1924 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 22 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 341



AReal Change

Geo. Russell Reed Co. R(~rUl'l"i"g

This season. for the first lime in many. there is a real change in sl)·le. You will Siaml' )'onr If a; mighty ullprog~"<i\'c unle"" lOll follow thc change.

Film'" H LEn;\' Co's UltILLIA:>T PIISTISC ISIo:5

l.oS \NC}:I.E:;

The f:'hrks :IrC:l~ ;nterhting :I." Slrle. Ihe tailor;",!: of courq: ;~ cxpen. our lailor< at FASHIOX PARK art' fC"IIOTI<iblc for that.


Pride and Profit

R. C. Beach Company

Corner Drug and Jewelry Store Where Quality Counts

"L,...isIlJII's Grroltsl Sto!"r"

C. E. BO\\"LES. Prop.

Let us silo.....


$40 and more.



S~IELL OF TilE nl1LL CON Ry j. Stanton MCUaughlin Churarlrrs ill IIrr ordrr of their fll'/,rllrlllfrc KIOTY BILL.. Ilero of the Ar}C0I13UL....._..


.Ahe Goff Jimmie Chapman 11/\51115 KNICKERSON, Dark, deadl)' \·illian_ _ . . Mal1d Carlin TRULY YOURS, Ileroi"e _ _ ·C.\SSl-:ROLE CAM ISOLK Dark. deadly \·;Hll]lire _ _ . .. Elmina Jones Scene laid in hen hou~e REAL ONE Kioty hlow~ i" on Speed-hall, i~ clad in ,,,aist·high riding boou and banda noes. Carries 2 45.c;lliher pistols. wilh belts and 2 cartons of Bull Durham, rolls cilfarette with one hand and shoolS Imndits wilh the other. Says in slow drawl (sltb-tltle): "We gOIl:\ h:.\'e more lratlition~:' Ilashis Knickerson, proprietor of Ihe hen house and caretaker of all the chickens. I:\kes tweh'e long drags from his Camel. l,'xhales and Sa)'S (suh.title): "Look at me. knee pants and hru)' lill, ain't t!l:lI keen?" (Suh-title): "Sure:' ~ays Kiol)", "I'll nmkl,' it :1 tradition." Both suck eggs until soused 10 the eyeballs, (Clll,) I~EAL TWO (/ Irtl~·/' /10/ liS )"./ hll'd tliis SUlle ddillill'i)') Truly Yours. d:ld in new traditions, etc., trips into Taplla Nil Kelt house, Spie~ C:ls~erol(' Camisole :tllll they do hatt[(' for the lo\'e of Kiot)", Tru[y' pulls out handfuls of Casserole's hair, making it look like- shingle bob. Casserole failllS, Truly' steps 011 her slOmaeh, does a dance of victor)", and mns Olll 01 lhe house, REEL THREE (/ lrm'r not as ycJ laid Ihis .f(r.. ~ ddi"ilrly) I-lashis KlIicker!;Oll rcalize~ the foil}' of hi. new lradition. stahs Kiol)' wilh a wet <ock. sha\'C's off his IU1Z)' lip and lellglhens his knickers. Ca".SCrole dies with broken adt'lloids and Trnl)- come back to normalcy', Sht' marries l-Ia.his Knickeuoll, Tht'y' rnO"e to Troy and Ih'e unhappily e"er after. (em_) M_•• _ _ •••••


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