1919 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 16 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 107

"PAT' PERRINE GUllTd Pal wa. lh" only man who could nop "BI'17en" Benlz in the Montana game. H" hit. a lild" harder, and lhen aome.

CLIVE ROBERTS (right) Half Clive made up in .pe"d what he lack"d in .in. Made the touchdown again.t O. A. C. "PIP" DINGLE (left) Quarter Pip i. the penonification of gr'l. Ran the team like a general, and wa' alway. in the lIame.

FELIX PLASTINO Cenler Felix wa. buried in the baCkfield la.1 'ea.on. but thi. year wu pul in Ihe ['ne, wherc he made good at cnce. An eceurate pauer.

HARRY HARTWELL Guard Harry play. football beca...e h" likeo ii, which acco.. nt. lor a f"w thing •. Trav"l. at top .p""d ""ery min..I'"

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