1925 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 23 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 245


The Oxford Debate N DECE~I BER 15, 1924, the University of Idaho Affirmative Debating Team met the Oxford University Negative Team, at Boise, Idaho. The affair was, from e'ery point of view, a distinct success. The question debated was: Resolved: "That entrance of the United States into the League of Nations is undesirable." No better question could have been chosen. William E. Borah, senior senator from Idaho, had recently taken a stand in favor of the outlawry of 'var, and Idaho citizens, as a whole, were extremely interested in the question. The phrasing of the question, moreover, gave the Idaho debaters the side consistent with American public opinion as expressed by the Senate, and gave the Oxford debaters the side consistent with the European policy. Add to this the fact that Idaho was meeting the famous Oxford Team, and the audience of approximately two thousand persons which tilled the Boise High School Auditorium is easily explained. Contrary to the usual case, this audience enjoyed the debate. The two teams represented two distinct types of debating. The Idaho team, composed of Francis Wyman, Edmund Beecher, and Hugh McKee, presented its case in the American style, logically outlining its m路gument and supporting each point with strong evidence and authority. The Oxford team, on the other hand, depended largely upon goo<l natured raillery, anecdote, and clever repartee. Al though the decision favoring Idaho, rendered by the audience, was probably justified on the merits of the argument, the entertaining qualities of the debate must be attributed, for the most part, to the easy delivery, fluent diction, and quick originality of Mr. Christopher Hollis, l\1r. S. D. Woodruff, and ~1r. Malcom McDonald, who made up the Oxford group. It must not be forgotten that a large measure of the credit for a successful debate is due to the Boise University Club and the Staff of the Boise High School. Their untiring efforts did much to insure the success of the debate, and the courteous and appreciative reception accorded both teams has given t路ise to the hope that another debate may be staged next year under the same favorable conditions.



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