1914 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 11 - University of Idaho Yearbook

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In this ele,·en(h Yolume of "The Gem of the Mountains," publisht'd this year by the class of Nineteen II1md1·ed nncl !•'ondccn, an nUempl has been made to represent in :;ome way C\"t'ry phnsc of college notiYity. The stuff found itself confronted with a proposition concerning which we knew but little, and il is to the ,oJving of the problems of the different departments by the Editors of those departments that the success of this Annuill is due. We realize that it will be found lacking in many respects, and that it will be c1·iticiscd both fa ,·orably and ad,·ersely, yet it is with the knowledge of lun-ing made an hone. t effort that we send it forth: and we make no apologie. . The staff has been greatly assisted in its wc)J·k by other people. \Ve want here to thank, especially. Josephine 1\rayman, '14; Gladys Nanken'is, '15; Clough P erkins, '14; Vestal Hockett. Mark Anderson, '15; R. E. Perkins, '14; F. G. Price, Louise Richnrclson, Dorothy Taylor, '15; Gladys Collins, '15; and P rofessor E. M. ITulmC' for th(' va lunble assistance they have t·endered. Eon•on.



,. Four


''Pink'' our Coach of Athletics, a characteri7.ation of "Idaho Spirit,"





E 0 G







originator of



and a loyal worker for our Alma Mater, we dedicate this volume.



Dc路an of the Colle~;e of .\grlculture. Dil'ectol' of the Experiment Station, and Acting Pres ide nt of the University.

S la:

Regents and Faculty

Board of Regents


1912-' 13

E. If. :\ lovvl'l' .............. ... . . Presid('nl ................... ... .. Wallace Term ('xplres 1917. En\\'.\HI)


Swt-:t:'l' . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice-President

.................. Grangeville

Term t>xp lres 1!113.

) fns. S.un

t; l .

H. n ,\ \'S

. . . . . . . . . . Secretar,\".

.......................... Boise

Term ex p ires 1913. ( :wHm:


B .\IIIO:H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'andpoint

Term c·xplt·<'s 191 ~•.


" "onTII ( ' L .\HK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . .•. •.•. . . . P ocatello

T e •·m <'X J)Irt>s l!lli.




)bs .. '.un'J<:r. II . IT.H s


Officers of Instruction and Administration (n, l'ro!esSOI'K, .\>i!lOCiatc Pt•ofesso t·s and Assistant Pt·oteSSO I'i!, LOg!'liWI' with lhOS(' or equlval onL r·anl<, ar·e nrr•>tngcd In groups accor·ding to S<•nlo•·lty of appointment 1.1. ln· Rtr·uctor·s: c. •ren.chlng F<•llows, A><sistants and o th!'r ollict• r·!l In alphnbcllcal or·<l<•r· ; d. Hp<•c lnl l.ec ture t·s.)

.J.un:s .\u·: x.,xn~:H ~L\ CLK\X. Ph.D. (Columbia l-niv<'r~ily), LL.D. (Uni,·el'sity of Colc>t·ado): President of the rni\'('rsity. (RN;i~nNl Febntary J. 191:~. )

W1u.J.n1 LEn

C'.\IU . YJ, Jo:. ~LS.

(Colorado .\.gricultural College): Denn of the

College of .\:rriculturc and Director of the Expel'iment Stution . ...\.dPresich>nt.



.\r.OHI('ll. Ph.D. ( L<'iand 'hmford .•Jr .. rni\'CJ's ity ) : Profes.">>r of Biology.


,J., Y (;I.On:u



Ph.D. (Yale Unin-'rsity): P1·ofcs.<>o1· of the German and Litel'aturc. and Dean of the University Faculty.

<.'11.\tn.t:s NEW'I'ON LL'l"l'LE, Ph.D. (Ynle Uniwl'sity): Profcii'lOI' of Ci,•il Engilll'PI'ing. and DN!n of the College of En~in e<' l 'ing. HI"'· 1\' 11 .1.1,\:\1 0,\NOS Monr.KY, ~LM. (Prill('(I(Oll rnivers ity) , fic.D. (The ('ol i <'~e of Emporia ); Professor o£ .Mnth<'nHttics. EDW.\BI) M., ~l. IN Tlt · 1 . ~rt:, .\ .M. (Corne ll Univet·sily): Prof('SiiOI' of History. H EXI!lt;'l"l',\ E\',\N(:t:LINt: -'l()(liU:, Ph.D. ( Columbia rnin.' l'iiily ): ProfeS.<;Or of EngI ish Li t('nl t u L'C •

.J. 'JJIHLF; ,· .JoN t:s, B.S. (Unj\'(•rsit,y of California): Professor of Agriculturnl C'lwn1istry, and Chemist of the Experiment Station. L .,\\·n•:xC'E

E:\lf: HY

P hysics.

Gt:nNEY. Ph.D. (rniYersity of Chicago): ]>ro!es.o;or of



Lt·crc .\ x-rl:LL. P h.D . and Latin.

of Chicago) : Professor of Grl!ek

CARr, Ll:OJ'OU> YOX ExoE. Ph.D . (CniYet·sity of GoC'tlingC'n): Professor of Chemistry. R ICIL\no

T.,~rsun ~lc:C.,mnr.

E .U. (Columbia Uni,·e1·sity) : Professor of

M ining: and Metallurgy.

Cn,,nr,£ lTOl'STIN ]1'orcsl ry. JOHN


P h.D . ((-nin•r:-.ity of C'h irugo): P rofessor of

F nBonJ<.:K :XICHOLsox, M. S. (Uni,·ersity o:f '\\'is<·onsin) : Professor of B acteriology, and Bacter iologist o:f the Expt•rimenl , 'I ul ion. '\YrcKs, ::\I. .Agr. (Cornell Universi ty): P rofessor of H or ticulture. and IIorticultmist of the ExpcrimC'nl !-it at ion.

W ILJ.T.\:If II,\J.E

E ow.,m> .Toux I oorxos. B . .Agr. (Colorado .\ gricnltuml C'ollC'ge) i Professor of ~\nimal H usbandry. " '.\T,TF.R

llmm:n'l' Or.L~. )f. '. (K ansas Agricultural ColiC'gt>) : Director of .\ gri<:ullnral Extension.

OTIS Enoy ) JcCcTCIIEOX, B .A. (~\lbion College. ) Jichig:nn): P roft•s,<H' of Law. nnd DC'an of the Co!Jege of Law.


' T .\{'£

T ut IL\1.\X Yett• rin:u·~-


DX.::\1. (Ohio • t:11C rni,·er::;ity) : l"'rofe:;sor of cience. and Yete1·inarian of the Exp(•rinwnl , 'lalion .


FR .\~C'l!i ~be t

uu:. P rofessor of ::\Iusic (nd interim). Student under Dr. Louis Maas. L eipzig. 1892-94: under Dl'. '\Yillinm ) rason . Xew York. 1R!l:>-fl : under 'Ji me. Antoinette ~zumowsl;:a. pu pi I of PaderC\YSki, 1900-0G.

Gcs'l'us L t

O\\'W L .\HSO:N . B .. (E.E.) (Unirersi ty of Tclnho); P ro:fcssor of l\Iocb anical Engineedng.

Cn.\ Rr.f:S l~ow.\nn TE",\IPLl:l, M.A. (TTniYersily of Xebmskn); Professor of Bot-

any nnd Slate Botanist. En:n~:rr '\Y .\LT£H

II.DIILTox, B . . ~\ . (Iowa t.atc Coll<•gt'): Professor of Agricultural Engineering and Irrigation.

L.\t.n~:XC£ J AY

CounE'Jvr. B . . (E.E) (UniYersity of Cnlifornia); Professor (in charge) of Electrical Engineerin@:.

J 1:s


) I.w liOO\'EH. B . . (Kan:-,as St:11e _\ g:ricuHurnl ('oll('ge): Proft>ssor of H ome Economic .



Fn.\:o;c·xs F u .\:\KLJX. Fir:::t L ieutenant. U. S..\. (Gra duate of W est Point ) : Professor of )lilitary cience and T<1Ctics, and Commandant of ( 'ndels.

P ETER P owELl. P En:nso:o; . Ph.D. (Uni ,·ers ify of Chicago) : Professor of Soils. PJIIr.IP liE:o;ornc K tiot:LE.:\, ::\I.A. ( Hope College); Associate Pl'ofcssor of Education . J t;.N JO NS. Bursar and


ecretary of the Facu Hy.

P EH:\fEAT. ,JA~J~ FnENC'H ( Graduate of the College of Notre Dame, , an Franc isco); D ean oi \\'omen.







VJo:En, Director of th e Gymnn sium.

T eu ., M.A. (Hanard U ni versit y); A ssociat e Professor of

the English Language. On leaYe of absence in Europe 1!)12-1:3.

Lnf.\N P. \Yu~ox, J.D. (Uniwrsit~- of Chicago); A ssoci ate P rofe. sor of Law. mm.EY ~.\LE P N.M'Ensox. Ph.D. (ComeH U niYersity); . \.ssociatc P rofessor

(1n charge) of Romance Language::.. D ouca ..\ S

r.t;n:\rONT Ln'l:\C: TON, B. . ()I. E.) (:.\IcGi II U niY<'t·sity) ; •\ ssociate Profe.c;l'or of :Mining Engineering.


.\.nTu t:n HTEW.\R'l', Ph.D. (Columbia Unin'J'hity) : .\ ssociate Proft•ssor (in charge) of Geology and :Minem logy.

D .\\'ID

Bro:nx.,no 'TEIX)L\X. C.E .. Ph.D. ( Columbia Uni,·et·c;ily) : Associate Pt·of c. or of Ci,·il Engineering.

CL.\REXCE C'onNELIC~ VrNcJo:NT. )L .A. (Cornell UniYersity); A ssociate Professor o£ H orticultur e. Fn,\NK ~ L\ltY

lCENN;\RO. B . . ( outh Dakota tato Col lege); A ssociate Profes:-;or of Field Crops and Farm Manngement.


Bt:r.u: S w EE'J'. B .L.S. (UniYers ity of Illinois); Litmn·ian and Instructor in Librar.v .Science.

JI.,nny l>nocTon F ISliDlliiN, M .A. (UniYer sity of Virgiuin) ;·Assistan t Professor of ...\ g ric nl tn r al Chemistry, and ~\ ss i stunt C IH•misL of the Experiment S tation .

CoLYEn, :i)f. . (UniYersity of I daho) : A ssistant Professor of •\ g r·i cnllmal Chemistry, and As..c;is lant Chemist of the Experimt>nt tnt10n.

Crr.\n i.F.S '\YJLLJ A:\[

Eow.\no FnEn:n'l'. B. S.~\. ( I owa State College) ; Pmfessor of Dairying ( in chnrge of Dairy ~Ianufactures) . EI,:\rER VJo:RNE E LLIXC:TON . B . . Agr. ( U ni,·t>rsity of ) I issouri); Professor of D airying (in charge of Dairy Production). (}l T.w

I ,

)1.\n<:.\IU:'r .\.\n:J.J.\ SwJ::t:T.. \ :ssistant Prof,•s.-.cw of Hontl' E<·o nomi<•;.,. and Instruttor in Drawing. "'tX ... Ilt:J> }{t LLSO:'\ " • RIG I IT. fl.~.

(_:\lichignn .\gri<·tdt lint I ('o ll<'g <•) : .\ ssistant Prof<.'s.-;or of Bacteriology.

,Jon~ ..\:-:1·o~ K osT.\J.EK. Ph.D. ( r'"nin~ rsity of Illinois) : AssiRtant Prof<.'ssor

of Chemistry. c .\IIOJ.I:-11·: CliJW!'l'LN.t: I H.\.\ (.'S();\. ~\.B. ( SortiHH'Sll'l'll UniY<.' l's ity ) : Assistant Professor of German. B•:x.J .\~IIN JTAHIW:>ON LElL\t.\:-:, A.B. ( rlal'\':ll'd l 'nin••·s ity): . \ s:-;istanl Pro-

fessor of Englis h. OH.\t:tJ '<.au:lun:RJ IOHN , B.S. ( Columbia Uni..-cn;ity); .\ ssistant PI'Ofcssor of Home Economjcs. T.EPJn; Ns, B.S. ( Co lumbia l~ ni\'<.' rs i ty) : .\s;.,is tanl Profes.-;o1· of Physical Education.

J S.\Rt:L )1.\HY

I nw1x .Joux Bwu1·, H ..S.•\. ( outh Dako ta .\gricullural C o lleg t'} : Teac hing Fdlow in Dairy ~[anufacturcs.

H. B. Coot..\:'\. F'iE>Id . eNl

L ccnrs




.\.I(·um. B.S.•\. ( Knn;.a;., Stah• .\gl'i<·ultural ('ollege) : Sup<'rintendent of .'tberdeen D emonst1·atio n Farm.


Assistant Librarian.

EowARO J o11x CAnY ( Queen's ~1ilitury .\..cadcmy of Mus ic. Liverpool, England ) : Iustructor in Cornet Playin~, und LC'adc •· of th<.' Cadet Mili tary Band. EowMm Ih:LJ,u-:n-CoJ.u:1\s , ~\.Y. C.M. (Hoyal Collt•g<.' of Mns ic, and Victor ia Co llege of :Mus ic, England) ; Tn!'itructot· in Violin Playing, and L ea<l€'r of the Orches tra. TnwTN ' VYCLH' ...£

Co01c, M.S.F. ( UlJiq>rs il_v of Mic higan ) ; Iustructo•· in For-

estry. CJ..\Il~~ :-; <· ~~

SrNcL.\ut Eo)lt'xosox, B.S...Agt·. ( Pnin•rs ify of l cluho) : Instructor in tlw , chool of Practical . \gricultun•.

D•~"·n·r CJ. J:-;To:-: G .\HJ>:'\}~ 11. Instructo r in For~<· \Yo rk. ( D i~·<l D<'<'<.'tnbl'r ~~.

191 2.) .To m~ (h:OHGE (:mJo' f'l'l'll. B.S. ( 'tate rni,·er·:.ity of l O\\'H ) : .\thlt'li<· C on<·h.

Gwnc:F: 11.\LJ., Instru('(or in

~la chine

' hop and ~\\'oo cl " 'orking.


Cl..\l"I>F: .JA<'Q t' f:l:i J L\YDEN, B . . (Clemson Agr icultural College): Tenching Fellow in Horticulture. Iloii.\('E As., H is try.


B.A. (UniYer ity of Colorado); J nslrti('(Or in Chem-

F AY Tl osn:1·n;H (New England Conservatory of Mns ic·, Boston) i Instructor in P inno Plnying nnd H armony. JA .M ~:~> A~oll~:w lluGlms, B ..'. (Un i ve r~ity of Virginiu): Assistunt lo the D ean o f t he Co llege of Agricu lture, and Priu<·ipn l of lh<> Short C<H II'Se!; in Agric ul t n n•.


('., 1.\' IN K lNZl: u ,

B.S .•\ g r . (UniYersity of Idaho) i ] m;trndor in .\ n imal

£l usbn ndry.

B.t:i. (Oklahoma Agri<·td! urn I and l\fechanical College) i Teaching F ellow in B nct<•riology.

C r.1vvOH I) L t:SLI t: lVL,c;.\ n'rnen,

F nt\NK L .\T I I.\.)1

Mo01n:, LL.B. (Pnivcrsity

of l\Iic·higan): I nstrudor in L uw.

On1.0 Asuu:\· P 1uw. JL\ . (1 ni\'(•rsity of T exas): P lnnl Pathologist. Vrno1~1 ,, Sm:.\ln:n. ~\ssi stant in Home Economi<·:-.. Ecot:~t: IL\)IILTO~ • 'I'Ont:n CCndcr priYute inslrud ion of G<>orgc


P arker nnd ('hnde:-; A. W'hit<>. Bo. ton: Gruduute of Xcw Englund Conservatory of l\Iusic. Boston) : I n structor in Y<){'al ('ulture, ('ho•·nl Work, und Public School ) l usic.

\VJ-:t.<'l l , n. '..\gr. (l'tah. Agricultural ('ollcge: upcrinlendent of Gooding Experiment Station. and in dlnrgc of Jrrignl ion J nvesti-

.Jou~ Su,\\\'

gn I ions.


I•'u.\:-:1\LIN .\ wm11~,

LL.D. (Wilhunelle Uni,·<·rsity); Spc<·inl Lecturer in l .A'gnl l<:thic-s and the CoHflict. of L nws.

J ,,;\l t:s E1.1S I J.\ IL\nu, H.S. (Illinois Col loge), LL.B. (Nol'thw<•sl<••·n Un iver-

s ity): ~p<•cinl L <·cturer in tL<> Law of l~tn int'nl Domain. FH,\NI\ Sm<:~: J. D m'I'RH'II, A.M. (Brown Univ<>rsily): Sp<•ci:ll Lecturer in Bankrupt cy ~mel F<•dt'rnl Prnctic<'. ~L\.JOH

Fn.\ :-:" •\1.v1Hm FE~~, Speci:ll l.A>durer in Fon•sl Man;l:!<'lll<'nl.

BtHTO~ Lf:t: Fm:N<"II. PI1.~L (rnin•r si ly of UhicHgo): Lcdlll'('l' in Law. J oH~ Fls<·u~-:n

M.,d...\~1-~, JL\. (Yale rniversity). LL.B. (Uni,·crsi ty of 1\Iinncsotn) : Lecturer in Luw.

Tucnus C. SJ>,\1 J.OJNG. B.H. (rniYer sity of ;\fontana); Speci;ll Lecturer in Fm·estry .






Admlnlstrnlinn Hulllllng, Unlv••rsltl'




Franklin Thorpe Osborn, B. A.

Hailey High, 1908; President Classical Club; Sec'y Y. M. C. A.; Treas. Victor Price Debaters; VicePresident Y. M. C. A.; Glee Club; Biology Club; Debate Council; Gonzaga Debate Team; Class A Honors; P resident Y. i\'1. C. A.

Edna Elmira Larsen, B. S. (H. Ec.)

Boise High, 1908: "Lars" (1), "Doctor" (4); Biology Club (1-2-3); Class B Honors (3); Home Economics Editor, Idaho Country Life (3-4); Home Economi.cs Club; Treble Clef Club; "Pirates of Penzance;·• Volun teer Band (3-4).

Louie Thodore Jessup, B. S. (C. E.)

U. of 1. Prep, '08; "Louie;" Vice-President F r eshman Class; P r esident Rifle Club; T r easurer Athletic Board; Cadet Major; Track Team; PanHellenic Council ; Theta Mu Epsilon; Tau Alpha.

Arlie D. Decker, B. S. (For.)

U. of I. Prep, 1909; "Dec!';" Drum Major Battalion of Cadets; Treasurer Freshman Class; Biology Club; Forestry Club; Class Football and Basket Ball; Class A Honors; Kappa Sigma.


I •

Claude Jacques Hayden

Clemson College, S. C.-B. S., 1912; B. S. (Agr.); "J ack;" Scrub Football: l<'ellowship Student in Horticulture; Zet11 Delta.

Ursel Strohecker, B . A.

Garfield High, Wash .. 1909; "Pinafore;·· ''Pirates of Penzance;" Glee Club; C'ast Sophomore Play; Class B Honors: Omega Pi.

Leon Henry Sey more, B . S. ( Ag r .)

Coldwater High, :Mich .. 1908: l\1. A. C. 1908-09; "Tuby;" Agricultural Club; Biology Club; Idaho Country Life Stall; Theta Mu Epsilon.

John Ray mon d M aughan, B . S. ( A gr.)

B. Y. C.• 1907; President Agr. ('tub. second semes· ter, 1909-10: Business Manager Student Farmer, 1910-11.

.. Sl:rtcen

Enoch Perk ins , B. S . ( C. E .)

Boise High. 1909: ":-loch:"" Va•·~ily Baseball (ll and (21: Varsity Football (1), (21, (3) and (4); All· North west Quarter bark ( 41; College Quar· tette: Glee Club (II and (2): "Pinafore;"' "Pirates of Penzance: ·· Senior Class President; VicePres. U. of I. Society of Civil I!Jnginee•·s: Joke Editor 1913 Gem of the i\•iounlains: Senior Play; "'Prie;cilla;" Kapra Sigma: 'l'nu Alpha.

Ralph Baxter Foster, B. A.

Kansas City High, .1 909; Rldenbaugh Debrue Prize; Boral1 Debate Prize: Watkins Medal for Oratory: President Victor Price Debaters; Debate Council; A. S. U. I. Executive Board; Vice-President A. S. U. 1.; Treasurer Y. l\1. C. A.; Argonaut Staii: Class A Honors: Rhodes Scholar.

Ray Donald Bistline, B. S . ( C . E .)

Academy of Idaho 190!1; Associate Editor Argonaut; Editor Argonaut (4); Junior Class Athletic :\fanager : Engineering Scholar~hip; Vice-President Senior Class; "Mother;" Zeta De1t11.

W ill iam P. Funste n, B. S . ( Agr. )

Episcopal High School, Virginia: "Bill;" Virginia Technological Institute two year~; President Agricultural Club: Kappa Sigma.






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Hallard W. Foester, B. S. (Mng. E.)

Nampa High, 1909; "Hal;" Class A Honors: Chairman Decoration Committee for Junior Prom; President Junior Class; Basket Ball Squad: P res. Associated Miners; Pres. Pan-Hellenic Council; Adv. Mgr. of 1913 Gem of the Mountains; Athletic Manager Sophomore and Junior Classes; Zeta Delta; Tau Alpha.



I~ ~

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C lyde F. Cornwal l, B. S.

U. of I. Prep, 1909; "Cornie;" Freshman Glee Committee: Junior Prom Committee; Preside nt Sophomore Class; Pan-Hellenic Council ; Phi Delta Theta: Tau Alpha.

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Charles Ro y Stillinger, B. A .

U. of I. P rep, 1909; "Still;" made B. A. in three yea r路s; Cast of Sophomore Play "Billy ;" Orcbes路 tra.

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~ ~ ~

B urt on E llsworth Davis, B. S.

U. of I. P rep, 1909; "B. E.;" Debate Coun cil ; Financial Chairman Y. M. C. A.; Track Team; Secretary Victor Price Debaters; Secretary Debate Council ; Social Chairman Y. M. C. A.; Captain Battalion of Cadets.

II ~


l ,

K athryn Mar g ar et S mi t h, B . S. ( H . E c.)

U. of I. Prep, 1909; "Pete;'' Cast or "Arms and the !\Ian;" Glee Club; In charge of Roosevelt Breakfast, Roosevelt Day; Freshman Glee and J unior Prom Committees; Class Secretary (3): Society Editot· 1913 Gem or the Mountains: Uni· versity Representative Spokane Interstate Fair (4); President Home Economics Cluh (4); Gam· ma Phi Beta.

Charles Edward Watts, B. S.

U. of I. Prep, 1908; "Ted;" P resident F reshman Class; Y. 1\L C. A. Cabinet; Adjutant Battalion of Cadets: Business Managet• Ar gonaut; Cast "A Night Off;" Mandolin Club; Glee Club: "Pina· fore;" J unior Prom Committee; Class A Honot·s: Treasurer, A. S. U. I.; EdiLor 1913 Gem of the Mountains; Yell Leader; "Prll'cilla:" President Rifle Club: " P irates or P enzance:" "The Sleeping Car;·· Phi Delta Theta: Tau Alphl'.

Marguerite Gwinn Schick, E. A .

U. o!

r. P r ep, 1908.

Jessi e Irene Coram, B . A.

Grangeville High, 1909: (1) and (3); Class B Treble Clef Club (3); "Pirates of Penzance;" Gamma P hi Beta.

" J ess;" Class A Honors Honors (2); Presfdenl Secretary Junior Class; Glee Club (1), (2), (3);

I 1

Charles Henry He rm an , B. S. ( For.)

U. of I. Prep, 1909; l<'irst Lieu ~e nant Battalion of Cad ets; Military Ball Committee; Agricul tural Club: Forestry Club: Biology Club.

Geo rge Oonart, B. A., LL. B.

U. of I. Prep, 1909: Bench and Bar Association.

Edwin M. Strate, B. S . ( Agr.)

