1924 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 22 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 183

-MILIT Military Ball


"ERY ycar. as \\'a:-.hingtoll路s lJirthday appears on our calendar. Ihe L'ni"crsit)' of Idaho cOlllmemorates the same. with our .\Iilitary Ball. Three nags completely covered the ceiling of the unique old gymnasium. forming a lowered ceiling effect. wilh red and white stre.llllcrs leading off on all side!\. Lights were dimmed. Trophies from thc Spanish-American War and machine guns held their stately IXlsitioll in one corner. and davenports and cushions were lI!\ed as scats. .\ portrait of George \Vashington was displayed. (Iraped with the Amcrican nag-ill kt.-cping with \Vashington's Birthday. The Cadet special adde(1 cOllsideT<lbly in giving military atlllosphere to the dance. aided by heautiful programs and a special orchestra. thus making it a decided Sl1ccess. ]'ATItON"S ,';';III'.,,.ltl)l'~:'''SES

Coloncl and ~'rs. E. R. Chrisman Dr. and ~[rs. ;\.. II. L'pham Deall and ~I rs. I. C. Crawford Dean Pcrmeal French 'ION"ON~:1l GL'~:STS

Caplain C. L. Lloyd Caplain B. B. Bain ~Ir. and ~Irs. ". Kirkman ~Ir. and Mrs. J. 1-1. Einhouse


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