1923 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 20 - University of Idaho Yearbook

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:\Ir. Dln'ill, nrlc .. gnuhliltioll frOlll the t.:nin·r;;il~· in 1916, sCI"\,C(1 his state lOS <lil"cctor of Uni\'('rsi1r E.xtension (or !<cn~rnl ycar;;, 11Iul thence wenl to the grudunlc school of commerce at Hnrnud. where he gmdllulcd wilh distinction III 1919. He wns rctainc'r! b.\t thai school and is now It;osislllill dClln. ,Another prominent educator who hns since lert the Reid is Carol 110\\'(' Fosler, who llftcr sen,jng ns professor of English at Annapolis Xu",,1 J\cndclll)', entered the diplomatic scr\·icc of the UnilCf.1 Slales, and is now consul III riClIIlfl, Austria . .A curiOIlS coincidence. is thai Hnlph B. Fosler, his brother, is now professor of .French III the Nfl,'n) Acadclll.Y. Another Idaho ,Alumnus with nn estimable rceord is Gllslu;; Lud\\'ig Larson. '07, who WIlS with the General Electric COlllpan~', and then Inter S<'r\'Cd as Ilssistllllt professor of .\IcchaniClll engineering at the Cni\'ersity of Idllho, "'nd is 1::>\\' professor of Gn.s nnd Stenlll Enginccring at the lTni\'er",ity of "·iSCOllsin. hl!t!lo's chemie.... 1enginccrs arc ably repr('S('nted by Dr. J . .\1. Bmhlll, "'",sllington, D. C" of the Bureau of Stalldurds; and Arthur .-\lmquist, nO\l' doing re,.earch work toward a doctorate degrcc at the l:ni\'('rsit.\, of California. The storJ of n. S. .\Iorrow, '06, is reprcS<'lItati\'e of the )Iining engineers of ldllho. ~\rter grndullting, he worked for the Hecla )Iining' COlllpun)' until 1913, when he trnllsfered to the Anaconda Copper )Iining company, heing aSllistunt in the testing dl'plutment. He successfully ItroS<' to til(' hend of the deplutment. lind Wll~ plllce<1 in chllrge of the experimentlll work on flot"tions, luulillter forCilllln and superintendent of the grinding and flotntion depllrtment. He j;o 11011' superintendent of concentration of nil the plnnts of the AIlllcondll compnn,\' in ?HonliuHl. Idnho foresters h,we mllcle un enviable l'('corcl, C'lllrellce E. Ln Fll\'re, who ,.en'ed in the \'lIriou;o gmdes of forestry in the Ne\'lul'l district is IIUW gelleml inspector of three of the largesl fOl'e",ts in :O-:e\'IIII'I. Another good record is tlULl mllde h)' Hl\rry K )Iltlrnslen, who hegall in the lowest o( positiolls, but is noll' Ilcting direclol' of the gl'elll husin experiment ;otlltioll nl Ogdell, Utllh, I\'hicll studies gmzillg and I'unge conditions, Other good mcn are '1'0111 .Juckson, of thc Edwltrd Hutllxlge T.1l1l1hel· Compllll,}" llt Cltukill, (clldlo, wherc hc is sCHing thelll liS 10j:(gillj:( engineer, lUld land ngcnt. or the J~otllllch Lumbcr Company, ;\.-lic n, DeckcI·. Idllho's clllilll t.o 11 gl'ent ngricllltlll'C collegc is !H'o\'l'd by thc wOl,k of hcr w'adllllles. ]~. \V. }'[ululI't,v, 'Iftel' holding \'llrioliS othcl' positions WIIS I\Ppointed II (ell' ,}"CI\TS IlgO as dircctor of thc Idllho Agl'iclllturc Extcnsiol1 Bureuu . ...\ nother IlllH1 who lH\s gone into similnr wOl,k i;o ,v, n, Kjosness, who is HOW stute lender o( count." lIg-riclllt.uI·ists. •"mong thc pl'lletielll fanllers who h"\'e IIchie\'e<1 1I0teworth." succcss, s!lmds ('lIrl Ed. ,Johnst.on, of ldnho Flllls, He is OWIlCI' IUld operntor of onc o( the biggest dllirics ill thc Sl.llle, nnd litis de1l1011strntcd thnl "College }lllYS." Thc first mun to ~rll(ll1l1tc from the College of l\gricultllre '1'IIS C. p, Mix, one o( the h\l"gcsl fllrmcrs l\1ld business men in north Idllho. Sle\'e Ilegan hns 1I11\(le a nllme for himself in ngronomy, hnvillg done excellcnt. work with the l'. S. depllrtlllcnt of ngriculture. and is now locnted.

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