)IJoorebead High, Minn., 1909: St:.r£ "Idaho Coun· try Lire": Agricultural Club; "Eddie;·· Room· mate of Bistline; Zeta Delta.

He rma n C la ud e He a rd , B. S. ( Agr. )

U. of 1. Prep, 1909; " Shor ty:" Treasure r A gr. Club ; Staff of " Idabo Country Life''.


Iva Euphemia Emmett, B. S. ( H . Ec.)

U. or I. Prep, 1909; Representative of Domestic Science Department at Spokane Apple Show 1911: Vice-President Walking Club (4); Class B Honors (3); Chairman Home Economics Tea Committee; English Club; Biology Club; Cast " Miss Dolton's Orchids''; President's Farewell Reception Committee (4): Gamma Phi Beta.

Carl Edward Johnson, B . S. ( Agr. )

Idaho Falls High, Ul08: Assistant Business Manager ''Idaho Student l''ar me r''; Business Manager "Idaho Countr y Life'': Stock J udging Team Spokane, Por tland, Lewiston; Class A Honors (1), (2). (3); Cadet Sergeant; President. Agr. Club.

Anne Ruth Annett, B . A .

Boise High, 1909: "Rufus; .. Secretary Sophomore Class; Secretary A. S. U. I. ; President Y. W. C. A. (4); President Soror ity Pan-Hellenic Board (4}; FTaternlty Pan-Hellenic Council (3) and (4); President Gi rls' Tennis Club; Gamma Phi Beta.

Alth ea Hele n Ott, B. S. (H. Ec.)

Boise High, 1905; Delta Gamma.


Ray Dean Arm stron g, B. S. (C. E.)

Boise High, 1905: ".lrmy;" Quarter master and Ordnance Sergeant Battalion of Cadets; VicePresident Idaho Society of Civil Engineers; VicePresident Senior Class; Cast Senior Play; Theta ;\lu EJ>silon.

Edn a Eve Cam p bell, B. A.

Spokane High, 1908; Secr etary Senior Class; Philharmonic Club: Or chestra; Pianist, "Pinafore"' and "Pirates of Penzance'"; Class B Honor s; Omega Pi.

J. D. Davis, B. A.

U. of I. Prep, l!J09: Orchestra: Glee Club; Y. M. C . •\ .; Chairman Bible Study; Victor Price De· balin~ Society: Organizations Editor "1913 Gem of the :'11ountains".

Irwin J . Bibby, M. S. ( Ag r.)

South Dakota Agr. College; rootball, Track, and President of .\thletic Association at S. D. A.



Carl Gustav Paulsen, B. S. (C. E.)

U. of I. Prep, 1908; "Gus;'' Football Manager 1912; Theta Mu Epsilon.

Rosa Strohbehn, B. M.

U. of I. Prep, 1909; "Rose;" Y. W. C. A. Cabinet; :\landolin Club (1); Philharmonic Club (1).

Leland Irving Case, B. S. ( Agr. ) ~orth High, Minneapolis, ~linn., 1906; "Jack;" Athletic Board (2); "Miss Dolton's Orchids;" "A Night Off;" "The Sleeping Cn•· ; ·· Delta Tau Delta (Minn.): Tau Alpha.

Chester M i nden, B. A.

U. of I. Prep, 1910: Debate Council; in several lntercollegiate Debates: Y. l\L C. A.

fiCfllf/1 1/U'f 'f '

Al b ert Werde l Buc h Kj osness, B. S . ( Agr.) A. B. from Spokane College. 1910: Agricultur al Club: Managing F.ditor or " I daho Country Life".

Ed n a Bigelow, B. A. Payette High, 190

('IaRs B Honors (3).

Baxter Mer ri ll Mow , B. A. ~Weiser High. 190!1; Class A Uono1路s (1), (2) and {~);

Volunteer Band.

Anetta Cordula Mow, B. A. Weiser High. 1!109: \'olunteer Band.

Winifred C. Brown, B. A.

St. Margarefs Hall. Boise, 1909; "Win; ·• VicePresident Sophomor-e Class; Associate Editor "1913 Gem of the .Mountains"; Cast "A Night orr··; Secretary Senior ('lass: Strength Cup, 1911: Glee Club; Senior Play C'al't; Omega Pi.

Martin Lewis, B. S.

Graduate of a Wisconsin High School; two years at U. or Wisconsin: one year al Minnesota State Normal.

J . Swan, B. S. ( E. E.)

Io,oo Choo, China.

'l' lrCIIIU·fln



-路 .



RE.SHM/.1\N! ~

"!Y R\J86S.R~. P~e. ~

l r


:\lr路s. J. G. Griffith, Class


Class of Nineteen Hundred Fourteen Lilt II' lll'ed he sai d of the bjstory of this class-it s pt•aks for itsl'lf. The niCIIlbt•rs of tlw dass haw always been promint•ut in the vnriow; departments of Collegr :~di,· ity. 'IY<• ha ve boon wt>ll rt>prrx<.'nl<·d on thr Athlt•lic tr ams, in Dcbal<'. Y.l\ 1. C. A. work. Dranwtics, Society and olhc r·wi st•. It will be rcmembcn •cl that. nnwng otlwr things, we arc the only doss that has won the St. Palricl{s Du.v int t> r-class s<Tap holh years in which w<' part i<·ip;tt<'<l. 'l'lw ollic·<'rs of tlw <·lnss fo1· lh<:' .Junior y<'nr nr<' as follows : Fir.~t 8f' I/I(' NfC'r

s,.,.0/1(/ . ~e /llef<ter

Y1nG11, . ,\)DI S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Presid<:'nt

............. . . . CI.AHt: XCt: F A\' RE HoY Tn·•u: . ....... . . . . . . . . . Yice-Peesidc•nt ................ •Ton N I L' YDEX Lo1n:x.\ D .\HT't' ... ......... . . . . . . Secr etary . ..... . ..... . . . . :\h~X IE ) Jn <OEX .Tost:I'JJI ~ f: 'IY.\ \" )!.\:\' . . . . . .. .. .. . . Tn•as url'r . ........... .fmn:l'IILXr: '1\.\ Y:\1.\X

'l'lt'CII III·Ci{l/l t

CHARLES LYLE JOII:--ISON, B. S. (Agr.} U. of r. Prep. '09; "Chas; •· ~'lrst Sergeant Co. B (2); Agricultural Club; Biology Club. A home product and, as usual, Intends to spend the rest of his days on the farm.

1' tr' n r1rn ,,,.


MASON, B.S. Kew Plymouth High, '10; Biology Club. An ea rnest student, yet shy.

LAWRENCE EUGE~E O'NEILL, LL. B. Lewiston ~ormal, 1909; ..Larrie:" Bench and Bar Association: Kappa Sigma; Pi Alpha Delta. Of great assistance lO the Bursar.

l\IYRLE FAWCETT, B. S. Palouse, Wash .. 1908. Strong for School Profs.


H i g h



Cal d we II High, 1910: "Chet:" Class A Honors (1) and (2); Y. i\1. C. A. Cabinet; Glee Club; Journal Club; ''Pirates ot Penzance;¡â€˘ Argonaut Staff; V. P. Debating Society.

Boise High, 1910; Y. w. c. A. Secretary (2) and VicePresident (3); Classical Club (2); Glee Club (2); 'l.'reasurer ot Ridenbaugh Hail (2); Class A Honors (1) and (2).

Takes Chern. because it's easy. Says that be is growing and expects to malte the rootball team before he flunks.

'Vas a man-hater before coming to College, but has since demonstrated that she has changed. and henceforth her bills will be marked P. D.


B. A.


I I CLARENCE EUGENE FAVRE, B. S. (For.) U. ot 1. Prep, 1910; "Fav'er;" Class B Honors (2) : F res h m a n Class Treasurer; Class Baseball; Football (1). (2), (3), and Captain-elect (4): Athlellc Board; President Athletic Board; Junior Prom Com· mittee: Junior Class Pres!· dent: For estr y Club; Tau Alpha. l~ights to a finish for Jda(bo), but Is a quitter when Ida steps ln.

ROSE SIELER, B. A. Spokane College P r ep, '10; Secr etary Sop h. C I a s s; Secretary Y. W. C. A. (3): Treas. Girls' Glee Club; "Pirates of Penzance;" "Pin a r ore:" Represen· tative of Domestic Science Department at the Spokane Apple Show, 1911; Omega Pl. Says she likes to play that gam e or Hunkey Dorey already yet.

VERNON P. FAWC.EJT'.r, B. S. (Agr.) Palouse High, '09: "Spig;" !';ews Editor "Idaho Coun· try Life" (3); Glee Club; "Pinafore" and "Pirates or Penzance"; CIa s s A Honors (2); Pan-Hellenic Council: Cast "Priscilla"; Phi Delta Theta; Tau AI· pba. Proud of his v o I c e. Takes Agr. because the rest of the energetic ( ?) Palouser s do.


l -:t'l

'1'/til·ty· UII('

WILL,IAM CLOUGH PERKI="S, B. S. (C. E.J U. or I. Prep, '0 : "Perk:·· J<'reshman Glee Committee: Class Football and Basket Ball: Varsity Basket Ball; South Idaho Club: Glee Club: C. E. Society: President Junior Class: Art Editor "1913 Gem of the ~fountains··: Kappa Sigma. Ah, fill the Cup-what boots It to repent. How time Is slipping underneath our feet: Unknown tomorrow and dead yesterday. why fret about them If today be sweet!



Xorthfield Hi g b, Minn., 1909 : -·Toz:" two semesters at Carleton College. ~inn.: Cast of "Billy"; President Sorority PanHellenic (3): Junior Prom Committee: DeSmet Club; Home Economics Club; Gamma Phi Beta. Has a great affinity for short course Ags.

U. of I. Pret>, '10; "Jake;'' Treas. Freshman Class; First Lieutenant Cad e t Battalion: Chern. Club. Kroh thinks he can pay his way through College by selling tickets to bls Lane.-( Ed. Note-Get an exu-a night-shift, Jake.)


B. S. (Chern. Eng.)


LAWRENCE GUY MASON, B.S. Wallace High, '10 : "Stub;·· Honors; Class Track: "Country Life•· Staff; Class Basket Ball (3); Zeta OE>Ita. "Humphrl e!:' can't play Basket Ball:' He is little, but Oil, My!

TltlliJI t/1111



Irving High, Kansas. 1909; "Jo;'' Cast of "Phormio"; Cast of "Arms and the Man"; Class A Honors (2) : Class Treasurer (2) and (3); President of Rid· enbaugh Hall (3); Biology Club; English Club. Has been Class Treas· urer for two years and bas not written home for money during that time.

EDWARD ELMER SMITH, B.S. (Chern.) l>. of I. Prep, 1907; "T ed;" Class A Honors; 'Vinner Chrisman Medal; F i r s t Lieutenant Battallon of Cadets; Chern. Club; Sec· retary of the Rille Club; Rille Team, '10 and '11; Mandolln Club; Glee Club; "Pi rat es of Penzance;" .. P r isci II a." Is pledged to the Ma· sons. Says his war med· als are not to be joked about.




CAREY REICX BLACK, B. S. (C. E.) London Collegiate Insti· lute, London, Ont., 1907; Idaho SocleLy of Civil Engineers. A "would-be" Architect.

DOTTIE ELLA 1\lAY )1URRA Y, B .•\. )Julian High. 1910; Class B Honors: Biology Club; Classical Club (1). One of o u r foremost midnight kerosene burn· ers.

HAROLD H. HUGHART, B.S. Pocatello High, '1 0: "Cor· puscle; ·• Class Football; Class Bas e b a II: Zeta Delta. Biology shark and flun· key or the department. Llne:enfelter's only rival.


I ~




GLADYS ANTHONY, B. S. U. of I. Prep, 1!110: Glee Club: University :\1andolin Club. Too Innocent for co<tnetry.

BERT P A TRlCK WOOLRIDGE, B.S. ":\1ucker:" 'Yallace High. 1910; Class Track: Argonaut Staff; Soph. CIa s s Play: English Club Play: Zeta Delta. Pr efers fussing and dramatics to •·m u c kIng". ".Jack London lied about .\task:~."'


LUCILE ROBARDS, B. A. ll. of I. Prep, 1909; VicePres. Pan-Hellenic Coun<'11; Glee Club; President Y. W. C. A.: one semester at the l '. or Oregon; Delta Gamma. Bolds the record for the long distance smile.

GEORGE JACKSON DOWNING, B. S. (Agr.) "Snookums" or "Dutch''; Glee Club: Varsity Track Squad: '·B" Honors; Captain Sophomore T r a c k Team: Zeta Delta. "Don't you think she has class?" Brilliant, but he knows lt.

LORE!'\A ELIZABETH DARTT, B. M. Palouse High. 1909: Glee Club (2) and (3); Y. W. C. A. Cabinet (2) and (3); Class B Honors (2); Class Secretary (3). Can Sey-more In College than most of us. Goes to Palouse every week-end just to say goodbye.

I.;.,;'""'""'' ) 1'0 •4-/0T :/.,.,,~,:r

.I ::.



U. of J. Prep, '10; "Sam;" Sec. or the Agr. Club; Cadet Sergeant Co. A; Biology Club: Class Foot· ball (2); Y. M. C. A. Although he Is taking "Ag.'' be intends to sing tor a living.

MARVIN E. MULKEY, B. S. (Mech.) Salmon High, 1907; First Lieutenant and Battalion Adjutant; Photo Editor, "1914 Gem of the Mountains"; Military Ball Committee; Phi Delta Theta. A bad one to trust w1th another's girl during Xmas vacation.


SUSAN SIXCLAIR, B. A. U. or I. Prep, '10; "Sue;" Secretary of the Freshman Class; Cast of the Sophomore Play, "Billy"; Omega Pi. Her plant is Shu-Mac.

MAC SCOFIELD, B. S. Grangeville High, 1909; "Mac;" Argonaut Athletic Editor (1) and (3); Ath路 letic Editor, "1914 Gem of the Mountains," (3); De路 bate Council (2); "Billy" Cast. Hates cats and knows his buslness-w h I c h Is yours. (Mac is a newspaper man.)

CARL PIERCE LEWIS. B. S. (Agr.) U. of I. Prep, 1910; "Poisou;" Class B Honors (2): Art Editor "Idaho Country Life"; Agricultura l Club: Biology Club; Stock Judging Team: Phi Delta Theta. His mind is all a ll ays.

BLTZ.ABETH H.\ Y,S, B. S. (H. Ec.) Boise High, '1 0; "Betsy:" Freshman G 1 e e Committee: Soph. Frolic Committee; Tennis Championship in both Singles and Doubles (1); Literary Editor·, "1914 Gem of the Mountains'': Junior· Prom Committee; Class B Honors (2); Gamma Phi Beta. She makes a dandy rarebit, She can bake the best of buns. And If Carl knows what he's doing He'll grab her 'fore she runs.

PRICE DOYLE, B. S. (C. E.) ·Moscow High, 1910: Member of College Orchestra: Idaho Society or Civil En· gineer s . Collens' rival. THO~AS



1'hi• Ill l'iyltl

RALPH EMERSON PERKINS, B. S. (C. E.) Grangeville H i g h, 1910; "Perk;" Civil Engineering Society. Has hopes of gelting a fellowship in the Wood shop.

'J'Itlrlllllflll '

LÂŁLLlA:-\ i\1. ESK~JSON, B. A. Akron High, Ohio, 1909; "Lill:" Buchtel College, Akron, Ohio, 1909-11. "Llll" is a long way from home-she must have taken Horace Greeley's advice.

JOHN WILLIAM JOliNSON, B. S. (Mng.) U. A. C. Prep, '06; "Bill;" Theta Mu Epsilon. Never played a game of billiards in h is life.

RAYMOND E. CURTIS. B. S. (Agr.) U. or I. Prep, '10; "Rex," alias "Crab ''; Varsity Foot路 ball two years; Varsity Basket Ball three years; Varsity Base b a I I four years; Phi Delta Theta; Tau Alpha. Took all of his College work w h 1 I e a Prep. Thorpe's rival.

CLARA RANSOM HOCKETT, B. M. U. of I. Prep, '10; " Toots;" G I e e Club; "Kleptoma路 u iac;" Delta Gamma. Says tbat s he will quit College jus t as soon as "c-k" gets a s t e a d y job.

J OHN FRANCIS HAY路 DEN, B. S. (Agr.) U. of I. Prep, 1908; Baseball; Athlelic Board; Vice路 President Junior Class. Old Guard Baseball.


HARRY BOONE SOULEN, B. S. (Agr.) U. or I. Prep, 1910; Class Basket Ball : Agr. Club ; College Orchestra: Varsity Basket Ball : Biology Club : Phi Delta Theta; Tau AI· pha. He was a great soldier in his day-bas the di s· tinction or being the only one who co u I d make fr iends with the Inspecting officer and have him speak to him.


MARY H. PETCIN A Coeur d'Alene High, '10: B. A.; "Petsy; ·• Secretary Coeur d'Alene Club ; Or· chestra; Glee Cl ub ; North· e rn Idaho Club: Cast of "Pinafor e": Pan-HeJlenic Council ; Secretary A. S. U. T.; Society Editor "1914 Gem of the Mountains": Class B Honors: De Ita Gamma. Bids fair to be the "Col· lege Widow". "Frosh," her specialty.

HOWARD WARD MASON, B. S. ( Mech.) U. or I. Prep, 1909; ~fa· chine Workers' Club. A perfect talking rna· chloe-all that Is needed is to let H . W. know that you are within bearing or



P. SMITH, B. i::l. Ping. E.) Boi se II I g h , 1909; "Tough a;" F r e s h m a n Fight Committee: Shift Boss A. M. U. J.: Art Ed· ltor of the "1914 Gem ot the ~!ountains"; Zeta Delta. The Uorm Is locked at 10:30. but-An Artist I would be.

ALICE COOPJ!;R. B. S. Walia "-'alia High. 1910: "AI:·· Secretary of the Sophomore Class; Sorority Pan-Hellenic: Joke Editor of the "1914 Gem or the Mountains.'' The class or 1914 lost a ,-a!uable member w h e n Bonnie quit.

\\' ALTJ;;R P. SCO'l"l', L. s. (Mng. E.) Boi~;e High. 1910: "Spec;" Manager Freshman Basket Bail; Soph. Class Play: Soph. Frolic Commiltee: .\ssistant Business Man· ager and Business Manager Argonaut {2); Sopb. Football Team: Business Manager "1914 Gem of the ::11ountains": Pan-Hellenic Council: Supt. Associated :\11ners; Zeta Delta: Tau Alpha. PassE'd for a Swede at the mines. "Ve've fallin'. fallln' tra' the band cantle sin.:Ie men."



Forly· llr.o


B. S. (Agr.) Boise High, '10; "Skinny;" Class Baseball (2) ; Varsity Baseball (1); Sop h. C'lass Play: English Play; Jumor Prom Central Committee: F'ootball Squad (3): Biology Club: Agricultural Club; Zeta Delta; Tau Alpha. "The ways of a man with a maid be strange."

GLADYS MAREE B. A. Boise High, 1910; "Glad:" Soph. Frolic Committee: Classical Club (1), (2) and (3); Associate Editor "1914 Gem of the Mountains"; Associate Editor of the Argonaut (3); Junior Prom Committee; Class A Honors; Gamma Phi Beta. Is very fond of Li terature, both of Latin classics (especially Virgil) and of the tales o( "Robinson" (Crusoe?). LESS~GER,

VIRGIL WILLIAM SAl\nlS, B. S. (C. E.) Pocatello lllgh, '10: "Sam路 my:" Football (2) and (31: Athletic Board: Executive Board (3): Pan-Hellenic C'ouncil: Class Vice-President (2) and President (3); Secretary Idaho Society of C'lvil IO:nglneers: Orchestra: Kappa Sigma: Tau Alpha; Booster of Sleigh Ride (3). "Dog路nlt, 1 haven't the lime to fuss. When a man comes to C'ollege ll Is time for him to for get his foolIshness.''

WILLIAM ARTHUR MURRAY, B.S. (E. E.) Mullan High, '09; " Billie Murray." It is Bill's intention to show Thomas A. Edison up.

HAZEL LUELLA WOODS, B. S. U. of I. Prep, 1910; Sec路 retary or the Freshman Class; Omega Pi. Enjoys playing "maid'' to other girls.

ALBERT HENRY KNUDSON, B. S. (Mech.) Coeur d'Alene High, 1910; " Knute;" Football (2) and (3); Athletic Board; Kappa Sigma; Tau Alpha. King or the " Hit 'em Hard" club. Idaho 's "while hopq''.


~ 11,1/_.....,.,...,,._




I GEORGE THERON WARREN, B. A. Boise 111gb, 1910: "T:" Track T eam ( 2); Debate Council (3); Victor Price Debate Society; I d a h o Gonzaga, 1913. Long winded for both track and debate, etc.

/'mill fin

JEANNETTE R. FOX, B. A. U. of I. Prep ; "Jack;" Cast "Pinafore''; C as t "BiUy"; Orchestra ; Glee Club; Knox College, Ill., (1); Delta Gamma. Her path of love is Stoney.

STEPHEN ALVIN REGAN. B. S. (Agr.) "Ag; ·• l''reshman C Ia s s President; Class A Honors (1) and (2) ; President of Agr. Club (2); Billy In "Billy''; Idaho Country Life Staff; Argonaut Staff (2): Class Football (1) and (2); Editor-In-Chief ot the "1914 Gem of the Mountains"; Kappa Sigma; Tau Alpha. Says " fussing" Is an In· curable d Is ease. He caught It in College.

I .

CARL D. CARBY. B. S. (Chern. l~.l Lewiston Normal. 1910; "Gift;" Journal Club. NaHCO.+ NH ,Cl NaCl NH,IICO, (NH,) SO,CuSO,. 6H,O YZ Etc,.


.ALLEN. B. S. Boise High, '10: "Oreeta;" Freshman 0 I e e ('om mit· tee: Argonaut Society Editor (2); 'freasurer or y. w. c. A, (2); Cast or "Kleptomaniac''; Cast of "As You Like It": University Representative at Spokat~e Interstate li'air (3); Pan-Hellenic Council l3): English Club: Bioi· ogy Club; Home Econom· ics Club: Gamma Phi Beta. With golden hair and light blue eyes, "Votes for women!·· she loudly cries.


Caldwell High, l!lOG; "Mick;"' Member or Gate Committee, 1910-11; Tennis Manager, 1911; Theta Mu Epsilon. Be I i eves in "Home Rule" for Ireland.

I l'ort Y·8i:r

GEORGE A. SCOTT, B. S. (Agr.) Onawa, Iowa, 1908; "Scotty;" A gr. Club; Class Basket Ball; Class Track Cap tain: Varsity Track; Sophomore Class President; Chairman Prom Central ('orumittee: Editor "Idaho Country Life"; Zeta Delta; Tau Alpha. Fickle and undecided. Interestt•d in High School work.

:\lARGAilET E. :'\EUMAN, B. A. Sandpoint High, '10; "Peg. gy:" :o\orthern Idaho Club; Pan-Hellenic C o u n c I I ; Class B Honors: Delta Gamrua. Oue of Idaho's greatest "fussers"-she broke all Records her second year.

ROY !•'RANK TUTTLE, B. S. (C. E.) U. of!. Prep. 1909: "'fut;" Vice-Pres. or the Freshman Class; Sopb.-Fresh. l<'ight Committee (twice); C. E. Society; Business Manager of the Argonaut; Asst. Business Manager "1914 Gem or the Mountains'': "Billy;" Vice-President or the Junior Class; Executive Board; Class B Honors; :\1llitary Ball Committee '12; ('hairman Gale Committee (3): Tau All>ha. A very strict Battalion Officet·- woe to the private who had a chew: he bad either to give "Tut" one or· tai\C l 0 demerits.



(C. E.J Payette High, 1910: "Kinnie;" Football Sub. (1): "1" (2) and (3): Athletic Board (2) and (3); Captain Freshman Baseball: Class Basket Ball (2) and (3): Sophomore Baseball; Captain Freshman Fight; C. E. Society; Zeta Delta: Tau Alpha. Believes a ''Civil" and "A. Taylor" would make a happy combinati on. "You're you n g-you'll swear, too, 'ere you've reached the end."

