1924 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 22 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 29

Now whal of the fourteen per cent? Intercstc(l as we arc in Idaho's OWI1 sons and daughters, whal is our attitude toward thOse who eome from Other states, cven from the ends of the eOlrth, to livc and study here? "'hat loan it be bill olle of warm and hearty welcome? O\er a hundred of these register from the ncighboring state of \\-ashington, and many of this hundred li\-e along the boundary line and merely happen to get mail through a \\'a..hington post office. Of the remainder, the distribution is really manc!Otl:;--an<! of great \'ahle to liS all. Thirty states and five foreign countries arc representcd 011 this year's roster, _\s these young men and womeil sit in our variulIS classes all(l mingle in our activities, they help to educate us as we edtlc:.ue them, The provincialism inherelll in a somewhat remOte (.-allege comlllllnit), breaks down hdorc such a cosmopolitan opportunity to know other communities and regions and sail the 5e\路en seas through the experiences of our immediate friends and neighbors, The native sons and r1aughters of Idaho arc proud of their di..tinctioll. nut we have no strangers within ollr gates.

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