1923 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 20 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 193

The Agricultural Club OFFTCEHS L. \\'. S.\ X" EKC \Y. E. SCIDIIll


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The ....\g Club" was organized December 10. 1907. (or the Jlurpo~e of pro~ moting the social \\c1fllre of the students in .\~ricultllrc. to enrich their knowledge from ouhide sources and to promote grctlter unity umung the ",ludent, enrolled in the Agricultural College.

Third Annual "Ag Bawl" On Oclol)CI- 15, 1921. ItS the corn ami pUlIlpkin;;; wCl'e hdtl~ IIlH\"C"'t..'t1, the members of the .-\g College und (nelllt." fClIthcH.'f1 l\l the G~'lJl for the third annual " •.\g nllwl:' DC'Conllions cOllsi'<tcd of cOI"n ..tlllks, pumpkins lUH! I.mle.. of stru\\' (rOlll the Lnin·rsity farm. The gym WII'" Inllldol'llled into II regulllr hlln'esl scene, Il throne of straw witS erC'cloo lit one elld o( the room, whel'e )Iii's Agnes \Veed was hOllorlxl b.v being crowned the Hlln'C'sl Qu~n, ]~Ilch girl WIl"'; given II Slilall Cow-Bell a~ II (ll\'OJ', Ilnd tIl(' milk llt1(1 doughlIUts for refrcshments were enjoyed by ull. The l)l'ogmms WCI'C I'cry uniquc. having bccn dcsigned by /1 member of the club, The dl1.nCC \l'IlS ('llITic<1 ont in tnlc ("rlllel' ..,;tyle and cI'eryolle reported II~ hlll·ing lin excdlcnl tillle.

"Ag" Day ".Ag ])/1.,}'" Il~ the 11l1.l11e indicnle..,;, is th(' hig 1I,\y ill the .\~ <'olll:g'l:. It Wlt'O first Authorized by the faculty of the .-\;trindtuml CollcJ:(c ill 1!)l+ lind Ill\~ stendil.,' growll (!'Om thl1.l time on. The cntire lilly i~ J:(i"C't! OI'Cl" to the judg-ing of Ilgricultuml products, cach ~tllclcnt entering OIH: or mote of th(' COIlie!;t~. The judging is di,'ide<l into six di~tilld ('ol1te~t~, .\Iliuml 111I,~hl\ll(lt.\" lhit." ('!l.ltle, D!l.irJ Products, Groins. Frllit~. llnel thC' SllOwiug' lind }'iHing' of ]~h·c",tock. The d/t." is closed b.\' Il bunqud in tllC e\'ellin~, gi\'ell hy the "Ago Club" meml>£'rs, where the stlldent~. fll('ull," luul stockmen I11cct ellch othcr Il.S nHm to nll"l. ."fter n SUllJptUOI1S rt'pll"t. (01' which nil (lIrl1ler~ afe lIot(·d. prizes fOf the judging' of the £Illy lUld the judgin,l:t' "I"~ lIrc llwarded.

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