1924 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 22 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 117

Stanford 17

Idaho 7

The lir'" score against the \'<ll1daI5 Ihis season nllnc ill the second quarter of the :-itanfonl game. The first quarter 0PCllC(] tip in a spectacular aerial duel beI\I'Len :\cycr" of :-;tanford and Fitzkc. Idaho's punting genius. A series of punts WNC exchanged. fr0111 which Idaho gained several yards. The \"<!tl(lal cleven easily olliplaycdlhc Cardinals in the second (juarter. making a touchdown after a series of 10llg nms am] pas;;cs. .\\ the cud of the first half. both teams left the tich! will1 the score at a lic. '1'\\'0 \'cry (Icterlllincd teams bCg'l11l the second half. ill which period the "hrc:tks" sccmc<] to favor the Stanfonl players. By strong defCI1S;I"C work the Cardinals prevellled Idaho frum scoring again. whilc they pushed (j\"cr a IOtlo.:hdown and scored a place kick.


Idaho 0

The L路tlin::.rsity of Southern California team opcncd I1p in a fa~t olTensi,'c attack which gave them a touchdown early in the sl'Cond quarter, Idaho's chance came vcry ~oon aher the Trojan's first score. .\ series of dazzling rUllS and passes by the \'all<1<1lo5 brought the ball. withont illtermptioJ1.the entire length of the tidd. and to what was apparently acro!'!' the goal. only 10 he taken back by the offil'ial~ and gi'"en l{l the Trojans. Perhaps the most spectacular play of the g-:llllC came when Stivers passed to Cameron fClr an IS-yard g<tin. almOSl within lhe "hadl w of the L路. S. C. goal l,NJsts,

Football Review Frum the College of Idaho game. early in October. ulltil the final whistle. the g'ridiroll \'an<I<lls made history for Idaho, Coach :'Ilmhcws' rigoroll~ training program pl1\ the men ill fighting condition carly in lhe season. ;\Icver has Idaho hOt<1 a han.Jcr hilling line and a better stonewall defense combined in OIlC. \"c"er beforc has the backficlu functioned as machine-like and effectively as under the direction of Sli\'cr~. Idaho's an-Pacific Coast qllartcrlxlCk. This season will long: I'c rC11lc11lberc<] a!i one ill which fumbles were unheard of. mistakcs lInknOWIl and excellcllt coaching ,'cry e\路iclcnt. The Idaho dc\'en \'ery ably upheld their tradiIiOllal nanw "'\ "<tndal." becausc Ihey werc Ihe snappiest. scrappiest. peppiest, f aSlest. most vicious, hard hitting anu happiest team ill the confcrence.


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