1928 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 26 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 196


Inlramural Basketball of the most hotly contested intramural basketball tournaments the campus has ever enjoyed, L indley H all won the championship by going through the season undefeated. The various house teams were divided into two leagues, and some high class basketball was displayed by the leading teams. I n the "A" league t he Kappa Sigs lost but one game and earn ed the right to meet t he champs of the rival league. Beta C hi and the Betas were run ners-up, losing only to the P olecat qu intet. L indley H all sai led t hrough the " B" league undefeated, though closely pressed by t he Sigma Chis and the S.A.E .'s. I n the final series for the intramural cup the H all men decisively defeated the Kappa igs in two straight games, thereby winning the campus championship. Many stellar players were unearthed as a result of the intramural race, several of them of potential varsity calibre. Coach Rich Fox selected a first and second all-star team at the close of the intramural schedule, as follows: First team, L awrence, Beta T heta Pi, and Herndon, Lindley H all, forwards; O' Brien, Kappa Sigma, center; and Glase, Beta Chi, and R utledge, L indley H all, guards. Second team places went to Beyer, igma Chi, and J ames, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, forwards; Rosenbaum, L indley H all, center; Hodson, Delta Chi, and Drummond, Beta Thera Pi, guards. O'Brien of Kappa Sigma was high scorer for the season with 6-t points.



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