MABELLE DORA RUDESILL, B. A. Sandpoint High, '10; Glee Club: Secretary Pan-Hel路 lenic Council: "Pirates of Penzanf!e: 路 " Pinafore:" Repres~ntative of Domes路 tic Science Department at Spokane Apple Show in 1911: l)mega PL Nickname, "Laughing Gas."


l!. or 1. Prep, 1910; "Joe;" Class A Honors (1) and B Honors (2); Captain Co. A, Battalion of Cadets: Journal Club; Class VicePresident (2). l\lllit:\ry rival of Napoleon.


U. of J. Prep, 1910: ''Pina· fore;·· Glee Club: Secre· tary of the Junior Class. Stillness is the perfect· e!\t ber"ld of joy.


CH,I.RLES ROY STILLINGER, B. A. l'. of I. Prep, '09: "Still; .. B. A. Degree in three years: Cast or Soph. Play. ''Billy''; Orchestra. "Beau.. enough to makf> his )f. S. in four years.

ZELLA BIGIIAJ\1. B. S. Lew1ston Normal. 1910; "Zell:" Cast Sop h. Play, "Billy' , Junior Prom Com· mlttee: Omega Pi. Does not believe In Prohibition and is especially fond of the Southern AC· cent.

CIIARLES CLAY KOET,SCH, LL. B. Boise High, '10: "Kolish:" Joke Editor of the ''1914 Gem of the Mountains": Bench and Bar Association: Kappa Sigma; Pi Alpha Delta. Long distance walking club. b u t- he's married now.

:\'!ARGIT Ai':l\"A WAALE, B.S. l'ampa High, '10; "Jack:" Class A. Honors ( 2) : Biology Club. Thought some or being a Cook after graduating.

CHARLES EDWIN IIORNIJ\"G. B. A., LL. B. Grangeville HIgh, 1910; "('has.:" Idaho-Pacific De路 bate: Idaho-Whitman Debate: IJewey Memorial Debate Prize: Campus Day Orator: President Sophomore Class: Bench and Bar Association; Theta .\Ju li:I)SIIOI\. Grangtlville's prize boy. Thinks that by changing his course every two years he will not have to worl,,

F. Stephenson .J. Lockha1t 8. McCrossin J. Gerlougb

S. b'reer M. Anthes


McCo•·mlck G. Nanl<t-rvis

H. I•'. L. P.

Pitcairn Carlson Curtis Ostroot

11. Letb

11. Wildenthaler F. Theriault ~1. Cozie•·


II. Dona r·t

J. Holman

G. Isaman

.\1. Rreslauer H. Sartord ;;. Perkins

V. Wbite

,\, L. Johnson

II. .\furray J. Hawley r~. Holaday

K. Pitcairn ll. Nuffet•

Y. Stoddard

M. Anderson

II. PettiJohn



Fl(ty路llm t

L. Lubken


H. Youngs P. Newlin

0. ~lartln A. Kinnison

R Lattig

G. Mcli'arlnnd


G. Bolger A. Christenson C. Collins R. Burns

W. Johnson V. Allen J McEvers F. McConnel


G. 'Wiley E. Hawley .1. Pond 1". LaFrenz

H. Beier A. Carr

R. Cammack

D. Ellis

M. )leans .1. Phillips K. Keane 0. :-lisbf't

n. :\lcGregor G. Kaufman n. Gertough 1.. Rowell

l'l(t/l路 (ottr


ill ~~


I ~

Freshmen A. Andrew A. Barber 0. Burkland c. Campbell R. Crater P. Ford T. Gregg C. Gyde A. Hartley L. Horton L. Huff B. Mason G. McCormick C. Melugin R. Motie H. Patten C. Reavis P. Ross E. Smith B. Sylvester A. TayiOI' F. Thomas G. Tracy P. Vande Bogart D. Wenz M. Zumhof H. Alexander C. Ankorn E. Bailey L. Beamer F. Berry R. Brookhart R. Cartee F. Chase D. D:wid H. Dingle L. D!\rmott R. Gillespie G. Fluharty W. Gano M. Jackson T. ll'lcDougall

H. Hammarmeister V. Jon es

C. Harris J. Keane V. Kjosness M. Leigh E. Mellison M. Mellison A. Maughan R. Miller N. Mitchell S. Morrison R. Montague N. Morley R. Numbers, Jr. B. Olsen V. Sieler R. Safford G. Tumbow E. Yearian A. Bailey l\I. Brown L. Carithers M. Carpenter G. DE'necke W. Edm undson 1\1. French M. Friedman R. Hill A. McMonigle C. Miller C. Moody J. Sran M. Vesser N. Watts A. Wilmot W. Booth L. Ellington R. Hughes C. Johnson J. Kelly



I F. Marsh C. Micltelwait R. Mitchell D. Rowell G. Tabor I. Varner P. Wenger G. Darnell H. Holaday A. Kambitsch G. McNett L. Morris W. Rutledge w. SC'boHeld R Schroeder A. Anderson El. Bennett S. Gregory C. H1.1llam R. Lauder H. Mitchell L. Rowell C. Shiplrey W. Roberts D. Eaves C. Sylvester J. Adams J. Boyd R. Hawldns 0. Homme C. Owens J. Sato B. Scott G. Sullivan D. Alberts R. Borden H. Elliott A. Lyon L. Ter teling K. Bentley R. Weaver





flll f .sfel'

C. OwE:xS ...................... Presitlent .................. I . M cDouG.\T..L G. T,\BOJL .................... Yice-PresidcnL ...... .. .......... G. :\:fcN"ETT G. D1·:XE<"KE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ;o-;ecrebn·.v -Tr<>nsnn•r ....... .. ...... P. PETI·:HSON

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The College of Law 'l'ht• College.• of Law. ::;incc il l:i cslablishmt•nt in JHO!), hns grown steadily and greatly in both number of stndt'nl ~ and :-.ize nnd nuility of faculty. This yt•tu· tht• st>cond clas.-;. con~isting of l\n·h·c nwn, will g•adnntc. It is 11 noteworthy fact that as yet no graduulc of thi.., ('ollt•gt' ha, fniled in th(.' examinntion "·hi<·h must h<' pas~NI hdon• one can he admitted to the Stat e Bur. Tht' Law ... tudt'nls haw always been pr<nni1wnt in ('ollt•gt• 11<"1 i' it ies . It seems that the tcncl(.'nt·y to take pn rl suC't·t•s;o.,full~· in athletics is a part of the budding lawy<>r. They at't' :d:--o fon•most in debating. and lake an impot·lanL purL 111 Dratllatit·s and otlwr phases of rollrgr lif<>. This ,VCill' t lH' stndt•nt s perfected an organization lowwn a;., "'J'Jw Bt•nrh and Bar Association .'' with lhr following ofli<-t•rs : ('hid ,Juslit•t•. R D. Leep<>r: .\ ssorinlt' .Just i('(•. ,J. ~1. Boyle: Clerk, A. Beer. A low f'n\•l<'t·nily, Pi .\J plm Delta. was oq~anizNl thil-' ,\'('at· with a nH•mhcrship of thirteen.




Lester Hoobler, LL. B.

Lewiston High, 1909; ''Hoob; ., Tracl\ Team: 'fenDis Team; Glee Club; Bench and Bat· Association.

Herbert W. Whitten, LL. B.

Blackfoot High, 1907; "Whit;" Freshman Glee Committee; Chairman Soph. Play Committee; Sophomore Frolic Committee; Glee Club; "Pinafore;" "Pirates of Penzance;" Varsity Track Team: Photo Editor Law Argonaut; Manager Sophomot·e Play; Manager Senior Play; Treasm·er Seniot· Class; Chairman for the Organization Committee of the Law School; Cast "Priscilla''; Law Class Football; Phi Delta Theta.

John Irvin Griner, LL. B.

U. of I. P1·ep. 1910; "Irvie;'' Track Team; Class FootbaU and Basket Ball; Theta Mu Epsilon.


I~ Theodore Abel Swanson, LL. B.

Pocatello High, J910; Bench and Ba r Association.



~ ~





Si:rtu u11o

Robert Dwight Leeper, LL. B.

Coeur d'Alene High. 1909; Class Honors, '09·'10· '11; Vice-President Junior Class; Field Manager 1912; Secretary Victor P t·ice Debaters; President Coeut· d'A lene Club '12; President Senior Class; Basket Ball '13: ldaho Gonzaga Debate '13: Chief .Justice Bencb and B<ll' Association.

Cartee Wood, LL. B.

Morgan Park Academy, Chicago, 1910: "Rip;" Theta Mu Epsilon.

Horace L. Chamberlain, LL. B.

Boise High, 1908; "Lorenzo:" Bench and Ba1· As· sociation: Theta Mu Epsilon.

Charles Allen Rice, LL. B.

Boise High, 1909; "Chat·lie;•· Bench and Bat· As· sociat!on.

iii.. ~i.l'l ,t!· llr tl




U. of 1. Prep, 1908; ·• Doc:''

U. of I. Prep, 1911; "Sut;" l<'ield Manager; Bench and Bar Association; Pi Alpha Delta.

Class B Honors; C I e r k Bench and Bar Assocla· tlon; Devil. Law Argo· naut; Pi Alpha Delta.

I ntends to revise )fos· cow's tight ordinance.

Although he is He(e) re he is very seldom Heard.

Colfax High, .1904; Whit· man, 1 !105·06: Winner of the following Deb a t e Prizes: Rldenbaugh 1912· 13, Borah 1912·13, Dewey 1912·13: In Debates Against Pacific U. and Wlllamette U.; Manager Soph. Play; Pi A 1 ph a Delta. All-Northwest swimming team.


?.:."~ , ~fj

Ii ~

II ~

I ~



YERXE LEE TAYLOR, LL.B. Austin, Texas, High, '11: Bench and Bar Associa tion. Almost impossible to tell when he is bluffing.




LL. B. Silver City High, 1909; "Rosey;" Class 8 IIonors; Assistant Editor Law Ar· gonaut: Bench and Bar Association: Pi A I p h a Delta. Has his eyes on City At· torney job in Sih•er City after






LL.B. l ' tab Agr. PreJ>, 1910; "Dad;" Pi Alpha Oelta.

Has a "bunch" that be can hold down the position or Dean of the Law Col· lege.




D. M. BUFFINGTON, LL.B. W. S.C. P r ep, '10; "Buff;" Bench and Bar Association; Pi Alpha Delta. Insists that the annual law party should be changed to dally and be made a part of the course.

PHILIP J. EVANS, LL. B. Bench and Bar Associa路 lion. Socialist candidate for Attorney General of Idaho

LAWRENCE EUGENE O'NEILL, LL. B. Lewiston Normal, 1909; "Larrie;'' Bench and Bar Association; Kappa Sigma; PI Alpha Della. or great assistance to l he Burf!ll'.




Lon; 1/,.ttJ oiiNLo..,.

Members of the First-Year Law Class

It'. Bnbcock

( '. Koelsdl

11 . Harton

I I. L inf'cnfcltcr

W. Casey

I. ,\ ld)ougnll

('. (; roo 111 t•

.J .

~fcE n•rs

.J. TT. H awley. .Tt·.



C. I lorn in~

.1. Phillip:.

.\ .•Jard ine

(:. Syl n•-.lct·

The School of Practical Agriculture Tlw S<·huol of Prac·t ira I .\ g t·icullnre was or~u nized in Od ohc1·, JHLO. Tt hn:-; for its pu rpose the t raining of youn~ nwn for a pnlrt icul nncl ns<' ful life on the farm. \TI1etht>r or not tht• school has suc<·cNlcd in its purpose can best be dec·idcd by lnrnin~ ou 1· utt<'ntion to the cl as..-; jusl ~raduutcd. 1.he firsl to attain diploHins. T iter<' are <'ighl young men in this clas.<; and not one of them saw his wny C'I<'Ol' to ;H·<·cpt an ngl'iculln ral position whi<·h wa s better. insofa1· as l't•mun~r;ltion wns <·OJH'N'nNl. than the a,·<.>rag<' C"oll<'g<' gm<luuh• <"Hll <'Xp<'d. ~lo»t of tlwm :,ro bntk to th(.' farm. Stud<'nls 1H't' admitted from the eighth gnult• without <'Xnmina1iou. I nsl nu·t ion is gin·n in secondary subject. . !'iuch as English . ~hlllwmal ic;,. nookkt'<•ping, Ch(.'mistr~- atld Physic·;:;. whidl ('Ol'l'(.'spond to lligh ~d10ol work. Some of th<' pt·acti<·al agricultural snbj(.'cls taught arc F1ll'lll :\[nchint>t·y. 'M oton;. Steam Engit1<'s, ll'l'igalion, Ot'<lin .Ju dging. Sto<·k .Judging. Fe<>ding of .\.nimals. C'nrp(.'nt<'t'ing. F org<' " 'ork, Bad(.'riology. Dairying. Orcha rdin~Z:, Y<>~Z:<'Inhle Oard<'ning. nn<l \'arious subj ects in Y<'t(.'rinary cil'n<:e. ! ['l w girls' <·lnss(.'s in H ome Economics are nlso popuhtt'. J nslt·uc1ion in s<•wing. <·ooking, \'Cgclnble ganlening ntHl pmtllry raising an• t'llt phusizNl. Th!' c·on rsl' begins nboul the middle of Odoh(.'l' an<l <·lost•s ttftl'r I he• s<•c·otiCl W<'<'k in l\Inrch. Thns a young 1111111 tan work SC\' (' 11 nwnlhs and nwn• thnn l'at·n t'IHHtgh to pay his expenses for the fi\'(.' ntonlhs "i>l'll( Ill ('O llt•g('. ~ol only do hoys from the eighth grade Ink(' ad\'anlug<' of the S<·hool of PnH'l ica I _\ gricultnrc, hut H igh S('hool and t'\.1'11 ('ollc•ge graduates from otlwr <·our:-;e~ ha\'(' macl<' up their Jllind to •·go hn<·l\ to th<• soil" and ha\·<' prcpar<'<l themst>ln>:-. for a pntdicnland !-Wi<•ntific farm lif<' in lhi-. way.

,-:/.r/1/•XI I ' ( II

Third-Year Class

H. R. Abel, Moscow, Idaho. Presid en t of Agr. Club; Presiden t o( the Third路 Y ea r Class; Stoc k Judging T eam ; Class V al edic路 tori an ; " Father ." A burner ot midnight oil.

G. R. Adams, Eugene, Oregon. Stock J udging T eam.

"Adam" In sear ch or E ve.

E. A. Beck, T w in Falls. Basket Ball: Vice-Pr esident or Third-Year Class; Treasur er of Short Agr . Association; " M aude.'' A Twin Falls booster.

L. H. Bowman, Grangeville, Idaho. Stock J udging Team; "Louie." When f ussed, forgets his hat.

H. A. Fellers, Rathdrum , Idaho. A gr. Tracl< Team; "Snookums." His artistic tern路 perament Is indicated by his long hair.

H. F. Jones, Endicott, Washington. President A gr. Association; Stock Judging Team; Basket Ball; " Jonesy." Thinks he will change his name to Smith.

J. A. Llt::hfleld, Elk City, Idaho. Short Agr. T r ack T eam; "Lite!\.'' A goin路 ''houn,'' l>ul a woman-hater.

M. V. Miller, La Crosse, Washington. Stock Judging T eam; " Shorty.'' nuts.

H e likes dough路

H. F. Querry, Moscow, Idaho. Member of " Idaho Country Life" Staff ; Class His路 torian: " Grand-dad.'' A Hort. shark and ski artist.

Second-Year Class

'J'up HO\\, h•rt to l'lglll- U. L. "\Voo l man, R. \VIJi(;;gonlPnt·r, \\'. V. !:;ton·~·. J . J.. Thome tz, B. C. Sta•·n. J . K " ' oocl. F. ll. l\1yer. Ct.'lltl'r- EIII(• L. scott, .\gnes Hanson. Olin· Khh\'(•11.

Botwm How, 1.-ft to t·lght-L. R. :\russe•·. Wm. Case, ~. Salhc•·g, G. F. Thonwtz, J. F. C•·om. C. 1·;. :\f:u·lner. l i L. Booth.




First-Year C lass

Top Hu\\, h ·r t Lu t'lt'hl-11. <:. Cot·ht·an!', I':Hl<>< ('un:\111, J•"• Mc<'t•n>ol<y. Cal'! 1-><'nncdy. C::. E. Ruthlo•tl){o·. Wnltt: t' Cool<, llat·t·~ Hlun". F. 1•:. lh<hut•no•, \V. T . ~l<•llla>Ho· t·. t;._.ntt•t· How. lo•ft to right· E. 1 I. ;\ll'Dadl'. ll . 0. l'a~1•. ,\ltii'Y Dris<·ull, t'l:tl':t \ 'au Dat·gt•n. (;Inch!< ll,•nllt'll. Glt·n Ta\ ltot•, l'tu•l :\lcyt'r, H. 'l'a) lot·, J•lhnny Lo>wlh, Gm·clon \\'right.

Dollom llcm. 1c ( l to right- 1:,•., Juhn~un.

HUS>'t'll Powo•ll, \\.

Fox. Slh·l•· C'c10l<. l'. I•: \\'lnt .. t·. T . \\' , J,ud<wooHI. ( ' . J. Spun,. I< r. IL II. :\lallu. Harry :llc'Ko ,.,.,.,..




Same- Nuc:.ker





S w entv-two



Freshn1an Glee CL.\ ~~

<W Hll:i

•\ pt·i I I :l. l!ll :l f 'tllllllliffee ( ' /wirlllf' ll

H<·t·l LaUig P hilip ~litdwll W illiam H cl fridt L()ni:. D<'nnin~ H ()l)(•t't :\J c( : t·pgor

) I t·;;. •T.


~Iad ,\'nn

:'I Ii:-.,., P <•rmeal F n•u<·h :\It·-.. T. E. ('ntht·o


,.,,,,, ,,,,r



I ~


~ ~

~ ~ ~


~ ~


-路 ~


Senior Ball CL.\.R, 路 OF l!H2 .Tnnc 7. l!H2

Pat rolle.Ssf'.~

J ..\. :\fa cLean Pcrmcal French .:\Irs. S. E. ITutton ) J L'S.

~!i ss

:\l is..:; ) JntHl :Miner

I ~



Athletic Ball October 1!>,


/'at NJJt('.~8es

.lt Metil' Board

('. E. Fan<' .T. L. Philips Tl. B. Kinnison .J. F. Hayden

L. T. J essup A. H. Knutson V.



P cm JCal French Mr:;. ,J. G. Griffith )'Irs. W. B. Carrilhe•-s ~ I n;. E. Ifplli(' J'- ollcns )li:-;s


Junior Prom CL.\.. S OF Hll-! December 13, 1912

Committee Clwi?·mcn Fay Robinson Irene Tosney Geor·ge cott


/oi( t•f II

tU·8f t•t'll

Mrs. ,J. A . MacLe11n Miss P ermeal French :\!1-s. R. . ~IcCn ffery :\Irs . •T. G. Griffith )!iss Fay Hostetter

Sophomore Frolic C'L.\ SS OF 1!1(;,

f 'o f /'0/I('NXI'•~

{'nm.millu f 'llflit•utl '' ITt-rht'l'! Bt'ic•1· La\\' l'l'llt'<' Sto111• Louis l)(•tming


.Tnm!'s ll nwl(•y, .) r.

.\Jr.,. Lyntan P. " 'i l;-,on

~lr- .

.\. ::\[ad~t·an

.1. (f. (irilliLh

~{j.,., l'l'l'llll'HI Ft'('IH'h

1\nl ht•rint> K Paltt'

·"' ,., li

IJI-t ltJiit

Military Ball ( ' 0111 111i tlet•

( ' /uri 1'1111' 11

Louie Jessup Freel Carl~on .Jad;: .\dam~ Louis Dt>nning H oward Tlolnduy Jlomrr Yo11ng;,

/'a/1'/J/II' .'<.W! S

) [,.,.,, .1. F. Franklin

)1 i-..... P t>t'mea l Frt>nch :\lr~ . .1. •\ . ~bwLt'a n :\lr, . ~1. E. Ll'wis ~h,.;.•J. 0. <lt·illith ~lt ·s. H. C. Bt•tttwt






i I




I •



I Eiohtv路onc




"p·trates o f Penzance" P H I •~SEXTED B Y Til E ~ L ay :~~l.

(' L .\ ~;-i

O l•' !!)]:3

1!) 1:!

1'.\ S T

R i<·Lht rcl. a P i l'a Il' Cl1 il'f . ...................... ......... <.'a 1'1 Lon x ;-i;lllln<•l. 1 I i:-. Li<•nlt'll<lllt .. ...................... . E. K. TTnmphrit•-. Frecleri<·. Pi l'llll' . \ pprt'llliel' ... . . .................. . Enoch P <•1·ki11,., ~Iajor-C:<' IH'!';tl ;-itanlt•y .............................. Er1w,.,t Lonx Edward. ;-i(•l'g'l'<llll of Poli<·<' ..................... .... ('land<• fr<•nl'(l :\ rab<·l. C:<•n. ;-it;\lll<f,., Yonng-P-.,t l>nng-lllt•J' ......... ... ~l nncl<• Jl i111<':-. Knll' ~ 11\.;\th ~lalwl Hnd('sill E<lith (;<'II. Stanl<·.,··s Dan;.!IIII• J'i-o............ ryn :-intilh HI a<l \'S ~an k<• ,.,.i:-. Isnh<'l R uth . Pntdi<·nl :\ lnid of _\ II "'ork .................. ~L1n<k <lr<'l!ot'.'' , l l f IJ,,


Helen D<•twl'k<• Elizahl'llt HNlwa.r E n•h·n ~ft•pk-. :\I a rgueri l<' ,Jmw-. L orraine Hank OliYl' K a<ll<•tz Grnra l U agnr 1\£:1rgnrri t <' ?l lc>nns

.\ lfn•d Widwr ,John :'II<·E n•r,.. Halph Dippel F rNl R ecord Cltt•sH'I' • mi tit .) !'a 11 (;<'dough \ •<'I'll Oil Fa w<·<•ll

11 (/.~.~(IX

Dorolh\· T adot· C. H. BnfHII;:!Ioll H<N' S;Pit•l·. II. \\'. Whit1<•11 .)<"·•,..i<• Co1·ant ('. E. \Yatts Flon'll<'<' St<'phen:-on E. E. Smith ~ita ) !ill<·•· H. 0. Burn:-. ( 'r-.t•l :-itrohr<·kt>l' IT. L. Chantbt>rlain Edna L;tr:-.<•n E dwina YPn rinn

''Billy'' PUEBE~TED

BY THE CLASH OF HH+ Egg;m's Hall. May :2-k 1!)12 C.\S'l"

Tiontswain ......................................... Fay Robinson Steward ..... . ............................... . ...... .Tack Rogers Sailor .................. . ........................... l\alter Scott Beatrice Slm111 ....... . ............................. . Irene TosnC'y l\frs. Sloan ..... ...................................... Lnlu Vanct' Slewarde:;s .......... .. ............................ Zelia Bighant Sam Eustace .......... . . . .. . .... . ......... .... ... Rcrt \\'"oolridgc

:Mr. Ilargrnrex ........................ . ........... Ralph Parsons Ship's Doct01路 ....................................... Max Scofield lli lly fhrgnn路c:; .................................. Stephen R egnn ~\.lice HargraYe!;. .................................. .Jeannette Fox Mr:-;. H argmYe;; .... ... . .. ............................ Sue Sinclair .Auctioneer ............................................ Roy Tuttle


"Breezy Point" PRE 'EKTED BY PHI CJA)DJ.\ B ET.\ Crystnl Theatre.

~o,·e mbt•r

22. H>12


.\unt D ebhy Dexte r.

~Ii st r&:>

of Breezy Point ...........\ltn Tnylot'

Eleanor Pt•al'i. of Unknown P<lrentage ................ rrene Tosney .\:..hrel Omnt. Wor·khouse -n- aif ....................... h ·n Emmett Mehitublc Doolittle, Manufacturer of Cutun·h ~Irs.

