a page boy; Robert St. Clair as Harry 1urchison, whose income is large but uncertain; Arthur Ensign, Wm. Gosling, a lawyer; and Arthur P eavey, Titcomb, a clerk at the St. Swith in. Th e cast suppo rted the leading people admirably, and all helped materially to make the pia y one of the best ever presented here. The plot of the pia y is centered around Annabelle's lack of money for a period of three months. She was threatened by a processserver as a correspondent, and therefore had to conceal herself, and she and her friends took jobs as servants at a country estate.

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