1923 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 20 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 195

HE School o( l'mdical ..\,S{riculture is Illaintuined tor the purpose ot training the 'young Illen ot the state in prndicld a~rieultlln~. It is open to eighth gmde gnlduute~ who do not dei'ire or nrc unahle to allend high school. Jt is also nltendcd bX boys who haye l!lul ~ome high school wOl路k or ha"c gradul\tcd from high school. The coursc is nrrnngcd tor thrcc )'curs o( fivc months each, High school gmrlutotes arc able to finish thc work in h'o YCllrs. The hOJs allending the school \l"Ork on their tarms Ilt home during the summer. and attend school during the winter months. The school term begins in the full utter the crop<: arc han'cstcd r.nd ends in the sl)ring ubout the time that llpring work commences. _\11 ot the College o( _\griculturc Clluipmcnt is amilahle (or the use ot the School of l)racticllI _\gricultul路e. The ..tlldenls g('t the ...Iune kind of work that the regular college students in .\g'riculture r<:'C('i\"c. except that it is briefer and of II more practical nature. :\Iu('h of the work is Inbomtor.,', such as judging all classes of livestock, gl'1l.in, dail',\' p.路o(\uds and fl'lIit: "hop practice in fnrm IllotOrs and hactors and IlH\chincry; usc of survcJing instl'ul1lents, drnwing, forgc work, insccts, "eterinary science, dnirying and livestock management. :\Iost of the students /ll'e interested in ~\niIlHlI HlIsbundry, Dairying, }'zwm Crops and Horticulture, but there is v(!ry good interest shown in tdl the diffel'ent lines or lltudy, Intercst nnd enthllllilism is the keynote durin~ the whole year. . l::IlCh yellr the College ot Agriculture sets aside one day to be kllown as "Ag Day" when all students of the colle(:.,pc; engage ill judging contests. Students in the School of Practical Agriculture ('lIgage in ftll of thesc contests, and usually succeed in taking sOllie of the highest prir-cs offered. This year Ceeil Roberts captured the sih-er !o"ing cup offered to the hest jllJbrc of dlliry cattle. Although onl)' two men from the school entered the contest in Horticulture, one, George Fitzpatrick, plllCc<1 third, Imel thc other, Cecil Hoberts, tied (or sixth place, Frcc:1 BCITY, Zl student in Commercial Dairying, won third prize ill judging dairy pmdllets, A J~iterar," SocietYI open to llit stlldenl~ in the school, is mllintnined by the ~tudents. Meetings nrc held on the se('lIml lind fourth Thursdays or eneh month. lntcresting programs nrc pn:plll'cd in which zlll members huve 1m opportunity to take part. Debating. extemporaucous sl}('aking. essl\)'s, papers, readings, musical numhers arc the features of the~e programs. The hest usages o( parliamentar." practice.. arc ohsern~d in conducting the meetings, and students who take part sccurc, in addition to valuahle practice in public '<peaking and debate, a Il\ll'itery of the dilllcull art of conducting public meetings and the direction of debate upon question;; o( public interest.


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