~nu tf .. Elizubcth Tla~·s

llardscratch ............. .................. ;\1ur~u critc .\lien

" . ~ Flo McConrwll lla rdscnl tch I wms ......... .................. 1Lou i~ H i(')11Hdson Fnnlim•, French

~ l aid

................ .. .... .... . Mnr·jorir Zumhof


L aura L eigh .................................... Edwina Yen ri nn

('lnrice F enley ....................................... Ruth Nlotie Bernice Vernon ......... . .............. ........ Georgin K aufman l•:dith Norton ....................... . ..... ..... ... Glnd,vs Collins

Old Clem. Gypsy ........ .. ................ . ..... Eliznbeth Sou len






Senior Class Vaudeville Eggan·s HaJI March 7, 191 3 Overture .......................... ........ .... .. .............. " Eternal March" Mandolin Quartet. ...............Jack Adams. E. Perkins, C. E. Watls. R. Gillespie Song and Dance Artists ..... .. . ........ ............... Ruth Motle and E . Perkin s Whl slllng Newsboy ......................................... Horace Chamberlain Clog Dancing .......... ....... . .... . ............ ....... . ............ V. Hockett Trombon e Solo ............ .. .... ........... • .... ........... .. ..... Ca rl Melugin German Comealans .. .. ... ........ .. ..... ... .... . E. Perkins and tc. 1<. llumphrles Three Little Maids From SchoolFlorence Waters, Valborg Kji:isness, Florence Stephenson. Anna McMonigle, Edwina Yearlan, Marjorie Zumbo!. Readin g ........................ ... .. .. ........... .. . ... ..... Gertrude Deneckt!

Comedy Sketch, " In the Sleeping Car'' CAST: Mrs. Roberts .............. ...........•... ....................... Kathryn Smith Aunt Mary ............... . .................................... Winnl!red Brown Call torn ian .................... .. .. .... .. .. ..................... Enoch Perkins Mr. Roberts ...................... ...... ............................ C. E. \Vatts Willis CampbeJI .•.............. .... ..•..... .. ...................... Leland Case Porter .................... ............... ................•...... Ray Ar mstrong Conductor ...................... .................. ............... Claude Heard Voices




/'lylll Jl路xi.r








8 0 ~ 0

• I


Football 'l'hl' 1!11 ~ foolltnll :-.t•a:-.on \\·as OIH' of tlar naost :-t tc·c·t•s:-d'ul nt l claho in :-.c'\'l'I'HI ,\'!'Ill'S. .\ !though \\' !' dicl not \\'in any mon• ~HIIH's thun in l!lll, llw n•lati\'l' -.(t•t•ngth of tlw othc•t· c·o nfc•re•nc·c• !Pants tiHHlc• it :l nwn• g l01·ious ,\'\'111' for l clnho. l n the• sonH•whnt tnix<'<l-up stnnding of thr c·onfc•rc'11<'<' tt•ants ln:-.1 fn ll. I daho was gi \' ('11 st•t·otH I p lac·t• hy a II c'l'i ties. Tlw st•a:-.ott opc•tu•d ttntlt>t' promisi11g t'01Hlit ion:-., with a :.roocl pt•rc·t•nlngc of tlw olcl llH'll h:ll'k 111111 a lar:.rt• squad of Ill'\\' l11l'11 tt·yin~ out for positions. \\'<' plnyt•d the• four otht•t· :-tmngc•:-.1 tt•nn1,... in tht• rcmft•t't'nt·c• anti fini . . lwd with only tlw in,·in<'ihl<• \\'ashingtou l<•:un nlwncl of 11..... T lw . . c·ltt•tl111t• opt•nNl with lilt• hit-tmial iunt . . ion of Pullnu111. l cl:llto ...,<'<'111rcl to haw lht• adnmtagt• ft·om tlw fir,.,t. .\-. tlw gamt• achnnc·l'tl. thr -.n pc•riorit y of our l<'a 111 ht•eatuc• 111on• a ppa n•n t. n uc1 I l<'fot'<' t ht• g:utw ":h o\"CI' "<' \\'<'l'l' playing ring,., nrotnHl Bt•ntlrr's pupil..... Tlw . . t·on• wa;.. l:l to 0 fm· lcl:tho. It . . lwulcl haH• ht•pn higgrr. thry -.ay: hut \\l' ,,·c•n• \\I'll -.ati..,fit•cl with that. l t \\a;.. a \\t•akl'r !t•ant whic·h " 'a:-.lungton \\':lllopt•cl. ~I to 0 . at ~t·atllt• the• follcmiug wt•t•k. " 'ashingtoll has 1111 ugly hnhit of winnittg all IH•t· gamt•-.. so \H' \\'l'l'!' not a:-. d i;,a ppoi nkcl a l Jo,.,i ng t hi,.. gn nw :h \\'l' \\'t'l'!' \\' hc•n 0 rc•go11 la•nt 11" n \\ c•c•k lntt•t'. :3 to 0. Fmtn tht• c1opl'. I daho :-hon ld han• \\'Oil this gnnw. Though g1·c•al ly otthn·i~lw<l. we hnrl thr w!'b-footr1·s onll'lnsst•d nnd lh<• ).!HilH' w<Htld c·t•t·tnin ly han• h<•rn ot1rs had tlw ll':t111 not ht'<'ll itt st tdt poor shape fo llo\\'ing !It!' " 'ns hington g:anl<'. from tht• inj1 11·it•s of whit·lt t iH• 11H'1t hn<l hardly n•<·o\'<'l'l'd- 111111 t hp 01'(•gon hoodoo. .\ s it Wits. tit!' g:n11tt' wns nhout ns t'\'t•n 11 :-; a footlmll gnn11• t·o1tld ht•. Ot·t•gotl \\'Hs within stril;ing dista1wr of ont· goal ahont as oftt•n ;h \H' ,,·rn' neat· thc•i t·:-. On1· lt•a111 \\'Ottld h:t\'e• a gt·<•:tl aclvantagt• in o1ll' qnnrtt•r only to han· tlw wor,.,t of it in t lw npxt. But tht• gn•att•,.,l ).!:1111<' of all wa,., llw Thank-.gi,·ing huttlt• \\'ith \\'hitntan at " ':dla " '11lla. J>op<•<l as ho!Jl'lcss lo,..l'l"- ancl \\'ilh H ;..<·on• for tlw fir:-.1 half of (ito 0 :1/.!;dllst tlwu1. tlw ldaho tram t'Hilll' b:l!'k in tlw Ia;,( pt•riod awl \\'Oil tlw ;!11111('. 1:~ to li. Tlu· l tlnho fighting' .._pirit and thl' training of "Pink" Oriflith ditl it. In thoS(• two toudtclown;,. I daho jlllltJW<l front the• lmttont lo llw -,(•tot HI plat·t• in I ht• t·on f!'1'1'1H'<' race.

f:ly /I(IJ·IU t; II

Only two memuers of this team will he lo:.l by gmdunlion this yearE noch and P roctOI' P el'lcins. \Vhi le the.'~ will he g reatly missed. there are men lo take thei t· phl<'t>h. ;lnd there i;, no reason now a ppa rent why we should not. have to fight it out with \\'a. hington fo1· first pln<:e next fall. For next season. 0 . .\. ('. hah been added to the I d a ho schedule, to take

the plnte of " 'nshington. 0. A. C. ih usually wrll r·t•presented in :foot bal1, and this ganw will probably not l>e the <'<l>.ir:-.1 of tlw ;;eriPs. H owever, students lll'O alt·<•ad,r beginning to wonder if it "·ill not be ll<'<'<'ssnry to ph1y a pos tst•nsongnnw with \\' aHhington to sett le the first plat'<'. The S<·or·t•s ol' 1!>1~ :


\\'. s. ('.............

Idaho ............ . . . 13 ............... 0 Idaho . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0

1-. 0................


l clnho ............... l~

\\'hit111un ('olh•gP .. ...



w. LT.

0 l T. \\' ......... :24

Coach J. G. Griffith, " Pink" for short.

A form of energy not described In Gurney's courses, but which keeps Idaho's handful of athletes in the conference running. Originator of .. Idaho Fights" and chief exponent or the "Come Back" theory. For several weeks each rail he is the most popular man at Idaho and holds his own for the rest of the year without difficulty. He be路 lleves in clean athletics and practices what he believes.



I ~

Graduate Manager G. L. Larson.

Sometimes tailed 路路Gus'' by his friends, who in路 elude everyone connected with the Uruverslty. In ancient history he is famous for winning his ''I" In three branches. Since he is no longer eligible to play he now devotes himself to putting Idaho's athletics on a sound llnancial basis. In his capacity of Graduate Manager be bas made the credit or Idaho athletics good, besides giving us the best schedule going.


Captatn Procter K. Perkins. He has played every position In the line. and played them all well. ··Proc" has a habit of gettin~ the maximum amoum of worl< out of a team and, at the !'ame lime, keeping a good spirit nmong the men. lie has shown unusual qualities as a leader. This Is his last season and he will be greatly missed when the men line np next fall.

Student Mgr. C. G. Paulsen, an able manager. :\lana~lng the football team is not usual· ly considered the best way of becoming JlOJHtlar with the players. but Paulsen has ~ot the system and gets along with e\erybody without slighting his duties In thl' lt>asl.

Enoch Perkins. "'::-.:uck'" played quartet• for Idaho four years, and was one or the most feared men in the conference. Was picked by some for All-::-.:orth\\"Pst quartet._ He shows good judgment in directing a team, and is a strong defensh·e playet·. In open-Held running he is classed with the best in the conference.

\ illfl/1

C larence Favre, Ca pta in-Elect for 1913. He cla i ms thirteen is his lucky number , and plans to be captain or a win n ing team in that year. H e will be the onl y man on the team who has i>layed three years when the player s r epor t ror pr ac· tice next fall. Favr e is a st~11· g uard and in that position has mel a ll the guard s in the l'\or thwest. gelli ng mor e than his shar e of the honor s. H e has the envia· ble r ecor d or having n ever been tak en o ut ol' a co llege ga m e. !l is fi gh ting spirit w ill mak e hi m a m ost successful l eader f or the 1!l13 tea m.

Al bert Knuts o n. Although not a hea,·y man he will pass with the best or the conference halfbacks when it comes to hitting the line har d. "Knnte•· has but one formula for foot· ball, which Is " H it 'em low and hard.'' He has been a regular halfback for two years.

C. H. Buffington, Tackle. ·'Buft''' did so well in '11 that he came back for more last fall. He was missed very much when for ced by other work to give up football. li e Is a big man and fast, a sure tackl er , and can be counted on for gains in "tackle back."

\ iltff{I· OnC

I ~


H . Bank s K i nni so n, Guard. A big man, who has few equals in his

position. He is also one of the best punters in the Korthwest. Banks was named for All-Northwest guar d, and received strong support in the election of captain for next season. He will be one of Idaho's best in 1913.

J ohn P h il lips , Tac k l e. "Buck" Is a heavy man, with lots of !ltrength. He Jllays his position well, be路 ing a valuable man on both offense and defense. He is also one of the best Jllllllers in the :-\orthwesL "Buck" is only a Sophomore and will wear the red Jersey for a couple of years more.

Virgil Samms, En d.

"Sammy" is one or the hardest tacklers on the team. He Is strong on br eaking interference and getting down under punts. With him on the r eceiving end, lhe forwa r d pass always looks good for a big gain.

11 'f

Ni" ctv路troo

Robert 0 . Burns, a Lightning Fast Half back. He is also a good punter and drop-kicker, and one of the best men on the team at making for ward passes. " Bobby" has played for Idaho two years and has two mor e years on the team.

Stanley Brown, Fullback. He Is only a Freshman, but one of the best backfield men In the conference. A great line plunge•· and hard worker. H e will be much heard of in the next three yt>ars.

C2ilbe rt McCormick, Tackle. He made t he team on the jump and was one or the hardest workers on the sQuad. " Mac•· is not only a big, fast tackle, but also can be used to punt or make for· ward passes. H e bas th r ee more years with the team.

Nluctu· tll n•


_ _


James Lockhart, Quarterback.

The fastest man on lhe sq uad. Jim is a good field genera l, a sur e tackler, a dro])-kicker an d one of the best in openfield running. He will be a valuable pilot ror the team next season.

Jack J ohnson, End.

He is t he last word when it comes to playing end. He has a world of speed an d !mows the game from every angle. \Vith Johnson on one end and Leuschel on the other. there aren't many plays going around Idaho's line.

Carl Shipkey, End. A hard worker, who can stand plenty of

hard knocks. He has played against some of tbe roughest men in the conference a nd always seems to have the best of lt.

:Yiut' fll路{fllll

Seth Freer, Su bstitute Halfback . Free1路 was called upon !'.e,eral times la!lt fall and always fllled a big hole ''hen lw went Into the llneut>. Last fall was hilfiJ'st season here. and he !ltandl\ a good chance for t ht> nt>xt fllr<'<' year;;.

William Gowan, Substi tute Quarter. "Bill'' can always be depended upon to till the quarter job In a t>inch. He is a cool plnyer and strong on derense. He has three years more in which to make the tenm.

Howard Elliot, Substitute Guard. "Porkey'' is one or the heavy men on Lbe squad. and be bandies himself well. He is a freshman and will make his "I'' before he graduates.

\tilt IJJ -flt' t

Fay Robinson, " Skinny," Sut-stltute Halfback.

Although last year was his first season out, he showed eno ugh stuff to be taken to Walla Walla. He has a chance at It ;1gain nE-xt yea r .

Otto Leuschel, End.

''Dutch" played his first college ball t.bis year. He is big and fast. In br eaking up Interference and handling the forward pass he bas few equals

Arthur Jardine, Substitute End.

Idaho had plenty of ends last fall, otherwise Jardine would have made his " I ". H e is big and fast and bas a way of getting under for ward passes and punts that makes him a valuable man on the team. He Is also strong at running interfer ence. He has t hree more years al Ida ho.





. I j):''

• II






Basketball Tht- lm:-k<>tball ..,<•a..,on of l!ll:!-1!3 \\a:- not one nf the he:-1 for I daho. \\"c hacln u•an1 nt~Hle up largf'ly of new men. Tlw II'Hill worked ll!nd ancl ton-,i!'-tently n nd nwch t•n•d i l j.., <llw t hf'nl for t h<> t' tfm-t the~· put forth. Prohahly tlw ;!l't•a(P-.1 adli<'\'<'nll'nt of the ::l<'a,.,on wa,., tlw hn•H kin:.r u f t hf' ··O•·r;ron TTo,, doo·· wheu \H' lwat Orrgon. Hi to 11. !?inanciall.\-. tlw s('a;.on wa" n ,.,II<TI':-..,. for tlw tirst time in :-.<'YcJ·al yt'IH·:-.. T hi,., i;, due to the ndoptiou u~' ManagPr Lan;pn of the :-.t>a:-.on-tieket plan. Those who won tlw ha;.krtlul ll ' '["this sNlsOn

arc ffnrry SouiPn . •\ll a11 Kiuui:-.o11. H. J\ l itdwll, .Tim K eanP. C. Anko.-n. Oail MC'~rll 11nd .\ . .l n•·dint·.

\ill t I !!·Ci{lltt




Baseball .\ ... Idaho did IICil play t·onft•n•Jlt'P ha:-;dm ll la"l "Pring'. ('o;l<'lt •·Pink .. Oriflith org;tnix<•d two li\'1•-lt•ant lt•agiH''i in tiH' :-;t·hoo l. Otw o f tiH•-.t• \\';\:-; ))('tW<.'cn <·In"" nnd 1\H'tdty I!'Htlls nnd lht• otht•r hPl \\' 1'1'11 frat<•rnily <· lnl1s. Both Ieng li t'S Wt'l'C a SII ('(' CSS. r n enc·h 1<-ngllt' ( h<•n• W('l't' sonw (' \'enly tnaldH•<l lt•ants ancl ,.,orne cl;l s:> game,.; wen• pl;tyccl . Tht• ;lllt•JHlnnl'<' was lwlt<•r than t hnl of t lw usna l conference gnmt•s ancl <·onsi<l<·rnbll' spi1·it was manift•.,(t•d. Tlw Kophouton•,.; won tlw <'las" t'ha tnpion:-.hip. bnl \\t'n' t· losely press('d by the Fn•.,hnwn. J n thl' fnllernity lc.>ague Kappa :-iignta \ron the c np. Theta ~[n 1-:p:-.ilon. Zt•ta Delta and tht• non-frat lean"' ti('(l for :-.t•t·otlll plact•. Phi Dt•lla ThPia pbtyt•<l mw game an<l fod't•itPd tiH· t'<'tllllilling ganH'' of it:.,t·lw<lnlt•. T lw -.(;\IHling- of the dub~ \\·a,.. a,., follow,; IXTE H -CL .\S:-i LE.\(:l"E l.<hl " 'em

.... . ...... - .. -


Fn• . . hnwn ~t·nim·,..

















•J unim·,.; ................... Fa<·tllty ................... FlL\TEH ~JT) "















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\Yon Knppn :-;igma . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ' l'hPtil ~l 1 1

P t•t· Ct.



f>Pl' ('(.



Ep...;ilon . . . . . . . . .



Xon . . F'ral<'t·nit ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . Zl·t~l I)Pitn. ...·.... . ..... . ..





Phi l k lln '1'111'1.\...........


.-.oo :;oo :;oo ()()()

l d;tlw \\'i II ;tg-a i 11 phly ('OI1f<•n•nc·t• bnst•ha II tit i. . .,pri ng. a triangular ll'ngut• \\ ith " .hitntan nn<l " '· :-;, C. h;l\·ing he<•n fornu•<l. Thl' \\ inn<•r of this ]('a~uc ''ill IIH'l'l tlw winnt•r of a -.i111i lar ka~IIP of th1• tlll'<'<' <·onf<'l'<'lll'l' <·ollegt>s on llw Coa..,l. The l\\ o lt•a;.rm•,., la-.t _\'Par ht'OIIg'hl out tlltl<'h :,rood lll:llt•rial llhH would IH'\'l'l' haw l)Cl'll <li"I'O\'t'rt•cluncl<'r ordinary t'Oitditioth and ( 'oadt (~t ·if1ith will he;.rin tlw ....<•a-.on \\ itlt tlw most nwtPrial in th<• lm-.pball hi-.tory of T<la ho.

(Jii f '

1/umlrt tl

Track Season, 1912 'I'nt<·k work \\'11 :-. tltP on ly inll•n·ollc•giatc -;port Htll'ntplt•d l a~t !-.p t·ing, the sludt•nts haYing dl'<'id<•d lo withrlt'a\\· :from tlw t·onf<•t'<'IH'l' IHts<•bnll lt•:tgul'. This gaw Tru <"k ('oac·h \ ' au der Ycel' a largPr sq uu cl with whi<·h to \\'OI'k and lw suc·c·<•t>ch•d in ])lilting out a w('l l-balaliC'('d lt'nnt, nlthough lw had to Hll Yllt'a nc·ic•s ldt h,\' :Montgolll('l',Y, ~trohcckcr <llld }{(';tnt of lht• 'II h•nnt. To offsl't thi~ los.-,, Phillips iu tlw weighls, Sc·ott and H arris in tlw juntps. ITunl ('l' 1tnd Wntt s in th<' htll'(ll('s and R <'<l('k('r in th<' <lisbtnc·c•s. clP\'l'lopNl into c·m1:o.i~t c•n t poi nI w imw r~. Th(' ouly ni<'C'l lwld nl :\[os<·ow wa. lost to ''l1ilman by a >-<'01'(' of 'i-t. to (j(j_ Thl' JH<'<'I wa-, otH' of th<' tuost <':-<<·iting held at l claho in ~l'\'t'rnl ycHJ's. Only in tlw last lap of tlw reht~· nH'l' did ''ltitman cinch tlw m<•t•t. Th<' two-mil<• <'\'l'IH won hy Hc•cl<•k<•r in l his mi.'(' I will long he l'l'lll('lllh<'n•d. Tn I his meet Phillips~ ~ 11 1ww I<lnho jan•lin I'('Cord of 1-)'j fN•l 11 /:..! inc·ht•s. ancl brokc the J'l'l'<>J'(l in tlw hallllll<'l' throw by hurling the W<'ight 123 f<•ct 'i indws. H<•dl'ln•t· e~t ahli siH'd 11 nc•w J clalw l'N'ord in tlw two-mile run. doing the di:-.bHtc·c in 10 minul<·~ :10.1 >-t'<'OIHls. Two w<•ck~ lnt t•t·. at P nllnmu, the I daho team wns (l<•ft':tiNl by :t s<'O I'<' of , 2 to .iR. T his llll'Pt was ht>ld in 11 dri,·ing rain nnd 011 11 slippery field : hut T<lnho di cl not attt·ihutt• he•· cl<•f<•nt to that. as PullnHtn hacl OIH' of the best ft•u uts in tlw eonfl'I'I'IH't' in l!H~. In this m<'<'l Phill ips 11gnin slat't'l'<l. I>Ping the indi,·idual point -winner of the day. ln tht• c·onl'c•n•nt<' mct•t nt Pod land on the• followi11g ~alul'(lny, I daho ntadc n poor showing. owing largt> ly to injuric•s 1llHl lwt· l:t<·k of indi,·iclunl star,.;. W<• fini shNl with fi\'l' po ints. Pt·o:-~ Jwds for n good lt•um this ,rea1· are not <'X<'t'<'clingly bright: hut ll'ilh n good spit·it among thP m<•n nncl tht• assistance of "lTN·k" EdnHIIHlson, fclaho's great clishlll<'<' l'lllllWI', in th<• <·onC'hing- d('partm('nt. \\'(' ~houlcl IH•at last ,\'<'nr's showing. \\'<• will han• P hillip,., for the weights. ~l'ott for tlw high jump. and If1ll'l'i~ for the hroacl jump. Sprinter. . hurdkrs nnd clisl:tll<'l' nt<•n will he de,·elopt•d from tlw Hl'\\' nwn nnd tlw minor point-winnn~ of ta~t .\'<'111'. Bonnie 'Yatt :-.. ch•c·tt•d t·aptnin of the :-.quad for this .'·('ar. did not rptnm to <'<>l l<'g<'. and will ht• mis.-,cd in lh<' hnrdfe..,.

