1924 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 22 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 191

T dusk on JUlle ~hh. Hlt:J, tell tholl~alld people from all parts of the northwest were waiting all the slOl>eS of :\lacLean Field for the bugle that called into the s\x>tlight the spirits of Iho!>c who laiu the corner Slones of Idaho.


The Idaho pageant was a portrayal of stale history ill drama, dance and song. :\. cl.'rta;11 freedom in combining the :lclll"l and the ideal was effective in showing the Irlle pioneer spirit. The story began with the Jlldian occupation ;lnd followed through each epoch 10 the present . .\ historical pageant br the L'ni\'crsity was firiit suggested in a (."OI1\,crsal;oll hetween President A. H. L'pham and Professor C. J. IlrO~l1an. in January. 1922. .\ single epoch narrat;\'c was tried out by the summer school persollnel of the s..,me year. One of the first faculty meetings of 192:1 resulted in the decision to try lhe romance of Idaho on a large scale. In Febnlary the first committee. with Presidelll L'pham as chairman. laid the first \.-ollstrueti\路c plans.

From that lime until the final dress rehears.'ll. more and more of the foro:es of the uni\'ersit)路 were enlisted until the whole institution was in the dri\路e ior success. To name all the contrihutors would be too long a task. htll they were many and faithful. "The Light 011 the ).[Ollntaills" was a beottltifuJ vision: historicallr accurate. <.'Omprehensi\路e and spectacular. Its movemelll was stately and impressive: the narrati\'e clear. concise and well balanced. \Vith the natural surroundings of hills and woods. each scene was real and vivid under the brillianl light from the search lamps. It was a spectacle that will not be forgotten by an)' who saw it. The pageant brought home to us all the fact that we arc not yet far removed from thoSt' whose great faith permitted them first to look upon Ollr mountains

and winding w:tters; whose deeds will li\'e: whose namcs wc honor. It demonstrated the fact Idaho can fall ill ;111,1 that she will do it for allYthing that is good.


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