1923 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 20 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 191

Interscholastic Basketball T oumament XTEHSCIIOLASTIC basketball dope WllS agAin up;oct whcll the ,·jcLoriou/; high school teRms (rom all o\'cr the sblte mel in the l'lli,·crsil." gynlllnsium .\Iltrch 10th lind 11th to Imille (or ti."st honors. 'Veslon, 1\ 10\\'11 of three hund"cd people, sent her team frolll the "Cluh horder line. and WllS gmtified Lo sec her ho."s bring back the c1uunpiol1l'hip title. after defeating CuldcMlc ill the final gnlllc of the tOUTlHUncnt. The \Vcsloll high school team, after winning the Idl\lIo stale tOllrnnlllcnl, wcnl to Salt LlIkc, where theJ entered till' Intermountain bnskethnll tourney, llnd "'on there, gi\,jn~ them the dlll1llpionship of -'lonbHlIl, Colorado, Gtnh, \Vyoming and Idaho. , Inlcn~,.l in the 'Ulllun! InlcrscholllSlic bll~kclbllil tournament incrcn,.cd cllc1l .H'!llr, nlld is pro"ing to be a grcat luh·erti ..illg fenture for the L"ni,·ersity. Two or the teams which were picked to take the journey to :\Ioscow for the tournRment, "'ere unable to come at the Illsl momcnl due to ,.ickllcs~. so thlll suhlltitute" were sent ill their place, reprc-sentat;"e of the districts. The All-Slllle Teams picked b.v t.he judges arc ns follows: FlilST T.;,\.\I

:1Ii1t:s (C.lduac).

_ _ _.. FOrYard ~t:dros (J/o.couo) .._ _._._.._._._ ,.·oru:ard Hoorman (C.lduoc) _.._ _ .._ .._. Ct.ter Ga.uman (II" uto.) _ __.._ .._ a.ard .. Gfftnf: (C"ldtIGc) _._.._ award

S~:COXI) TI::A.\l

.._ ;\Iaughn (lI'"uto.) _Ne man (C.,du(Jc) _.__Talbot (Cot., d'Alue.) ..Clark (lIo'ctr/ll) _._1- Ol:>on (WU(o.)

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