One TTmllii'Cfl One

I '

lOO·ya1·d dash ........... 9% sec .................. :\lontgomery ......... 1908 220·yard dash ........... 22 sec .................... :\1ontgomery ......... 1908 410.yard dash ........... 51% sec .................. Edmundson ......... 1905 'O·yard dash ........... 2:0~ sec ................. Edmundson ......... 1905 1·mile run .............. I: 32 .... ..... ............ Edmundson ......... 1905 2·mile run .............. 10:30.4 sec ............... Redeker ............. 1912 High jump .............. 5:10 ..................... Strohecker .......... 1909 Broad jump ............. 22:6 ..................... Tilley ............... 1903 Pole vault .............. 11:1% ....................\lurphy ............. 1907 120-yaJ·d hurdles ......... 16% sec ..... ...... ....... 01·iscoll ............. 1908 220-yard hurdles ......... 25 sec .................... .\lonlgomery ......... 1908 llammer throw .......... 125:7 .................... Pbiiiii>S ............. 1912 Discus throw ............ 108:2 .................... Smith ............... 1907 Javelin .................. 157:1% .................. Phillips ............. 1912 Shol put ................ 40:11 .................... Larsen .............. l!l07

One lluudrrtl Troo



The Wearers of the ''I" ·I

BuOington . . . . . . . . . . Football ........... Basketball l Track E. Perkins ......... , Football Baseball .................... . P. Perkins . . . . . . . . . . Football Baseball .................... . Samms . . . . . . . . . . . . . Football ................................ . l~a vre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Football ............ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • B. Kinnison . . . . . . . . Football . . . . . . . . . . 1................•.•.. PhilliJ>S .. .. .. .. .. .. Football 1......... :: Track Burns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Football 1........... ... . ................. . Knutson . . . . . . . . . . . . Football ................................ . McCormick . . . . . . . . . Football ................................ . Leuschel . . . . . . . . . . . Football . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... . ShiJ>key . . . . . . . . . . . . Football ................................ . Lockhart . . . . . . . . . . . Football ................................ . I Iayden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baseball .................... . Robinson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Baseball .................... . Denning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Track llarl'is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Track Scott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Track \Vhltten ........................ Track Hockett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basketball ........ . A. Kinnison .................... .•....... . . . Basl<otball ........ . Sou len . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1. . . . . . . . . . . . Bttsl<etball ........ . Basltelball ........ . Nuffer ............. \V. C. Perl<ins. . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basltetball ........ . Mitchell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basl\etball ........ . McNett . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basketball ........ . Keane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basketball ........ .





~~~t~~n.::::::::::::: /. · F~tb.~li · .,.. B~.s~·b·~,j.. ~~:~=~~::: Jardine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basketball ........ .

OM• lltllltll't't/1'/tt't<'

Interscholastic Track Meet Tlw inlt•t·-,dwlast ic traek ntecl lu:-l :-pring wa:- t lu• Jtto,t ~tH·<·t•s...,ful that has !wen had in the three ~·cat':-< the t•\·cut has ht•<•n lwld nl Tclaho. Boise won fir:.! pla<·e. with ·H points: whilt• ('oeur cL\lt•tw. tiH' winnt•t· uf IIH• .\'<'ill' bcfot·t•. was a close SC'Cond, with 4-2 points. ('adt>y. of Boi-.e. was tlw indi,·idual pointwinner. m:tking :lO points in the nte<'t. . \!though tlw llH'Pl was held undi.'r unfa\'ot·ahh• '''l'lltlH'r t·mulition,.,. tl.'n Tclaho intcr-:-<·holn-..ti<· record:, wen• broken. Ea<"h .n•at· tlw t·onttuittt•t• is ln·in~­ ing mot·t• llH'I\ fmm the ,.,outhcm part of tlw ... tal(• :IIHl thi.., .\'<':\1' will pmbahly "l'C :1 ntorc sut·t·l•-...-.ful int<'t·-,.choln:-ti<· Ill<'<' I 1han t'\'1'1' hPfor<•.

ID.\IIO lXTER-SCilOL.\STI(' HE('OHD:-; 50·yard dash .......... .. :i% sec ......... .......... Carley. Boise ......... 1912 I 00-yard dash ........... 10% sec .................. Carley. 13oise ........ . 1912 220·yard dash ........... 23% sec .................. Carley, noise .. . ...... 1912 120-yarcl hurdles ......... 17'n. sec .. . .......•....... Carley. Bolse ........ . 1911 220-yard hurdles ........ . 28% sec .......... • ....... Nugent. Boise ........ 1912 !40-yai'Cl dash ........... 53% sec ............. ..... De \Vale! , C"t• d'AIE'nc .. 1911 880-yard dash ........... 2:12% sec ......... •. ..... DeWnld. ("t· d'Aieue .. 19 12 Mile run ......... .. • .... 4: 56 sec .... .............. Gerlough, Boise ...... 1912 .Javelin .................. 148 feet .................. ('ool<e. Cocut· d'Aiene.1912 Shot puL ................ 43:3 ..................... Phillips, Lewiston .... 1911 l)iscus throw ............ 105:9 .... ..... .... • ...... Phillips, Lewiston .... 19L1 Pole vault ............... 10:3 ............. ........ Cassidy, Colfax ....... 1912 llammer ln.·ow .......... 140.1 ...... ............. . Phillips, Lewiston .... 1911 High jump .............. ;):7lh . ............. ...... Har·bke. Nez Perce ... 1912 Droad jump ............. 20:6~~ ................... Thompson. Lewiston .. 1912

OtiC llundt·ed Four


011c Hu111lrca Flvtl

R. B. Foster I rd. Soulen

P. Perkins )J. Petcioa

B. E. Da,路is

P. V. Lucas R. F. Tuttle

01w Jlurult路ctl Si.e

A. S. U. I. The .\ s:;ociated 'ludents of the uni,·ersily of Idnho is an organ ization of which all regular student:; an• members. .\ compul:-ory membership fcc is collected at the beginning of each semester. T he association exercises general supenisory powers oYer all student ncti,·ities and ca res for aJJ other matters of general . tudenL concern.

TilE EXECUTI VE BOARD President ....... . ................ P roctor K. P erkins, '13 Vice-P resident ..... ... .................. Ralph Foster, 1!~ . 'ccrctary .................... . ......... ~1ary P<'lcinu, 'H T reasurer ... .... .. . ................ . Pa rkcr V. T"u<"as, '13 ...\thletic Boal'Cl. ...... .. ................ V. \V. , amms, 'l·~ Dcl>nte Council. ....... . .......... B. Ellsworth Davis, '1;~ AL·gonnn t, tuff ........................... Roy Tutllt•. ' L ~ Faculty ........................... P rofessor P. L. onl<'n

Ottt' 1/ltlltll·<·ll S<•t·cn

The Athletic Board Tilt• . \I hIt'! i<· Boa nl t•on~i:4s of ...cwn -.tudPHl lltl'tllbcr,.,. <'I<.'Cl<'d by till' -.ltulrnt ho<ly. :mel UradmtH' )!nnn:.r<•t· Lar,.,on. It ha., dl1li"!!C of all athlt•li<·-.. app·•intin!! lllli!Ht:r<'r-.. allowin:r bilk <'l<".

( 'Ia t·<•tH"l' Fa Yre- Pre,.i<l<>nl .John Phillips-Sctrda ry-Trt>n-.n rl'r

Yirgil amtn» .\lht>rt Knut son Lo 11 i" .It•ss11 p .Toll n TI <Iyden Batik~ Kinni:;on Gil" 1'· Lnrson- f<'ar11 lty H cpn'sl'nlali\'l'

011• })1111<11'1!1 \illl'

Alumni Association Sine·<' the opening of the Uni\'c r~ity in 1 !H there lw!> been a rapid and remnrkahl,r consistent increase in enrollment. T he fi 1·:-~t g rndualing clns. consbl<'d of two men and two "·omen. TJl the S<.'nior class whic·h will g rndn:1le in the >.pl'i np: of 1!>12-13. there arc fo rty-three men nnd fonl'll'l'll wom<'n- the large'...,! graduating cia~-. in the history of the ins! ilution. .h thei r number incr<'a~c:-. the 11lumni are becoming mor<> :mel more a ~<>Ill'<'<' of. npport to the (Tnin'l"'it_,. throughout the ,.,tate. ..,\.:.. a m<'an:-. of kccpin§! the nlumni in closer touch with l'llCh other and with tlw l"ni\'C'r-.iL~· . the foundin§! of nn al umni magu;:in<' j,., h<'ing planned by a com1HilteP appoin!<'d hy the pr<'.;;id<'nl of the a:-.sociation nl its )n:-,1 m<'<'ting. T he oflit·l'r:-. of lh<' .\ lnmni ,\ . ;..ociation for t he Jll'<'~<'n( )'<'HI' lli'C: P n'sidcnt ............................ F're<l K L ukC'n:-,. Fi r:-1 Vire-P re:-idcnl. ............... ·w illi am II. :\ln::son, /-il'(·ond \ rice-Prc:;idenl ............... P . S. J);nl ington . Third Yicc-Presirlent .................... Ell a U awl<'y, ~ce rctury ........ .. . ... . . . . . . . ......... H ulh Broman , T n'nsut·e r .............................. Nell it' lrclon,


·oH '1 2 'OT

'10 '()!')


(' ()~ D llTTE E

Lillian Clark. '10

Il om<'r DaYid . '01 ,Jo:-.eph .\.dam-.. ' Jl

Oue I!und•·cd


Y. M. C. A. It i:-. a :-.ignificant {;H;I that. amon~ the 111any :-.tudC'nt organizations that haq• flou.-i!'IH'd nl the rniYcrsitv, theY. ~I. c..\. has had II c·ontinnous l'Xisl('Jlt(' c• \'t'l' :-.i ntt' ils fo1·ma t ion i'n 1 95. Ot hi' I' tin 1>:-. and socil'l il':-. llil \'l' ltnd pr0111 incnt<' nnd llll\'t' ful fillc•<l I heir particular purpo:-e for longpr or short<'l' J>C•riocls and han• thc'll disbandrd bec·ausc> of lack of support, bnt thr Y. M. C.•\. has alwuy:-. hnd :l few ~taunch suppor!<' r:-. who hun• kc•pt tlw organization intal'l . .\( fht• wN•kly meC'tings of this as:-.ori nlion spcc·ial nllc•nlion is gi \'C!ll lo lhc discussion of st ndE'nl problt>n1s. Ht•sich•s tlw l'<'guln1· W<'ekly lllCt'l ings 0 r tlw Y. ~ I. ('. A., there <11'(' Uibh• a ncl ~ I ission ~~ udy c·lnsscs Clll't'i Nl on undrr it s c1 in•d i()n. This organization hns pl.'dOI'IIH'd n vnlwthlc sc•r\'i<:t• during till.' past two years in finding board and lodging fm· nrw men at the hc•ginning of th<' year and in assisting U1cm. through its Pmploym<'nl I>Ltt'<'H u, in spc·uri ng work. CABISI<:T 1' 0;\1 ;\ll'l"n:t: 1'11.\IIL\Jt:). UVVI\ •t:ns Soci;tl ............... ( '. E. \\'a tt:o; Pt·c•:-.idc•nl .......... Fr<lllk Osborn )IC'mber"'hip ....... ~I. <:. Boyt•;;on \'ice-Prl'sidc•nt ........•J.D. DaYis Employnll'nt ...... C. B. Rtillinj!<'r St•<·t·c•ta 1'\' ......... ::\I.1n·in )Ionroe Bihle St u<h· ..........•J. D. On \'i'> 'fl'('<l"un;l. and I , Finan<'<' Chairman {·.H. B. l•oster ){j:-;,..ionan:.......... 0. )f. Xisbet :\rl'<'t inf.~ ·.......... ('lw-.t<'l' • mit h ('luh )lann~<'l' ........ B. E. DaYis

Ont JJ tll~tll•nl J>:lt•t•t•n

Ruth .\nn etl \\'. Brown II. Pitcairn

X. Bauer .\I. .-\ li en L. Curtil'

Ro~e Slt>ler Luc•i le \\'allace X. \\'oesn<'r



Y. W. C. A. 'J'hi ;, oJ'O'anization "'"" firM formed in 1, n:; and ha;, lind :m unbroken exislcnee sin7-<• that elate. l t i-. :lfiilial<'d with tlw nntional or:,rnniz:llion. .\ t ~~~~ opeuin:z. of <'H<'h school ,\'<'Ill' the Y. )'~· ('. _.\ . and the Y. }[. ( ' ..\. giYc n JOInt n•<·cpi!Oll for nil stud en Is of the ( m \'Cl"'l l)'· C'.\BI ~

<WFI('J•:us President ........... Huth .\nn ctt Vi<"c-PrcRiclenl . . ... . Xf'Hil• Dauer · fleer<' Ia !'\'. . . . . . . . . . . . . Ros<' Ni <•lcr Treas un;1.... .... ~ ra rgtl<'l'i t <' .\ ll<'n

ET (' II.\ liD I~::'\ Ntudy ..... H elen Pil<'nim Bihl<• Rludy . . ..... Lucil<' Wallace l uler<·ollt•gla I<• ... Win ifrNl Brown :\[usi<' ............... Lulu Curtis De\'Ol ional ......... ~ina \YoeRne1· ('() ,\! )JI 'I "n: ~:

~Ii s:-; ion

English Club The English ( 'lub wa~ fir:.t oqnuuzed in 1!)06. . \llhough it hns ne,·cr had a close organization, it claim-. a member:-. all stnclE'nts in the English dcpnrtlll<'lll o f lh<' Uni\'<'t~ity. The organization wodcs in <'Onju n('(ion with the dmmu c-Otll':-.<':-, thut ttl'<' gin•n hy the Engli,.,h clepnrlment aud has as its pm·po. e the slimuh1tion of inl<'l't•,.;t in the ac-ted drama. Under its direction seYeral Shnkespt'<ll'Ciln plays :md other more modern dmmns ;tr<' pl'<'. <'11lN1 en'r.v year. The try-out system of r-eJecting c;lsts was fir:-;l introduced at th<> FniYersity b,\' the English Club and ha, been found wry satisfactory in thn t it gi,·es to c,·ery :;,tu<lent so desi1·ing an opportunity to t'CYen l his tnlenl.



The Associated Foresters Th(• nH'IIIbeJ·sltip in this organ ization is cxlcnd(•d to a ll forestry students o:f the Un i,·ersity. At its meetings current Wcraturc on forestry nnd lumbering is n•,·icwt>cl and quite frequ ently Jeetnres by Forest en ·ice ofli cials are giYen .

Chen1istry Journal Olub This is an inforn1<1l Ot'ganization of students and instructor, intere1 ted in Chemi::.tr,v. The ol.lject of the club is to discuss current d1cmica I litera l ure and mallet'S of gcnernl chemical interest. Although all students in Chemistry are welcome to take an a<:tiYe part in the affnirs of the organization, the work is required of only .Junior and Senior chemical engineers. This cluh has replaced the ··Chcmi:.t r.r Club'' which was organir.ed in 1!'110.

Ow JJ nutll·f tl '1'/tiJ'It '( u


Our lllltldt路cc/ l'ourtrcn

DeSmet Club The D <• Smcl Club, named in honor of lhr pioneer J ndian mis,.,ionary, i,., nn organir.ation of the Catholic memh<•rs of lhc t •nin•t·..,jty. Tb monthly nwl'ling" are of a ;..oci;ll charadt•r. T hl• <·lnb w;\s fornwd in l!H L and now has a memhet~hip of morl' tha n fo rt,r. The

ofl i<·pr, for tlw .wa r ar<': P t·t•..,id<·nt ................... . ........... K ntlwri tw 1\<•nm• Seer<' In ry-Tn•;l:-.un•r ....................... Clar<'tl<'<' F a \'1'<'

E XECUTIVE COMMITTE E , lrpht•n .\ . Rc•gnn

Hich urd S. McCnlf<'t",Y I sabel M.

Ouc lllllltltT(/ J.'l(lf'<'ll


John )r. Boyle

.\rthur L. Heer


Bench and Bar Association Tlw Bend• and Bn1· ~\ :;soc in Lion 1ook i l>- plat·t· a II tong the <wga n iza t ions at tht• l· ni,·t•r:-.i ty in the <'arly part of til<• st'<"OlHl S<'llll':.ter of t lw t·tnTt•nt )>Cat·. •\11 l't'gt tlady en ro ll ed lnw stn(knts of th<• l ' ni,·e•·,.;ily HI'<' t•lig-iblc to nlcmbt'rsltip. Tilt• ptll'posc of the organization is lo unil<' th l' st ttclenls in the law department in nil matters o£ common inh•r<'sl and lo d•·nw them into closer sodnl relutions with each other. The first annual ''L nw Sc·hool Hnst " was given lhis year under the auspices of this orgnniznt ion. T he fam ous "Law·' 't'r:-.' Edition'' of the l'Hin•rsity . \rgon:llll i>- puhli!-ihed undt••· tlw di rection of tlw Bench and Bnt· .\ ssociatiou. T he olli<-c•·:-. of I hl' assoeiat ion a l'l': Ch ief .J ust itc ............................ It D. Lct~pt' l' . '1:~ .\ :-.:-.o<"iatc J u:,licc ............................ ..1. )I. Boyle Clt•rk .....................................\rthnr L. H ecr

011c Jl untlrcd Sl.rleen

Coeur d'Alene Club Tlti~ or:rani7.ntion wa;, fm·nt<•<l in lhe <'arl.'· pnrl of 1!>1 2 for thr pt·iuutry pnrpO;,(' of doin~ ;.,OIIle e ff<'Ctin• ··boo~tin~·· fot· tlw rnin•r,jly. .\11 ('o<•tn· d'_\Jene >-tudent>- are membet·:-.. M<•<·tj u~" · whi<·h an• of both a >-tH'ial ancl husine~:-. eha racler. arC' lwl<l al n•~tdar inlt•t'\';11,.,

1h rough out t h<•

y<';u·. Tlw otfit<'t"" nre:

J>n•..,id<•nt .................................. P. ('.


K<•<·n•l:try-Tn•a;.un•t· ......................... J<:<lith Smith

(Jitt' 1/um/tl



r f 11f1, II

Agricultural Club Tht• .\ ~t·indlun\l Club of the T-nin•r:-.ily of Idaho wns organized for the pttt·pos<• of pronlOling intc.>rcst in agrit·ulturc and of <·t·rnting a fratt•rnal feelin!! :tlltong tlw :-;tudcnts in that dt•partmcnt. Otw of the di:-.tincti\·e ielllmci' of tht• tlnb is tlw publication of an ngrindturnl tnnguzitw known as '·Tdnho Country Li rc:· By lll(':UlS of this pap('r journali~lll is fos{('I"Nl lllllOilg the -.t nclPnt s ancl agricnllural information disspminatrcl thmughoul the state. The .\ gri<·nltural Clnh i:-. of fmtht•t· aid to the slnd<•nts in s<•t·ul"ing <.'lllincnt Jc.elnn•rs lo n<lclrt•ss it:-. nH'Ct ings. <11ltl again in that it oll"t•rs to th<' student a11 opporltlllity to t•xehang<' itkas on HHllll't":-. of t"OllllllOil int<•n•-,t.

Tvvin Falls Club Thi-. organization extend, it, memht•l":-.hip lo ;Ill ,.,[U<lt•nts hom Twin Fall .... ntul tlw ucljact•nt territory. It wa-. formed in Ill<.' fir:-.l st•mc::.lcr of l!lll-l!l li with -.ixteen uu•mbcrs. The hu·ge inen'<l'-<' in mt•mbcrship of the ,·luh thi.., yt•nr i, conYincing cYi<l('m·c of tlw ::-iJH·l'rity of lht• organizers in ;tdopting till' nwtto. ··Boo,.,t- Don"t l~oo-.t."'


Prc:-.idt•nt .............................. ('lnudl' :\J iddl'Wa it \Tict•-Pre:-.iclent. .......................... ('l~·dt• :\ Ltt:-.gt"<l \"t• S<•t·rct a ry-Tn•a:--urcr ............ ........ ...... Hoht' t"l Lcth

Home Econotnics Club T lw ll onw E conomics Club wa~ organi;wd with about fifly memb<>t·,; on Dt'l"l' tllbt•r :3, l!ll:!. The date of org-aniz;ltion wn:-. thr birlhda~· of Ellen Richan!. t lw founuct· of the X;tlional \\'onwn\ Il omt• E<·onoHlie-., .\ s:·;ocintion. in who-.(• honor the local dub "·as formed. ~l t•ml>N·:-.hip in tlw c-lub is <'Xi<>nded to all WOilll'll in the rni\·ersity who cll':-.in• lo join. Tlw purpo:-.c of the m·ganizal ion i-., lo fctmili<ll"ize ib member, with the work of the .\ mcricnn wonwnllll'ir dulil'" and their opporlunitir-.. The club is nfliliaH•cl with tlw State \\'omen ·.., TTonw Economic-. ~b,ociat ion. lt,.. oflic-er:-. for I he pr<'sent year ' are : Pn•-.idcnt ................................ Knthn·n Smith SccJ·ctnry-Trea,urer ...................... Dorotl\y T aylor

The Associated Miners T ht• .\ :-.:-.ol'iat<'tl :\l im•t·:-. j,.. nn or~.r;lllizatillll of whieh al l :-.tudt•nts in the ntiniug dt' [lllrtnwnl :ll't' Jllt'lllhrr,. It "·as lit·:-.( orp:anizrcl in JH!)!). The ohj<•ct of tlw ''"'~ot"intion is to pt·otlloll' tlw intrn".;ls of tlw mi11i11p: <lrpnrtnwnf of the l ~ uin• rs ily :md to gi\'t• publit·ily to ib work. .\ dclrt•-;-;t•s :t t't' frl'< Jlll'lll ly gi,•en by ,·isitiug mi ning llH'll nu<l alumn i of tltr l~ni\'t•t·,ity. Thr organization is aflilialP<l \\'illt tlw .\ uwrit·;ut Jn,titnh• of ~lining EnginN•rs. Ti s ollkcr;; for tiH• prl'>i('ll t ,\ot•u t' n t't': ........ ll allnnl J<'oeslrr \' it·t•-Pn•...,ich•ul nncl (;t•neml ~Iana:..!:t-1' ....... Chal'lt·~ .\ nnett :-;upt>rinlt' tHlt•m ..................~........ " 'allrt· :-;t·olt .\ ...,-;i...,tnnl :-;upt•t·inlt'tHl('Jlt .................. .•1. ' " · ,John~on Fort'tllllll ............................... ~It•t·lon Bn•:-.lnucr .Junior Shift Bth,, ................ Bert F . Smith ~opholliOI'l' ~hift no,.,...... Fn•tl Thct·i;llliL F reshman Shift Bo,.,........................... Da,·i <l !.;n\'es Ptot".. itlt•nt




















Orch estra

llaymond Gillespie

Leader nnd VIolin Soloist. 'P•·or. E. Hellle•·-CollenR PirRt Viollnsl•'h·!il C'ornelsTromboue'l'homns Doyle .INinelte Fox ('arl Melugin Howard Holada;.· \\'. \\'. C'ase;.· French Hol"llRuth Motie Sec.:>ncl Co•·net.1. B. 0. [)avis l!:dwlnn Yearlan C'. Sylvester DrumsSecond \'iolios( 'lnrluetsL. ('. Beamer 11 elen ('a rlyle lloy Stlllinge•· PinnoVaughn Lewis J. n. Boyd l\1n•·y Petcina 'C't>llo-

String Quintet (· nde1· the direct ion of PI'Ofc~sm· CoUcns the Uni\'(•t·sity 01·c·IH.'Si ru and the stri ng quintet ha,·c been a great credit tel lhr n1usiC' clcpnl'lmcut of Lh<' UniYcrsily <luring the past, fl'\\' yra 1·s. Mtwh ('I'Nlit is due these organizuLions for the success of Uw SC \'t'l'al musieal c•nlcrtuinmrnts which lll'e gin•n 11nnuall~· nt ihe TTnin•1'),i!y. Tlw IIH'Illl><'r· s hip of llw quintet is: '( 'r/lo

H ul h :.\fotit• TTO\nlrcl H oluclay Ecl\\'ina Yrarian Thoma-, Dnylt•


Hayn101Hl Uill<•spic

Mandolin Quartet J>I'Ofl's,.,m· Tnll ll11" ht•t•n mi~s(•cl in tlw :\l andolin ('lnl, thi,., year. :mclllw oq~nni:wtio11 ba;; not hel'n as actin• a~ it wn,., lllHlt•r hi,., IPader..,hip. T lw dnl1 had fhe nwmi>f'r:- la,.,t yt>ar: thi,..; Y''a r it h11,., four. Tlwy Ill'!': F ir... t .\ lan<lolin .............. .............. Enoc·h P 1•rkim; .T. .\ tlnm:; C:uitar ...................................... ('. E. " 'iltts '('l•llo ......... . ....................... Haymond <Jill!':--pi1• S!•(·orHl ) [andolin ............................ H.

flilitary irpartmrut

()111 1/umlrtti 'I'Wt'II /JI路Ihllt


l .

The military <l<•purlniC11l. though pcl'llUp"- not tiH• nwst popular in the U ni,·ersily. is a!. lens( tlw most wiclrly known throughout the studrnl hod)'· Its work is rcqui r<>cl of all mal e studt>n ls in tlw F'n'shnwn :mel Sophon10re c-lasses. P erhapR th<> 11IO:il pleasunthk f<•atun• of tlw n1ilitar.'' work is the.> annual encampm<>nt whieh is held usually in .\p1·il. L ewiston is 1111 old camping ground of the hntlalion. La:-,t year tlw \\t'<'k Wlh "'pent at ('m•nr d'.\ lene.

( '.\DET BATT .\ LI OX

Fit'St Lieutenant .John F. Fnlllklin. 7th \'. S. T nfunt1·~· .. C'ontlliHIHlant Louie T . .Jes.-,up ....................... ........ ............ Major H. ,J. Adan1s ........................ Fir:-.l Lit•ull•nant and .\ djnlnnt Hom er ~·. Yo1 1111!"· ................ . . .. . ( 'llpt:tin ntHl Qmtrlrnuaslcr

011• lluut/rul 'l'wf llllt(ollr

Captain . . .. .. .. . . S. L. Dennlng lst L leutenanL . A. R. A.nderson 2nd Lieutena!IL . . F. C. Babcock 1st Sergeant. ..... A. L. Johnson

PM\Y ".\''

Sergeant. . . ........ H. H . Beier Sergeant. . .. ....... . C. ~I. Eel of Sergeant ......... P. C. :\l itchell Sergeant. .......... ('. l<J. H11rrls



Corporal ..... . ..... :\1 . Anderson Corporal. ....... . ... H. Hugha rt Corporal. .. . . . ... J. fl. :'l!ltche ll ('orporal. ... . ..... P. I. Pe terson


Captain ... .. . . .... F. 0. Carlson

r...leutennut. . .. F. S. Gregory

lsl St>rgeant. .... A. Christenson


1st Lieutenant. .. . .. L. F. Stone

Sergeant.. . . ... . .ll. E. Latlig Sergeant. . . • . . . L. ~l. Rowell Sergeant . . . . . .. ... K ,J. C'ornm Sergeant. . . .. • . . . II. c. Nuffer S~>rgeant . . ... .. .T. 1r. McEvers

('0)1PAl\Y "B"

<'orporal. .. .. . .... D. W. 1\lbert C'OrllOral. . .. • ... ..... K !lawley Corporal. . ... .. .. . F. !1. Lafr~>nz C'orporal ... .. .. . .. P . G. Ostroot

COl\IPAl\'Y "C"

(.'a plain ........ ... .. ............................ H. S. Youug!l 1st Lleuteuaul. .................................... R. 0. Burus 2nd Lieutenant. ................................ I r. W. Holaday 1st Sergeant ....................................... II. L. Booth Sergeant ....................................... A. l". Kinnisou Sergeant ................................... . . . H. LingenCelter Sergea nl ........................................... \\'. \Vaters Sergeant .......................................... J . ~'. Crom ('oq>oral ................... . ..................... F. II. Meyer ('orp01·a I ................................. , ... J. P. )I cCroske) t:orporal ........................................ C. J. Johnson ('ort>Orlll ................................... . ... F. F. C't•andall BA:\'0 Dl rector Princit>al Sergeant SergeAnt Sergeant C'on>ot·nl C'orporal C'O rJ>orr\1 C'orpor·al

...............................•.... I<..:d J. C'a re) Musician ............................... C. E. Melugin ........................................T. S. Andenon .. . ...... ..... ..... ........ .............\ . ~<..:. Beclwu1n .................... .. ..................... E. Fjelsled ............................................ K. Bently ............................... . ..... .......TfiS. Keane .... . ...•........•..................... . .... R. Laude•· ........•............................... G. M. Varner


1/ulllft'l tl 'l'trt IIIJI路 t 路[yltt


One Ilum/n•tl '1'1(1111 1/·lliuc




W. Scolt ~1.


R. Annett P. Perkins C. Horning L. Jessup

~1. ~1.

\'. Samms ;\f. Petclna Himes V. Fawcett Xeuman If. ~~oester :\1. Rudesill ('. ('ornwall


fl 11111/l't II 7'/lili If

Pan-Hellenic Council This organization prrforms an important fund ion in uniting the frnl crniti c•s in matlers of general fraternity inlen•st an d in adjusting the relations helwecn the farulty and lUl' Gr(;'(;'ks. Tlw C'onn<"il wns first orguni zC'd in l!Hl.

OFFICE RS Pn•siclrut ................ . ............... H nllal'd F op-;(pr VicC'-Prt•siclr nt ............................. Y. \Y. Samms SN:n•tn•·~·- Tl'easurN· .................... l\Ia rgaret X ('llllllln :ILE:ILJ3EHS

Tl'(lppa ;;: iymo Pl'oclor P erkins Yirgil Snmm>'

Pl1i /Jelto Tltef" C l~·de Corn wn11 Y ernon Fn wretl

Theta J!u E p.~ilon Lou ie .Jec;;liu p Chal'les


Zet(/ ])elta Halhu·d Foesler \Yalter Seoll {/(lmma Pili Heta

Rnth .\.nnelt Marguerit e .\ll en

Delta Owr1 ma l\Iargarel Xl'umull ~Iar~- Petcinn

Omega Pi ~Ia bellr Rude--ill )f1111de R ime:;

OIIC 11 llll!TI'C(/ 'l'lllr·t J/'fiiH


I• I

E. Campbell G. Wiley

Rutb Annett

Rose Sieler

Luelle Robards rrene Tosney

Onr Ifundr·c(/ T/lirtv-t•co

Sorority Pan-Hellenic

The Sorority Pan-Hellenic was first organized in 1912. It regulates all matters of common interest to the sororit.ies of lhe University nnd co-opcrnles with the X ::ttional orority Pnn-IIellcnic. OFFICERS President. ................................... Irene Tosney Vice-Pre ident. ............................ Lucile Robards crelnry-Treasurer ......................... Glad.vs Wiley )(Ell.BERS

Delta Ganuna Lucile Robards Gh1dys Wiley Cammct Phi Beta Rnth Annett Irene Tosney

Omega Pi Edna Campbell Ro!'>c icier

0111 /11111111·1 d


I r


011l' ll~tud,路ccL 'l'hll路tv-tour

Phi Delta Theta Org<tnizl•ll in HlOO. a:-. K<lppa Phi ~\lpha ID.\IIO ALPIL\. C JL\PTl':H Phi Delta Thet:l in..,tuliNl in 1!10~ f 'olors-Bl11e and Trltitc•




L. E. Gurncv ,J. 0. Orifliti1

0. L. L at·.;ml Chnrlc:.; Cui \'ct·


('.E. Walls

Ilt>rb!'l·t Whitten

Clyde F . Corn wall ,J"('~JOUS

Tfan·y :-;ottlcn y ·crn;m Fa wee! t

Cnrl L ew i:-. ) Ltr\'in E. ~Iulkcy Haymond E. Curtis SOl'lJ0)10RE:5

J>. ('. :\lit chcll H. H. ) fdit·<>gor :\lark . \ ndcrson

.Toh n L. PhilJi ps Paul Q,.,troot

s. L. Denning ,J ''me-. Lockhart



L\'lc Howell \\·.illard B. ,Johnson

FRE 'lOlE~

('hn rle:; Owt>n-, .Jnnws Kean<'

Cnrl Hhipkt•y C'hnrl<', .\nlwrn

Yidor Sicle•· Ros.;; Cartee Don DaYicl .\1thur .J<lrdine ~am


1 h•clll',V Din~l c Stanh•y Brown

Dn \'id · Ea vcs Hay Brookhart

On<' II IIIHfr<'d


Kappa Sigma Kappa igma installed in 1905 GAMMA THETA CHAPTER

(/olo1'S-Red, White and Green Flo,w er-Lily of the Valley FACULTY

E. M. Hulnrc


C. , '.

T~dmu ndson


Proctor P erkins Enoch P erkins

Axlic Decker \\'i lliaru Funst('n JUNIORS


\-irgil ~nmms Slcpht>n Hegan _\Jiwrt Knut:-.on \Y. \\~. Cast>~'

O'Xcill Charles Annett Clough P erkins C lay Koelsch SOPHO"llORES

.Tames liawlcy Fred Theriault

Roh('r! Burns Ra.'' Tiu~l ('y FRESHMEN

Raymond afford herman Gregory Reno XumbN路:, 路 George Ta bm路

One llunrlrcd TMI'IU路8Cl:Cn

L. C. Beamer .Tack A rln rns Benson, colt Ralph Lauder

I~ ~



011< II uudntl '1'/tlrr u路CI!Jitt


Theta Mu Epsilon Organized February I!l. l!lOli ('(}/o,·-Yulf> Blue 1'.\ C tJ,TY

,J. G. Ehh·idgc • E.:-< l ORS

Cn r1 P;lul ~~·n Hay .\J·mslronp: Jl oJ'IH'(' L. ('hauJI>C'rlain


II. :'eymonr

Louie T .•Jessup Cartee 1\Tood

r n·in c: l'ill<'l' Colli<'r 11. D111linglon


.J. " ' · ,J ohnson

) l l'rton U. Kt•nnNly

Chas. E. Ilol'ning S0L'H0)10U£S

St>th Fr<'l'l' Eel ward ('oru 111

Enrl K. ITumphl'i<'s

"\Yilliam ({owan Carl ;\ll•lup:i n

(iilberl ~IcC'ormick Yictor E ..Jonel:i

Lawrt>n('e :::-\tone Bob Gerlougll

IJ<'rht•t·t r 1. Ht•it•t· .h•a n Ul•l'lough


11 0\nll'd J IohHhl \' Lloyd .\. Elling.lon

Om llurtdr't d :J'Itltl Ifill lit'


II ~




011c flundt路cd FOI'IU

Zeta D elta Organized December l G, l!lJO ( 'olor.~-l.'oyal

J>w·ple mul Old (/olrl

Flower-Violet F.\ UUlll'Y

C. H . Wil bur SE);:IOHS

l ~<h a nl ~1. t m lc ('ltuuh• .J. I!nydt•n

] [u lin rd \ Y. l•'tw,.,tPI' Hny D. l1i:.,lli tw .TU);:JORS

(;t•orgt• .\ . Scott

Bnnk:., [J. K inni;,on H n t•old IT. Il ugh:11·t (J corgc .J. Downin!? Ln" rent·<· 0. ~I ,..,r'n

" ·a ltl'l' P. ~colt Bert F . Smilh Bc•t'l P . \\·ool r idge Fay ('. Uobinson SllPLIO) IOHE

.\llan K innison

F re<l Cnrbon .\ nch·ew ('hri;,lc·n~·m

lkrt Latl ig

1h n• •\ I h<•t·t

. \I frr cl L \'on Hnv M ilc;hcll Cbi t·c•nc·c• Sy h·cc;tcr

Jl ontt'l' B;ll'l on Fred Bnhroc·k Ocorge Syl w"ll'r

One B ltrllll'nl Fol'lll·'lllr

I . ~'




---- •. -•.l




~-J,, {


I j I





II I ~~ ~

~~ ~



~ ~




I I ii J

E. Perkins P. Perkins


P . Scott \ '. Samm11

C. E. Watts • L . I. Case S . .\. Regan B. Kinnison

R. ArmHrong L. T . Jessup R. F. Tuttle R. E. Curtis

C. Cornwall F. C'. RoblnEon II. Soulen C'. r'ane

I I. Foester

\'. Fawcett G. Scotl .\. Knutson

11111 /fuut/r((//"orlf/·111)0

Tau Alpha Tuu ~\I phil. II n


pp<'rcla~smen :-;()(·iet)'.


01'~1\ll izN:l in H>l:l.


is u sctr<'L Ol'~unizntion nnd each yea•· initiatt•-. onl)' nwmbrrs of the .Junior dn~" of the• rnin•r:-.ity. ~IE~ffiER~ SE~IOH :'


En()(·h P erkin-.

B ullard

Hay .\ rm;;trong

Proctor P erkin;;

C. E. Wat ts

Lo11ir .Te;;:-.llp

Clyde• Cm·n\\'a ll

Lc•lnnd C'n!->e



(' l 11 1'(' l l('(' F 11 \'I'C

0<'m·~c· Hc·of t

\·i r~i I

Hc•x C'ul'lis

Hoy Tuttle

.\lllt'l't Kn11f son

II nrr,v Holll<'n

Fay Hohi n-;on

Y <'l'non Fn wcell

\ \rnl lt'l' :-ic·ot t

Banks 1\:i nni:-.on

011(' 1111/lflltd " ' " " ' " " "'' ''

Su mms

Out' 11 "'llll'ctl Fortv-tour

Pi Alpha Delta Pi .\Jpho Delta. a Law Fraternity. \\路as orgnnizcd March 10. 1913.


R. D. Leeper Herbert "'\V. '"'\rhittcn

Parker V. Lucas H orace L. Chamberlain JU:\""IORS

I I ~



Russel G . .Adams

Don M. Buffington

Arthm路 L. H eer

Harry McAdams

Lawrence O'Neill

Arthur 0.


John :i\1. Boyle FRESR~ffiN

Clay Koelsch

James Hawley, Jr.


I ~

I ~


~ ~ ~


~ ~


I~ ~ ~

I ~

I I ~ ~

~ ~

I ~

Ouc 11 111111!'('(/ f'or'f//路lti.r



Gatnma Phi Beta Or~anizcd in 1!>01 as .\ Jpha D elta Pi <1ammn P hi B eta installed Sowmhcr ~:! . HIO!)

rolo1'8-lJJ"OWII and B uff CaJ·uttfirJII

Flou·er- Pink


F.~ CUf,T )'

Professor· ni cCaifcr,r SENIORS

.J ('SHit' CO I'll Ill K athl'yn , mith

Ruth Annett l \'a Em met l JUNlOIIS

Marguer·itt' .\ ll<•n Elizaht'lh Il n~·s

Marie K ett('nhach Gladys Ui>singN·

I n'nt' Tosney Loni!;<' Hichal'<l ·on


Beth Sonlcn Knth:l r ine P itcai r n F'lom ~l c('onnell

.i \Iarguerite ~ leans D o r·othy Ellis Georgia K aufman Wndvs Collins Grace Bolger Jl elt'n Pit cairn

..\ .Ita 'l'avlot·

Lorraine Rank ) l arjorie Zumhof


EclwiruL Ycnrinn Huth 1\lotic


111111111"111 i'tii"IJJ·I<IHil

.\ nne "\Yilmot

( 'onsb.tn<·e Gyde Lucile Dermott

011r Hunrlrl'<l For路tv路eioM

Delta Gamn1a Ot·gnnized in 1901 as Beta Sigma Delta Gamma installed September 16l 1911

( 'olo1·s- Bronzel Pinlc and Blue Flowa1·-C1·eam- White Rose J>_\CULTY


. G. Patterson SE::-<IOR

Althea Ott J~IORS

:Margaret Neuman

Lucile Robards

Clam Hockett

)!ary P elcinu


Jeannette Fox


Gladys Wiley

Gladys McFarland

l\!ildred AnLhcs

Dorothy Taylor

EdntL Clarke

Hester Pettijohn

Pcninah Newlin

Henrietta Safford

Lulu Curlis

Harriet Wildcnthaler FRESH.lr:EN

_\nna McMonigle

Edith Bailey

Gertrude Denccke

Muriel Leigh Lillian Carrithers

One llunllrctl l•'orlv·n1nc

Out 1/uudrctl Fifty

Omega Pi Organized F ebruary 10. l!Hl

('olor.s- Liyl!t !Jlue autl Golcl Flott•er-R o,ge l'A<;t:'T.TY

J>roft's:-;or L. E. <turney SE~IOHS

Ednn C1tmpbcll

\Yinni fn•<l Brown "Cr.;;t•l Strohecker

Zelia Bigham

) l alX'lle Hnclcsill

HoH' :-iit•lt•r

:-iut' Sindair Hazel W oorls

Vivinn . \ lien

Lnlu (i recn wood


(1nt ec l lo lnd•l.Y

Il imcs

Othrl ..H artin

l A•scltn Luhkcn Ellen ) fcC t·ossin

O ladys XankerYi:;

Flon•tu·<• Slcphcn!;on

Yl•dn Sl<><ldltrd

.\ lma Bal"i>l'L"

Kntht•t·inr K rn nc


.\lict- H nrtlry

Theresa K eane

\ ' ;tlhoq.r K jii"tlt',.,,


Dorotlwn " "r nz )lary )ft•lli ....on

Edna ::\h•lli,..on

Our 1/lllttl,...,l Fi(/JIIIIII'

~yh·eslc t·

F ern Bt•t"t'.''

Ridenbaugh Hall President. .........................Josephine " 1nymnn, '14 S<•tr·etary-Treasurer ..... . ·............. L esetta Lubken, '1.3 OE.\X OF \\'0:\tEX

Permeal J. Frcneh SKNIOUS

Rosa . _ trohbehn

Edna Campbell

Nettie Bauer L orena D n.rl t

Lillian Eskesen 1\Iargit Waale

Nintt \ Yoesner Florence tephenson Muude H imes

Lcsctta Lubken Xin<L N clson

Edna Larson


.Josephine Wayman Marie K cttenbach


Luci lc \Vallace E''<'h•n l\Ieeks

.Tessie H olman Harriet TI"ildcnthalcr



Rose Curtis Clara Campbell Bertha Oleson . \ gnes Bailey Mildred French Edith mith Dorothea W enz Valborg 1\:j(isncss H uth H ill Lucile Dermott V<.'rna .\.ndre\\·s ) farg<>ry Carpenter :\luy B1·own .A~nes ) fciiugh 1\Inry V cs..;cr Fern Berry X ancy \Yatts Myrtle Friedman Jessie 'tarr t•REl'

.\ gnC'» Carter

One Hundn·rl l'lftu· llll·tr

Flor<.'llC<' " 'alPrs

Qllt lltllltft•cd Fi(t !f· (Ottt'


Debate J dn ho 's t·t•tm·d in fon•n ·ics is 111dt•£>d an <'ll \'IOU» c>lll'l'i~ht \'itt<H'it•:-, out of thf.' la::.t nine df.'hatt•s. Tht'N' of lh<'SC \\'l't'e ft'Oill " .hit man College. font• from l 'at·ifi<- r n i ,·er,...i t ,\' and Oil(' fl'O m Oonzaga rniYersity. )Judi <·redit for this :-.liC('('!'>.-, is due to the <·a rf.'ful training of thf.' tt>nms hy Pro ft•s.... ot· 1 [ulm<', who has directed thjs b mnch of sludenl adi,·itics t'\'t'r since he cantc to the rni\'ersity in l!)O:L Durin~ thi. tinw the l-nin•rsi ty has claimed more \'idori<'s in <lehn l<' than in an.v olh<'r bmnth of inlf.'t·-collcgiate ('ontt•sls. ) Jany of I cbho's dcb;tlers thili year IH1\'e been Ft·<•shmt•n, who will t·emain nl the Fnin~rsity for thrN' more yenrs. '\Yith this body of experienced men n t her st•n ·icc the Unin•t·sity's cll'l>ntc pt·OsJWC'ts for the next t e\Y y('ars app('ar I;'X<·t•plionnlly bright.

0111 l/uut/1111 11(1/f.,lfl'

I r

Hinden Ostroot


\Va n·en



Debate Council The D<'bate Council has lhe supcn·ision of ;~II inl{'r-rollcgiate cl<'bnt<'s and oratoriea l c•ontests. Il is romposed of :-.ix :-.ludcnt member:-. <'l<'rled b\' ih<' student body. and thr cl<'halc• c·mwh . \\'ho a<·ts onlv ns an ad,·isory membeL·. · · 'i\IE:MBER, Chr:,ler ~ l inden. '1-L P re-..idenl Frank 0:-.born. 'l:t \T i<·e-P l'(~..;ident P aul Ost r·ooL ' t.i B. Elbworth D;l\'i>.. · 1:~

Tlwron \YarTc•n. 'll

.J ohn IT. :\ld~\·c• r,.., 'l.i P l'()fc-,-,or· E. :\f. ll ulmc.'. Faculty

Ouc Htmt/red Fiftlf·8iz


Professor Edward :\1aslin Hulme, Idaho's Successful Debate Coach

Victor Price Debating Society The Yitlor PL'icc Debating Society, the ntost active literary organizatio n at tho Uni,路ersi'ty, was organized in 1010 :fo1路 the purpose of furlheri n~ Ihe '"orl< in debate nnd other forms of public spcnking. The society was named in honor of Victor Emmanuel Price, '06, one of I daho's nblesl debaters. At the regular meetin~s of the. club programs 11l'e given which include many forms of literary work. The officer. for the pre. ent year are: President .................................... J. D. DaYis ' cretary ................................... R. D. Leeper Trensurcr ............................... Harry :McAdams

0111 1111111/l'('t//路')(IU路I<('t'lll


Frank Dotson

Paul Ostroot

Parker V. Lucas

lJ"flifllr(tll ('ol/l'ffl' /'.~. ('ni t'('IWify of /flu/t o

:Mo. cow. )far('h 2!l. Hll2

}{csolYc<l, That th e rnilC'<l SlaiN; s hould adopt lhc plnn for the

nt·hilntlion of inlcrnal!onnl difT-icnltil's whic·lt PrC'siclt'lll T uft submi!IC'Cl to the t;(•natc at lhe last »ession o{ Congrcs:-;.

D ecision in fn,·or of Idnho.

Harry Mc.\dams


I ~



Parker V. Lucas


P'on•st Gro,·e, .Ja nnnry 2..J., 1913

R csoh·Nl. That lahor unions "hould he irt<·orporatt•rl D ecision in fn,·or of I tlaho.

I Our llullllrrfl i'I(IU·tlill<

Homer Barton


Paul Ostroot



Pacific Unive'r sity vs. Univasity of Idaho

M:osco,-v, .January 2':1 . 1013 Resolved, T hat labor unions shonld be incorpontled. Decision : I daho, 3 : Paci fie. 0.

011c Hurlllfe!l Sirrtv

I I .

I Theron Warren

Rollo Crater


R. D. Leeper

.\In rch 1+. Hll:-3

H(•soh·Nl, That ('ongn•s:-; shou ld pro,·ide fell' tlw <'Oil'>lt'll<!t ion of two or more battleships each y<•ar.

Decision in faYor of I daho.

OtiC llundt ell S l.rl J/• IIIIC



Paul Ostroot

Frank Osborn

B. E. Davis


, pokanc. Ma r<"h l ·b, 1!)13

Rc:>olYcd . T hal Congress

~hon l d

pmYid(• for the conslt·uction

of lwo or more battlesh ips rndt ycn t·. Decision in fn nH· of nonzagn.

One Hundred Snty·ttoo

Jo.;el>b P ond

Homer Barton

FIRST .\XXUAL DEBATE l!'il/amettc> Cnicersity


Uni!•e?·sity of !dallo

l\Ioscow, .\ pril 4, HH3

11csoh cd, T hat the nand policy expL'esscd in the lost annual r<'port o·f ex-. ccrctary :Meyer should carried oul by the Uniled


'lntcs. Deci~ion

One Uu11rh·c!l Sf~tiJJ·III!'rr

in faYor o£ Willnmette.

Philip E,·ans

Hnrry l\tcAdnms

:-;E('OXD .\XXL\L DEB.\ TE ~al e m .

. \ pri l -!. l!l I:~

Resoln•d, T hnt thE' nantl polity <'Xprl'sM•d in the• h1st unnual report of cx-Seerctn ry :Heyer sbou ld I)(• caLTi<'d out by the United tntcs.

Decision in fn\·m· of I daho.

011c Hrmdrcd S lrrtv-tou r

Alma Mater Idaho.


T .

. • _,_ }; ~ - ·"--· . ,. .. ...

'f.> ....


\~ ~:~ -:-:£

;i . -:


'"' :

''r<' who arr here



.. .

: ~,


,. .... .J

; ;_: : s


.._ • ---::- ·

the Campus now ennnot ft~lly upp•·r<'inte the for<"<' n•Hl s i~nifi c<ln ce of trachtions-thost> <·omwdin~ links hetween pnst lllHl pl·t•scnt. It is when Wl' hnw passed lwyond th e pn lc of out· ..\ lnw Matpr that their deeper si~nificanec und nteuning con1e to 11s wit h Hd<lccl fo rce, and then w e fu ll y renlize what 0 111' coll ege hns mea nt to us. ' Yhrn t he old tmditions waft lm<"k memm·it•s o·f bygone l i n1es. t hrn the s pirit once so cv idcn t at su('h t ililt's 1ls C11111 pus Day. the ni~ht of the P ullman lhlly, ~h·nJorial Day. o1· lite St•n'nlcenlh of ) l at·<"h, fhll'cs up agnin. nnd the alumnus is one<• nHll'<.' akin to the Frcshnu1n- t hc past is once more linked to the pr<'scnl by the magic bonds of tmdition!-..

One Htmdrc<l Sl:rtu·flvc




Junior Class Play F o llow ing the example set by the c·lass of ]!) 12, there has arisen a custom which bids fair to become a !iettled tradition forth(' futurethe pr esentaLion of a class plny ea ch year by the Juniors as n means of finan cial aid f or the annual. Last. yenr the c lass of ' 13 ga,·e u most s uccessful pedormance and a rare tl·eal in the operu, " The Pirates of P cnznnce," while the class of '14 is C\'('n now working on n play to be presented in the ne w audito1·ium some time in the near future.

The Pullman Rally Tlw firs t rea l Hidenc(' of ilw ol(l Idaho :-.pirit hrPak,.. forth in ~ l'lliHl hur:-.t s of en thusiasm and wild ese i lt•nwn t on Ihc n iglt I before tlw Pullmnn g<lnw, and no otht•J· ntlly of the y<•nr !'an r qtHd it. For this night, too, the Freshmen han• pu t forth tlwir g reatest !'fl'o rl s in Ill\ nllcmpt to huilrl a uigger bonfil'l' than that of any preced ing class. ~\n d it is within the bright g lare of litis nwnslt·ous honfin• that the ntll,\' IH'gins. .\ s tlw rushing flanwh soar upward to cngul f the \Y. .S. ('. clligy on top. :spi t·iled seledionh by lh(• l'ni n•r:-.ity bnn<l. nnd thrilling football :-.JWt'<'h('h from c·oaehe,., aml playt•t·s incite e,·<•t·yone's

(•nthusin:-.m to hut·:-.ting-poiJlt. The C'limnx i-. rt>ac·hNl with 11 torchligh t proct•s.-.ion and night-~hitt parn<l(' amund tlw dying fire 1llld thc•n th rough the :;tt·eeb of :\Io:,cow.

Out! lllllulrcrl Sizty-alz


I ~~


Seventeenth of March !loping to duplienH• th<> SophoJIIOI'l' Yidor,\' of last year. tlw SopholltOI'CS this year a:.rui11 insistl'<l 011 a Uag-polt> rush. hut \\'ith H'l',\' d ill't••·c nt consl'(jllC'IH:c:,. Tlat•ir t'lll't•fn lly laid pinus counlt•<l l'c)l' unught hy tlw superi or numht••·-. of Ill<' Fa·l'-.hlltl'l1 . nnd at th(' t'lHl of twrnt~· minut t•,.; the orangt• wn:-. proudly fl oating fmm the polt•. T he fight wnH om• of tht• I>Pst <'H'I' H'('ll 011 tlw t·anapu,. ht•in:.r att l'lHh•d \\'ilh mtu·h mon• spirit nnd f111' less bruta lity thnu any pn•c·<'<liu:.r OIW.






_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _




- --



Campus Day The youngest of Idaho's tnh1it ion&-('ampw; Day- wus cclebrntcd with marked succes.-; on "M<l)' :nst. lnst year. Dean FrC'nch. the originator of the idea. nnd )fi~s " "old aided materially in the succef'S of the undertnking. From 10 a. m. until 9 p. m ., the campus was gi,·cn oYer to the st udents nud fri ends of the Uni,·et·sit)'· Gam<"s. proces...,ions an<l class rites WC'rC' obsctTNl. ThC' date of this celebration is not fixed, hut Yaries with thC' weather, uswt lly coruing quite laiC' in the spring. The following wns the program for our Thir·d .\.nnual Campus Day:

10:00 a. m.- Comel solo. from the lower of the Admini. tration Building. ProfC'ssor ('!trey.

10:13 n. m.- Pnge:ml of the F niYcrsily of Idaho. Proces:-;ion headed by the ~I ny QH<'<'ll, followC'd by represl'nlatiws of each department of lhC'


10:4:> <l. m.-Dances in co::,lume by the girls of the UniYC'rsity. followed by the wintling of t,he May-pol(•. 11 :1.) n. m.- .\ddrC's.-.<.'s l>~r Pr<•sident ~ l11Cuan, Dean French and reprC'M~ntat iY('S frou1 cueh of the <"lasses.

12 :1.) p.m.- Lunch ou the Campus . 1 :-!-.) p. m.-Conccr( hy Cadet Band.

2:-!.) p.m.- Concert hy Ordwslru and GIC'e C'lubs, Balcony of Ridenhaugh Jlall.

7:30 p. m.- Produdion of ShakesJW!u·e's •·.\s You Like If' by English Club. on lh<' Campus.

Ouc Tlunt.lrrd Sf:rty-Jtluc

Memorial Day In memory of the two students '"ho lost their liv<'S in the panish-American vVur) Memorial Day exercises Ill'(' h<'ld <'UCh year at the monument on the Campus. On this day II•<' IHlltulion appears in uniform and the cannon is fired from the top of tlw hill. Lnst yea r Professor l\IcCnffery deliYered the memorial nddr<'HS before 11 l11rge n. scmbly of students and town people.

The Old Guard



the thirty-scYen of tht• thi1·ty-niJH' men who le ft the Uni\'C r:-.ity for the war retu rned . lh<'y c·anl<' to hi.' called the Old Guard. T hey W<'l'<' asked to be p1·esen! at battalion l'<'Yirws nn<1 ~O\'<'rnnwnt inspect ion, und to judge ('Om peti t i Ye clri lis lwl\H'I.'Il t1Hlrt rom pani<.>:-. But this custom soon dC\'c loped into a bul'lc•sqne p<•rf'orn•mwe in whi ch ex-n•end>crs of the battalion pal'ticipnl<'cl. npprnring in g•·olcsquc costumrs of all sorts and colors. Tlw I'C'llllll'knblc <·nlmness and precision with which lhey go thron~h !lw drill. (iltNl oul in their b;\ll<'rl.'<l array of smn·ds, tin-horns. enns, kn i \'t'"· ;,( i('ks. plasters and <·•·nt ('hes. is indec.>d an amu;,ing spt'tl<H·lc> to L'\'('ryone bnt lhe ~o,·ern­ ment insprttor. This year liH' ~pirit o f lhl.' "01<1 Guard'' waR not <'qual to the inrlrmency of ~[o;;c:ow wcathl.'r. and inspection dny \YilS l'l.'lHlered tame by the la d~ of it" nsnal attnwtion tlw "Ol d Ounrd" - \\ ho nrc now planning to appe<ll' on CtliiiJ>IIs Da y.

0111• If rtutll'rtl Srt·cnty

Publications The Gem of the .11o11n fain.~. To the .Junior Class ench yenr is gi ,·en till' respons ibi lity of issuing the co ll ege annual. Into this volume, n copy of which is sent to ea ch high school in the state, an nlt <.' nlpt is made to gather all materinl re lntivl:' to the college yeur- 11 t t·ue and brief glimpse into nil phases of college life. 1'/te Cniuel'8ify ~ I l'fJOIUwt. The ~~rgonaut is the officinl student publkation of the Cni,·et-sity, the price of which is included in tlw regular registration fee paid nt the begim1ing of each semest<'r. It contain only such news as directly concerns the University and is ~nt to eYery high school in the state. Thus it ser ves the double purpose of keeping t he eyes of n 1111111l)('r of those who may hl•<·omt- stuclt>nts he re on the lTni\'l'l'sity. und of keeping 011 1' nl111lll1i in touch with their .\ lmn Matl•t·.

The Idaho ('ollltf,•y Lif<'. Tlw Idaho Country L ife is a monthly magazine pnbli~lwd by the . \ gt·i<·ull11rnl Club of the Agric·ultural College. contributions to whid1 at'l' not limited lo slnch•nb and profE.'&'>OI'S. h11t practical nH•n ;111 on>r the slale and <·ountr~· oficn tontribnte valuable nrtidcs. This magazine has alrcndy, "·ith onl~' si.'\: yea1·:·.' publicat ion, heHidt•s its regular subscribers. scYeral hundred high school pupils ancl l'lll'al sclwol libr aries. 'l'lw nina of this publi cation is to kl'l' P its readers in touch with tlw results of the in Yesligntion, of tl11• Experiment .'lations all o,·er the sta te, ns \\'l'll :ls lo prest•nt tlw advanc·ed agricultural ich•as of specialists.

The Quill. Tlw Quill h a literary magazine puhlisht•<l by the Engli:-.h Club of lhl' ( ~ niHr:-.ily. It has no t·cgulat· lime of appearance. but is pnhlislwd wh<'IW\'CI' there is a s uni<·it•nt amount of material worthy to ('al l for nn edition. Its aim is to unco,·er and dHclop latent l:lll'll( an<l ability among the sln <l<'nls oJ the UniYersit,v.


S. Regan. Editor. G. Lessinger, Assoc. Editor. Chas. Horning, Organizations.

W. Scott, Bus. Mgr. Allee Cooper, Joke Et'litor. M. Scofield, Athletic Editor.

R. F. Tuttle, Asst. Bus. i\lgr. Elizabeth Hays, Literary Editor. Clay Koelsch, Joke Editor.

Ben Smith, Art Editor. :\Iary Petclna, Society Editor. Marvin Mulkey, Photographer.


011c llumlrca Seve11ty-two

The University Argonaut --






•• •






The Bear Stories Emanating From Coach Bender's Camp Were Ba~cd on Facts. Scorf' Sl- -·•ld h-.ve Been I 'lr£' ~



One Illmdt"Cd .SCt:Ctltl!-tllrC<l

Otw H1mdred Sc~;entv-tou,.

l Literary " 1!1-



Into this ni~hl which we men haYe ca lled Day, Into this Death. which we know as the Life,

Pierces a g limmering. nebulous ray. J>l:'n<'trates darlmess. with succuba rife. Il i~h

in the mwe where the worshippers kneel,

P1路osl ra.te 'fore altars with candles aflame.

A dim, ruby glow which the arches conceal.\. ~host of dead fires-kindled onr<' In Jl is Name.

B lind. lhongh '"e are, as we grope through the gloom, Light is before us. and God is abo,路e. I nto this world, with its aspect of doom

P ('n('lmtes Goodness. and Goodn<'ss i!" Love.


Jluutlrcil Snru l y路/11'C

The Library I ts Social A dvantages To appn•cinte tlw soci<l l a<hantngc~ of Olll' lil.Jrary nt I daho. one shouJd stroll in d ul'ing I he afternoon. :i\Iom ing sessions a1·e perhn ps \'Cry stimulating but ch1sscs nrc bound to interfere nJorc or les;;, nnd, us n whole, the morn ing lncks tlw wholc-hcnrtcdness and abandon of the aftl•rnoon. Thus. if one is wi;;e. n scat facing the main enlnuwe is t hos(•n in the re<lr of the L'OOlll. Facing-tlll'-cntrnncc ::>eats an• at a JH'Cmium, and ,.,hon ld always be appn•cintcd. T o realize the nchantagt• gnint•d. one hn,., only to contcmplnlt' the l>L·onder Yie\1', the better opportunity lo M't' nndlo be seen. From this point of nmtnge 011<' can wlltch at ease the den•lopmenl of tht• social in:-.tinct found alike on the cnmpu::. and in the library. This instinct ,.,eem~ more dominate in the genU<' ~C'X: at l(';lsl. it :-;ho\1'::. more \";tJ•iccl den•lopm('nts. From the girl who ,.,Jyly pinc·hc.., hC'r thecks while .... he '' nt<-lu• . . the ('ntr:mec. to the humming-bird gid flullt'I'ing from table to table. the inslin('( i., appan•nt. 'Yith them. one \\"HldlCs the young lad,v who )-0{':111"' haJ f ll dozen lllHgazine-,. taking ('llCh OIH' :-;cpamtt•ly lo :mel from the fnrtlw-.l )'cat b;wk. while she trie;; to look :rrat'efnlly Jlll<'on:-;cious of the fact th:H ..,Jw ha, Yulgarly "slubhed heL" we." Tlw girl ""ho 1loe-.n't "<'C lh(' mnn until hl' pulls up his dtair beside ht>r is gt•nerally )oieatecl in llw middle of the t·oonJ. and h:l:-. JH'\"l'r yet h('en lmmn1 to .sit b<.'ltin<l n pillar. Tt would indc<'cl be a bnHe stranger who <'ould, without t•mb<l!Tassment or (lush. walk the entire length of our lihrnry. For snch a f t'n l a hardened polilit·ian w~HJid bc needed. To a !--.lrangeJ· the pt'\\" :-,ystem of seating would :o;eem to he 111 vogue. He. doubtlt>ss. could not "t'l' thnl thr pt>\\"S at·e oonstnntly changing: thai a girl seated at a tnhlc foJ·ms a nudeus alronnd which kindred spirits soon gathcJ·. H e might be ahl<• to snnllise, from the sn1·pr·ised. nlmosl 11ccusing. ghln<·e;; of pre,·ious oecnpnuts, that a gi1·l o<·<·n:-;ionnllv stum· bles inlo llte wrong pew. ~\ s 11 matter of fact. there are men "·bo don't appl·t•('int e the socin l ndv11ntng''" of :t libJ'HI")'. ~u('h a one was on<·c lwn1·d dubbing it a ''Dnt.c I~mporium ." IIe wn:-;. o f tom·se. 11 disgruntled sort of fel low-tlw kind who ne\'Cl' lends his nol<•s. Of conrsc, no one deni('s that occasionally l'>ll('h things nrc ananged in the libt·:n·v. but ''· ho would haYe it otht•J'\\"i:-,e? .\ n account of Jibmry nchnntagcs \H)IIld bc incolllJ>I<'tC \\'ilhout mention of its Ynluc in the :ret-rich-quick method of stud.ving. Fi,·e minute:-> in the librar.'· before the recitation h('ll ring:. ha,·e oft<>n bt'<'ll innJiuablc townrd making a good bluff. 'omeone kinuer and more gt>n<•mn:-; than the unnppreciath·e man aboYe i~ almost sure to haYe studied lhe lt>sMm. As a gcnenll rul(•. the apportionment is one man lo n lnhlt•. Howe,·er. occnsions hU\"(' been known when the c:;ituntion \\"as re\"C J ~cd . nncl the girrs

Ott I' 11 lltltlt·crl Scrriiii/·Siz

... w<'l.'l :.mile was t·ontinuous in its general di,.,tribution. ~u c h n girl one recognize;; at once a ~ the sort of girl ''"bo care for that kind of things; the ~ott of girl who makes a man Jose half of his next dance in o rder to write his name for het· SC\'entcenth extm. Tlwrc is a <·ut·ious iihcep- like attitude in the mo,·ements of n social crowd in tht~ library. wlwtlwr watching the tnmgcr enter, or list l.'ning lo the book f;lll in the sl tH·ks . •\ liht·arian pa s ing an especially happy table calls to mind the pictnt'l' of a 1\'hit't•-frocked little girl, sticky hands clas prd h<'hind her , and juil·y lips J>Ollting. g"~lzing "'ifh innocent blue cycs and 11 1\'0tHh•dully non cha lant llHIIIIWr at her mothe r in the doorway. 'I'll<' d ews ft·ont the library windows aid in its social nlf t·ncti,·cncss. On "'indy. rainy <lays the eampw; is n joy f<n·e\'er; that is , from 1\ point of vanlag<'. On s unny n ft t•t·noons the hazy blue mountains in tlw distu nee nre co ndu c i q~ to drcnms, and, looking around our libnu·,v, one can watch many Ji,·ing in the fulUJ't' -IH'tll"ill!!, \rhile the stoli d . middle-aged chapcmn sleeps nndc1' a tree. th<.' spadding s tt·t•am gurgling o,·er the moss-tO\"N·cd rock>~ . and the so ft w incl w h isp<'J'i II!! in tltt• t t·ces. while the shadows lcngt hen and dccpt•n on some glo l'iou-. gold<'n Httnd<l)' aftel'lloOn. G. C., 'L>.



for the Dance

The fun hegins in the nflemoon. " 'h<'n tlwre nrc ,.,ixteen girl~ to drcs.<> at the same time in sp:l<:e to accommodatt• tweln•. complication~ nri~ . unless one or two at·c pt·u<lt>nl <'nough to he~in t•arly- !.o fat· early in ndnmc<' of the :lppoinlcd <ht~· bath lists nre fiUcd and tht•n• flourishe:-. the molto : •·T o the proYident belonw·th the spoils.'' .\ l :3 ::~o tlw t'llsh i" on. P erhaps it is too long before din ttt•t· for the watct· in the tanks to be hot. Then nny chance call er needs to l>e blessed with edifying- <·ontp<>:-.urc or her sense of humor will be her undoing. Slw will find il hard to tear her fascinated g aze fl'Om the game of ·•hicle and sl't'k'' thnt each girl p lays as she dodges up lhe stairs with steaming pan ot· kettle. The gowns must be pres.-.cd now. too. The demand for lhe iron is insi::;tent on the part of nil. ..·" 110 has the iron after ~·ou . Peg(' '·I haye"- this from a Yi:-.ion in boudoir <'ap and flowing kimono, her fnce rosy from a rN·<•nt appli<·ation of :,oap :nul \\;ll<'r. "Then cnn 1 h11\'t' it after you!'' ··Xo : ,Jnck ha:, it.'' · "0h. <l<•nr !" .\ n<l the clihtonsolatt• OIH' n•! in•,., io ::.lhtke oul the folds oC n soft crealion in pink lltHl wonder if a pt•t•ssing- is IH'('l'"sary after nil. But nfl<'l' t lw rnr ly dinner. the n•al <•xei!t•nwnt hegin:-. T lwn lht• ~rirls scatter to llwir t·oom,.,, latt~hing atH1 !·hattt•ring with high-pit<·hccl Yoic·<•s. Garments ar<' thmwn hither and thithrt· in 11 twtd sl'nr<·h fm· :ril'(lle m· giO\·cs put nwa,\' in :-onw 11ook after the lasl dan<·<•. ~ l :my a poor brain is l'Hdgelcd to loc;lte this thing 1ll1d that. Tlw hnh<•l itH'I'l'<h<'s. ~irl>- ,..camper lhrottgh tlw halls on on<' t'l'I'HtHI 111111 another. Ewn aftt•r tlw my:.tcrie.::. of the toilet art- rewaled. the shuttle of conYer:.ation traY<'Is luwk' 111\d forth ft·om mom to room. ITere .To spl'tulates while she bru~hrs hl't' hnit· or gin~s a final polish to her nails. •·I wonder if Dnn will be then•. J hop<' lw n,.,ks me for the '" r<'dding of the Hoses;' f lo\'l' to waltz with hint.'' ''"~<'11. lw won't ask me.'' retorts h<•t· t·oom tHntl', as she slings nside tho contents of a cl t·aw<•r in a ntin nltcmpt to l()(·utt• a hair band. ·'\ Vht•t·e i:-. thnl \'clYcl ~ I'm s11re 1 put it in het·e.'' ~h rr. whose hair is lwr thief totwcrn . w11nts n ps~'che. fihc s_ , ·mpathizcs with Bob. who finds IH'r gloYe>: not so imulat·ulate as she had lhought. Som<'onc l<'nd;, n pi<'t'<' of art gum and a Yigorou:- d<•nning ensues. ) l uftll•d <•xplanutim~:- . from the depths of a dosct. tell :wother talt• of wo('. _\ slipper i!-> lo:.t. SonWOIH' t•lst• tannot rincl the ··Jace butterfly thnt )fi,..:; B ncklcy jnst mnde me ~'esl<'t·da:: · T he nt mo:.ph<•re <'1<';11'.::. a !itt!<'. a:, l'adl girl become en~ro:,s<><l in the dressing of hrt· hai t· or the fitting of a new dn•ss. T he low hnm of ,·oiccs is broken o<·casionn lly by nn nrgent request ot· a plninti ,·e prote~t at the elusi\·enc. s of som<' nHtdHl<•sired article.

~ ~

~ ~ ~



I~ ~~

One Ilu11drcd Sct·cntv·ciQ11t

'l'h<' telephone rings. •·Telephone. ~ Lnry !"'sing;., a ,·oice from the foot of the ,.,tuir:--. 'he drops her brush on a tnmk ns she flies to answer. 'Vlwn sh<' returns she explains that it "wns only Jim wanting to know if I c·ould be l"NHly at eight;'" and ~he SNII"ches the dre:::." er diligent)~, for the brm;h !yin~ just behind her. .At lu~t tlw lluiTy is oYer. Slippers and bags have l>een coll cded. Scarfs are disc.·O\"C.'l"Nl iu th<•ir hiding-places and adjusted to keep the <"oilfure unrullled. When the men arri\·c the girls trip down. Filmy druperi('S float from neck nnd shoulders; tl1<'y nrc drawing on the long gloves. The disordered roonl!-i, tiH• Iliad rush of atlot"llmcn{, are forgottc.•n. Dainty gowns, bright faces, nndlow, nJOclulntcd voices lend to the attraction of youth nnd high spirits.

- D. T. '15.

One J/unch·<·<l Scr<•nty·lliltC

The UnfOrtunate I s thrn• n dt>mon who follow:., somt• people llll'(Hlgh life. who is with him in his brightest monwnh. and in hi!-. sucldest onC's. who takes po-... . t•ssion of him nt the tinlt' of hi:., birth und i, with him till his death! Th<'r<' a1·c· nl<lllY diti't•rent kinds of dC'mon:-.; tlwre <ll"C fl-inJions ones who clo prank:-- out of n;ischit•Yousness, nnd tht're an• P\'il ones who"<' eYery ad is mn levolen t. P t•rhn p;; thl'n' are good 1itt le demons, too, or spril es who lend their chn r~!'s b.v si lkt>n slrin~s along happy pathways. But this story does not deal with the joyous t•lve:;.-rallwr of thC' dC'Yilish ones. I think :vou will ;tgree with me that .Jim Uoodwin was followC'd ahout by som<' tlC'mon. wh<'lllC'l" of mis<'hiC'W>th or <'Yil int<•nt we <"annot saT : but. at any rate. he l<Hmted .Jim and was c•wr read~· to tum the natural ii1to the ridic.ulou:-;. .Jim. generally ca lled ··.Jin1 s~·... was t1 good-looking fellow and u student of Boswan College. His d<'mon did not (1<'111 fairly with him. and on this hinges the story. The ti1~l lime the boys notic·Pcl an.\' peculhu·ity in .Jim's n1<1keup was al dinner cmt• ch1y :It tlw frat hou,;e. Tlw Bo&\Yan football boy,; had played thei 1· ..trong<',t riv;tl's team that day at tlw :-.tronge,.,t 1·ivnl"s town. He;,ult. of the g<1me did not tome in till clinner tinH'. when tlw <'xeitement was intense. The bo~rs were srnlt'd nt tlw table wllt'll the telegram tnmc. telling of Boswan 's Yictory. .\Jl of them jt1m1wd up nntl whoopNl: all- yes, all but .Jim. who fell forwu1·d onto tlw tabl<•. his fon•heacl hittinl! the edge of hi, soup pint<'. which spla:-.lwd the c·onll'nl:- o\·er his fat·t•. _\s far 1\" the boys k1ww .•Tim had been in perfect health. so the reason of his fainting was unknown. It might. be tbnt h had bet lwa,·iJ~· ag;tin"t Boswan : but, no, that wa:-.n"t like .Jim. 'Then he h <1 come to, the boys Lwga n pi yi ng hi 111 with q ue:-;1 ions. '·I'll tc you all about it, fellows."' he said. ..Il's a wt•aknc:-,..:; of min<'. Once. wlwn 1· \Yas a kid, nl a bas\'1)1111 ~llnH'. during the monH•nt of greate,.,t excitenwnl1 .foul hacl hN•n ;:;truck : "lwn it was <•oming down I paid no attcntion-wovlcl now that l had. fo1· it lnnded on IllY ht'ad. It bowl<'ll me 0\"CI". and ew~· :-.in<·c then in tlw monw11t of gn•atesl t>x<·it<'ment I han• fallen O\"C'r in :l fait I. It doesn't gl'IICrally Just long. hut it's 1uighty disngrt'<'ahle." T h ft•llows considt' rl'd it <\ jolw and perhaps ""<' I"C thinking whllt a good one to ell on old ''.li111~Y:· hut it wu:-. 11 :-.t•rious afl'air to .Jim and he made the boys JH mis<' they wouidn"t tell his failing- to anyone. H e snicl it was ha1·cl C'nougb to ht•a1· as it Wll-o. "ithout his lwing poiniNl out as a freak. Tlw following ~ummt•r Yacation .Jim ~pt'nt. <Is tollege boys nrc \YOnl. in w01·k. llis pla ce of work was in n villnge. nncl h<' had enough !-.pa re time to get acquaintNl with lht• gil"ls. who. a" most ,·illagc girls art' apt lo do, hC'Id colleg<' nH•n in high t'stC't'lll . ll e. tht•1·dore. found it no dilli<-ult lask to skp owr the lwa<ls of waitin~ beaux atHl into fi rst plac·e at thE.' :-oicl<' of the bt•llc of the ,·illage. One :o-;uncl:w afternoon they W<'l"l' out walking when they :-.aw, o\·er a block away. down th"e narrow :..;treet, a nmaway tC'lllll c·oming in their direction.

OIIC Hltntll"t II l :lglltv

Two little tocldl e1 ~ were playing in the road. unaware of any dange1-. .Jim saw, and jumped into tlw street. caught a child in each nrm. took one step and then- fell down. 1111 tlu·ee on their face:.. the children ;,ct·eaming uL the tops of their ,·oiecs ; but .Jim's fa ce was while and drawn and hi eyes glnssy. Fortunately for the three. the hor,.,e had turned tlw side :-.tret•t just nbo,•e. Jim woke up to find himsdf and a lady holding two little <'hildren very tight to lwr, in 11 ('ircle of bystanders. H e heard snickt•rs from the ('rowd, and things thnt sounded like ''He was more scared than the kid'S,'' and "That's Happy l£oolig1111 in renl life for you.'' The clistnn<'c to the fair one's horne was too short for full cxplnnntions, he even if she had slopped talking long enough to give hiur the <'hllnce. finished hr1· vo lh•y of words with " I hate notoriety. und this wi ll all be \VI'itten up in lhl.' pnp<•rs.;, And, sure enongh, it was written up in th<' ruor·ning paper· and copil'd word for word in the ewning paper. nnd wriUt•n up in 11 mnnner not very complinwntury to Jim. The '·illagl' eYiclently thought toll<'gc cdu~t ­ tions were l11 c kin~ along some of the more essential lines. T hat rn clr d the gid qnel'ition for Jim that summer. The rwxl ,Yt'tll' nt coll<•gc was his 'enior. The boys wondered whal wns the mntt<•r with him: he newr spoke to a girl unless it was nb. olutely necessary. and hr llt' \'<'1' wC'nt to festi,·ities where he would be likely lo me<'L a girl. ~alurall,\· , Uwn. his position nttt·;tcterl much nttl.'ntion nmong the <:oC'ds. :Xexl to him in German class sat a little .Junio1· girl. She was just the snm<' as all gil'ls to him: that is. the dislik<'d f<'minine who wus to be a\·oided. But this purti<'ular maidt•n belonged to a dm;s that was hard lo a\·oid. Xot that . he llu·ust h<'l'self in his way: no. fnt· from that. Rhe was jusl n helpl<'s.-. little girl. who. if shl' didn't forget her book (in which <·n~<'. what <:oulcl h<' do but olt't•r his fot· double use(), she broke her pent il whid1 musl IH' sha q >ened. or she ('ouldn't nn~ rt'\\' the top from her fotmtain pen. or, if she c·cHIId. il probably w<•nt dr.v and she must borrow '' pt>ncil from him. .\11 throngh the winlet· thC:-;t' daily <:lnss- r·oom perfornutn<·es contimwcl, nnd it wnsn't till s prin~ th11t h<' noticed whnt a Wl'.V prett~7 little girl this .fnnior \\' ll !->. .\ fler thut, ll c not il'Nl mor·e things. he wa. quite bright nnd always <·Hntc to clas.-, a Jitlle enrly; so did h<'. and the hard translations Wl'l'l' sonwwhut simplifieo before tluss. One sunshiny afternoon he wns strolling through shndy paths wh<•n he p11ssetl 11 ben ch whet·e the .Tnnior girl snt, alone, studying. She wns stnclyiu~ Gct·rnan. Ire snt down, nnd together they prPpared it. Other wftc•r·noons the s1lntC thing hnppcned, tiJ] pretl'y soon the ft•llows snicl ",Jimsy" had a "cm;e.'' ,Jint knew he had a "case,'' and he thought he wns in lo,·c. One OYcning on his wny to the ,Junior girl's hous<' he madt• up his mincl to pmpose. H e was excitt•d all C'\'ening and when it came to llw proposnl he afterwards couldn't rrm<'mb<'r what he had said. Ile took a stt'P nenr<'r her, fnm tically r en<'hrd out his hands to catch hold of something. and fell m·er. The somclhing he• lutd caught hold of was her hair. "'hen he• c·ume to and saw what he wns clulc·hing in his hand , he thought he ntust han• . calp<'d her. but there was no pain shown on the .Junior':; fa ce, ns her hands were at her head. jabbing in a pin here and something there-no pain- jul-.l mot-tifkntion and anger which he rl'nd there. ~\t her request. he left thl' house immediately. The next day a bundle of letter::. came and a few hooks h<' hucl cri,·en her: added to this was an icy note. '"'


~\ nd

!hi!) was the way it all ended. She' was :-.o pretty. and he had cared mi~hl gmw monotonousto him it beC<lmc a <·11rse. He was not dealt with fairly. H e would keep on Ji,•in~ . beca11se it wns cowardJ~· to take one'~ lift•; h11l IH' could ~ce only gloom ahead. ~\t that time he had worn it wonld be hi'l Ins( attempt at Jo,·e, and it wns the last b11t one. . \fter he left col lege. lw heC'amc ltlirly suceeRsful in busine.s. 11<' was in a new country and, st<n·tin~ out on a small sntle. had secured IIH' right properly. which nelt<'d him goo<l profits. The best wily to fol'gct one's gric,·unces is to work. .Jim h;td prowcl this and nl the end of five years we find that his life had not led alo11g t.host' clal'kenNl paths which he foresaw at the lime of his graduation . Il t' was well liked socitllly, ancl he had forgotten his nYersion lo wonumkind to the t'xlcnt lh;lt he \\'<lS very mnch in Jon with one. ll e proposed to her ancl nothing happenc:'d. barring thnt she uctcptccl. If he had any do11bts in his mind that he hnd not fully ontgro"·n his old weakness. they were gone now. "-a~n·t this th(' grcal('st c\·enl in his life, the lime when he asked this girl lw truly loYNl to be hi~ wifd For. lookin~ back now. he ~aw that the others had been ju~t kicl~· atl'air.... Du1·ing lht• tlays of hi,.; cnga~t'ment. hi,., happin<'s,.,. howen'r. "a-; not 1111· <:loucled. It wl'iglwd on his mincl that he hucl not told hc1· of hi-. pa~l misfortunes, and .'' Cl he dreaded to unlock that part of his lif(' to unyon<'. e,·en to her. .\ gain 11nd n~ain he resoh·ed to tell lwr. and agnin ancl again he put it ofl' till anolht'r time-that connnient otlwr time nntil it s('l.'mNl to him that if he waitNl till after his marriage it <·oulcl he tolclmor<' <'lhily then. The gn•at clay dawned. Jim woke 11p thnt mo1·ning fN•Iing lllbtHllly hnppy. <'Xnltant. ,Just b(.'fore the c·eremony lw ft•lt sm·h a stmngl' excih'mcnt th11t he rnn ba<'k to his room to get a brand~· and soda. Th<' thllrch had but one door. so the hridal party m11:-.l IH'Nls nH'et in the \Cstibul<' ancl march up the cenll'l' ai:-.le. .J im took hold of hi,., h<';:;t man's arm. nncl. 1\s the organist changt'd from the "X od urn<' into t lw " ' Nlding Mnrt'h. tlw eonple stnrt<.><l up UH> aisle. A few :-.lcps and .Tim begnn W<llking unsteadily: lh<' best 1111\ll laid il to nenousJH'ss. but still. sint<' lw was smaller than .Jim'. hp c·onld not make him walk :;trai~ht. The furlh<>r 11p the uisl<' they wenl the' mOI'C' !he' coup le SW<lyed. till. np near tlw front, .Ji111 IH11l1pNI against every olh<'r seal. the lwst man clutching him nn<l l-!teadying him the b<'st he could when he lurchNl in the other clin•etion . T he fuc-t thot tlw b1·idt• ancl he1· bri<lcsmn i<ls were passing \Y<lS 11 o not iced, so a bsorlwd \\"I' I'(' I he people in t be nnlics of the groom. ~\ t lhe :front of the rhurc·h h<' slipped out of the wild hold of his hc:;l mnn ;mel sprawled into the chnnc·c•l on his lwnd . going: off into a faint. The bride gaY<' a little try and fpiJ into lwr fatht•l··s a1·ms. There was mn<"h huslwd <'xcilement iu tiH> dnm·h . The mini:-.ter and th<' be~l man carried out poor ".Timsy :'' they noticed on him llw odor of l>l'and,r. and that was his undoing. J>coplc declared he wa~ drunk. II i-. hrid('-t<>-h<' would listen to no exphmation fmm him. ,Jim sold out his busine&. as quickly a:-, he coulcl and IC'ft town. H e went wcsl to buy him a ranch and spend the re~l of his lift> in sedusion. \Vhether hi!': little:' demon followed him or not. 1 do not know, tlS that was the last I lward of .Jim tlw -nfortunate.

so muC'h! To be alway::. making a fool of one·!'> ,.,elf


II untli"Cd ltigllty.two

\\hen swallows flv On wistful wing:;, .\ nd the rose-拢1nsbcd skv The darlmess brin~rs,:_ S ing, slltldowy pines, Of the sa.il-winged sea, .\ncl sing, 0 dny. Thy memory. \\Then the Stllt sea tide H eturns again, o路er reaches "-idt'. 路with ils sad refrain. Sing wailing tern . T he dny forgt't. To dretlms relnm. l ...t>t\ Ye old regret. '\Yhcn way,; to wnndt>r _\ Jlnr(' more. Stny wind to pondt'l



nw door.-

.\ s some sea-shell Sings of the sen \Yi lh ils deep swell. Sing thou to me.

WIH'n twilight falh;. ,\nd from nfar .\lone thrush rnlls

The first pal<' star.Ring wind of the shadows. Sing wraith of the rain. In the quiet ml'ndow:::, To llH' again.

OIIC llundrctl J;lglttv路tllt'CC

One 1111111/rC'd El(lhtV路fiCC

Wearers ofthe Varsity "I" LENGTH OF TIME WORX NAME HOW WON Berry .......... 0J>tion for four years ................................. He asked Dad Less!nger ....... Just promised ...................................... She can't decide Cooper ......... Intends to keep it for life ............. Didn't try: it was gi\路en to her Tosney ......... As long as two days between fights............. li e says, "She stole it" Bolger .......... Track ................................................. \Vhich one? Taylor (K.) ...... One year. Had it stored for one yr...... ... .... ....... They won't tell Taylor (E.) ...... Two years. One year in Prep. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Feeds Sou len . ........ . One-hair year ........................................... Family relic Ilimes .......... I ras a life contract. ...... ........ .. "Then they would row, row, row" Campbell ....... 8xpected (????) .................. , ...... If "Army" would only train McConnel ....... Has worn one out ................. A special edition or the annual is needed to tell Horton ......... The latest. A couple of weeks ..................... .... Jury still out


Hundrea Efghtv路sWI

HEARD l 1 ROADS A D PA \ 'EME ·Ts Dr. Little-~11·. Samms. if ~·ou ·w ere offeted a ~2:>,000 job. building a. concrete s!rtlctu•·<'. what is the fit·st thing you would do? Sammy- T"d lake lh<' job.

SOLVED Question- Wl1y c1o lhl> le!1\'CS hn·n red in the fnll ( Answer Bc•caw-w the~· are blushing when they think how green they hnve

been ull

~ IImmer.

Fn•sh (watching the snow pile up) - \\1wn this stuif goes off, it will raise II. LnJTie YC's. and Paradise. too.

DnJl'y (spt•uking to Pmfessor \Tilber) -~' uppo:-;e that while I am silting here 1 should lr~· <llld see how dose J could ~hoot to you without hilling you, and th;lt J <H"<"iclentally hit ~·o n: wh;liwould 1 be guilty of? Prof. Will><·•·- :\£urder. P . ]>(•rkins-.\ w. no: it would be j11st a mi:-;denu•;wor.

llan·y ''b1nk<'d."

~ l c·.

know that



man knows what he


doing when he is


··Sc•ymon• spent Thanksgi,·ing at his home in Paloust·:· ··H. 0. Bums spent the WC'ek end al his home in J~w i ston :·

One HUIHII·ccl


The report i ~ that "Beam·· is beating hi. way through college by n skin g amE!. lie claims that it i n hum -drum job at that. Handsome. L gid in colleg('-··Bennie.'' Flo could not register for music as it wou ld hn'ak int o her afternoons.

"'aid the EngineeL· T o the Co-ed den r: " Pro like a ship at l'Ca Exams are near. _\nd much I fenr I hnll unlucky bc:· ··Then :· murmured "he. '·_\. shore rn be. Come. rest. thy jotu·n c~· o"cr."" T hen darkne. s f ell. B ut all wa weJI, F or t he sh ip had huggPd the :-hore.

HEJ.RD OX \YEST S IXTH STREET Feminine Voice- \\'"here nrc you f rom? 1\fa cu line Voice- outh Carolina. (It was too dark to recognize faces.)



" \\rhy did you d;mce so many dances with her C' '·\Vhy. I only danced one.:· " " 'ell. ~·o u didn "t n£'ed to hold her "o <·Jo,.,e:· " I didn"t. and. besides. ~·ou told me to dante with her:· "Well. I didn't think ~·ou would."" A nd the fmil boa t was naYigatcd safely through the breakers.

OIIC llllll(li"Cd F.i{llll /I·Ct(/11 t

I '

''" 'ell. anyway. we did our dnnw'dest."

- R obert L rmi.<r • teN' /18011.

,-y-0) '-.A\:!

Onr 1/rmdr·ccl Htqlrty-111110

CRANE CO. Manufac ture rs o f

Valves and Fittings FOR ALL PRE SSURES

Jobb ers of Pipe, Steam and Water Sup plies OF EVE R Y


H ea ting and Plumbin g Supplies Irrigation and Power Pla nts A



SPOKANE, \VAS H. Branch or Chicago

Established 1855

Our 11 tmtlt路ul :nuctu

What Happened Then MARCH 17 '12- MARCH 17, ' 13

March lc.

.\ pdl

[tr<>shmen nrc still '·Frosh." the Gym.




More min (no joke) .


K11 ppa. ' igma Ball.


Eng Iish Club <'lllt•t·ta i11s-" Kleptomaniac ...


Jk Lilli<• dismiss<>:, a class on time.


Pr·t'p ,quail in Gynr. Idaho-\\Thitnutn debate.


Hi<l<•n\,augh girls entertain Phi DPlta Theta. "Poi,.,on':-" aunt become<: dnngerou:-ly ill.


. \11 Fool< Day-many Preps makt• good.


Dt•hn t c BalHJII<'L

Tnlancl TPadtC'r:.' .b,ociation in :-lpokarw.

..j -(i.

Y<•t·y <lu ... ty- 7\[r. Lehm:tn t·ome,., to :·dwol with his oYershoc:-.



ndPrclassnwn bury the hatchet in


l•'r·t•shman UlC't'. Girls appear in dusting <"aps mnkc qnite a hit.


Dt•lta <lnnrn111 t't'ccpt ion.


Borrni<> HtHl ·• .\1 " <:cen togeth(.lt'.

LD. ~0.

Iklta Ganrma ball. Zrtn Dr lbl :-;mokrr lo Thela :Mtt Epsilon. B<'ier rrportcd to have smoked a pill and to be in a !':.eriott:-. <"Onclit ion.


\Yar tlrparllm•nl mo,·ed lo Coetll' cL\It>tH'.


(Tndt•rdass girls keep early hours. II. H. H. Hlips one o\·er on Lifly and stays in :\Ioscow to do a little ( q fus..:;in~.


Kappu Si~. - Dclla Gnrnm. l>t'xtclll' hold picnic. hoiC':-. in lhe ('a bin roof!



011 c Tlundr·cd ll'(tiCII!·OIIC

Who pul the

rC'turns from the seat of war- much seasickne:,..-; nbonrd.

CHILDERS Refreshment Parlors The F;nest and M ost Up-toDate Confectionery Parlore in Nor them Idaho



Q UR Lisht Lunch~ have won a reputation of their own. We are asent& for and serve the Famous B. & M. Tamales.

QUICK SERVICE. KIND TREATMENT AND SUPERIOR GOODS mal:e us kno'Wo all over tbe North'West


Oti C Jlundrcd N-in et y-t wo


8. 10. 11.

] 7. JR 1!1. 21. ~-~. :2;).

29. 30. ;~I.


l. ~.


ih<' points. K oli. h fells P1l11l Dnrry and N. B. that "En•rybody's doin' it."

Bonnit• nnd ".\!'' seen logethn. n

(This is lh<' last t'nii',V of this as



Exa Ills begin !


Senior bn 11- nu·<• d<'contlions-no n•fr('shments.

Gnnuna Phi banquet. l\Iuch ne"· jewt•lry displayed. !1. Bn ctn lnur<'al c Sennon-Peace. H.



.\nnunl Con<·cl'l- ulso nnnunl holclon•t· Engli ~h Ex.

l I.

Com·ocntion ;lddr<'s...,. )Jumni hnnqn<'t.


C'ommenccmcnt <'X<'l'Cises.



For Pure


Go to

HODGIN'S BOOK & DRUG STORE Mechanical Drawing Materials, Artists' Supplies, Musical In struments, Kodaks, Photo Goods, Stationery and Office Supplies UNIVERSITY OF IDAHO TEXT BOOKS H a wkin Melgard. President M. E. Lewis. Vice President E. Kauiman. Vice P resident W. E. Cahill. Cashier

First Trust Savings Bank

Cold Storage Market HA G AN & CUSH I N G C O . l ucoorporatM


CAPITAL $50,000.00 Moscow, Idaho

Safety and Efficiency

Wholesale and R etail


Market. Phone 7

P acking H o u se. Pho ne 167

ln placing your business affair& in the hands

of a bank. you have a righttoeXJ>ectthatyour interests will be carefully looked after. This bank will never disappoint you.


All our Meats are U. S. inspected and passed, (Act of Congress June 30. 1906).


011 e lltlllllt路rtl Yiu r l!l路 (ottt路



l:;ororitit•s do their fall hottsc-rleuning, preparatory to rushing.


Futm·c Uro. " ' n:=;hi ngtons. Tafts. blow in on us.

usan Anthonys and Wilsons

lG-1 I. Regi!-.ll'lltion.


Frats take down their '·Room to Let·· signs.

19. Tennis ('Jub reorganizes. '·OJcl P ep'' on the job.

20. "Slug-mixer'' nl the Gym. ~ororit_r


bid dn,v. •\. l\1.- '·.\in't she the dearebt thing r· P. M.- '·Tsn't !-.he a lemon- who'd want her?''


Dr. :\lol'lt•y show!-. the Frosh where the_,. nrc nt by an elementary exam.

21. Joint Y. :;\1.-Y. W. C . •\.reception nt th<' Don11. Oct.


Seniot· '·ruff"-n n11mber of fl'rosh '·fall.''


l\fiss Frt•n<-h makes rules.


E\'(~J·)rl><>d,r goes to rhur<:h--en•n a few Fn·~hmen get next.


Freshman p;trty- they wear tlwit· II. S. jewelry.




Prof. TA>hmnn a:-signs foothallthe!-.<'s.

(';u·ithet·s and )!Irs. Hodgin:. cntct·tain for· Delta Gamma.

1 . ID..\110, 1:3: "·· S. C. 0. I!l. .\thlelic· 1)1)11.


Reception to music students.

2G. \Yashington won a game from Iclaho.



Spooks conrhwe at the Dorm.


r. of o. J!ll me-


Election d1ty- many ro-ed..,


Greater Jcluho Club dance.

mob the n-fcn'('! rcfll>-<' to YOW.

17. "Your g-rudc is below pas. ing.'' 22. Gamma Phi pln,v Breezy Point.

Economical Pkarmacy WHERE QUALITY COUNTS

Everything a Drug Store Should Have All the New Things Always the Highest Quality CANDIES. ICE CREAM & LIGHT LUNCHES The Prices are Lower


See Our Shoe S-wellness J ust the right amount of snappy style wh ile the leathers are most appropriate. fjAII the smart dressers say that we're the people for swell shoes. (]The new high toes are a striking feature of the Spring models. CJIHave you seen the new reced ing toes with the low heels? As swell as any young man or woman could wish for, and entirely new this season.

High Shoes or Oxfords $3.00, Bright Leathers, Dull $4 to Leathers & the N ewTatu

M OSCO'W Sh Oe Store

$3.50 $5.00



11 lllldi'Cd Si11Cty-1tl~



''Ling" quits shnving.

Curses! ~t>w arc light installt•d on th<' <'am pus. .\q~o ­


E,·ans decidt•s to open up a pre. .-.ary . and adn•ttises in The naut.


'·Chaso'' :tnd th<' football team <h•pHrt for w ·alla \Valla.


Idaho wins from \Yhitml"\n and <'inchl's second place in the 1\. \\r. ('onfen•n<·<•. Kappa igs ginl GtlmnHl Phis a square.


"Ling" lt•lls th<' } fo>"cow 1wople that they do not !mow how to dance.


Seymon• n•tu1·ns after a short ,·isit 111 hi:- home in Palouse. So does she.



·'Herb'' tries n new one.


'·Ling's" whiskers !ll'e gelling longt•r und l'N]der.


D uffy n•c·t'iv<•s a package from his Unc·la .J immie D. of, poknnl'.


0Hiy eight


months unti l lhc Fourth of .Jnly.

.3. La wy<'I'H lun·e n pnrty and for::rct to :1:-.k Brother Da ,·is. 13.

Junior Prom.


Girb take nclnmblgc of their la:-.t dHHlC'<' and stage a lcap-,Y<>tll' ·'ruff..,

l!J .

Christmas \':tc·n t ion begin'>.



"X ufscd."




till snowing. Blnnk!


Frosh ha \ ' <.' sleigh ride-so do So ph :--n ffragettes.


Kappa. .. igma nttempt sleigh riflt'.


0 . •\... C. ' 's. I daho. Keep it dark.


0. A. C.


I dnho. A little d~ll'kcr i (you can stand it.

2-1:. Mr. and ~hs. "Pink'' entertain.

One Dundrca Ninetv-sct·cn

David & Ely



Party Gowns

~ l!W VORK!s ~CLt131VECU.aroM

Mallory Hats


" HeidCliP$" Wilson Uros.


Natty Suits


For Girls and \Vomcn

nnd Interwoven



Button Boots


Walk-Over & Florshci m


Shoes uud Pumps

Party Slippers the Feminine Foot

For Men

Quality combined with that Appropriate Style THE LSYSTE M which Critical Taste demands.

C LOTHING for Gentlemen


J & D Dulltone

THE i\lODER r IJ\'TERIOR WALL FINISH Is a Paint, not a Kalsomine. It is "\~'ashable, Economical, Durable, Producing Beautiful Dulltonc effects Ask you r dealer or write to us for card of Tin1s givin g fu ll information

Jones & Dillingham PAINT MAKERS ~ SPOKANE


()m Jluud,·•·•l \ im IJt· • itJhl




Snturdny night nnd no dates. En•rybody nums ( ?).


Exnnh an• on.


.JokP Pclitm· llunks Puhlic ~pPaking.


( ".of W.

\ "s.

~Inny :1

Frosh spt>nt a ,;;)N•p)(•ss night.



Fan•wpJJ n•e<>pl ion to Prexie


.. De)('"" J J. goes to d111rch.


Sophon10rc frol ie.


U. of\\'. n;. l daho.

n. Vn•sid<>nl '.

~Inci~nn .

Snn1111:-; nncl ""Sammy"'

go on sl<•igh rid<>. Zt'lll D<>lt:l smn)w...; Thc>tn ~ [n

\\'. S. ('. \"s. Idaho at P :1llman. [~psi Jon.


Sc•nim· duss 111<'1.


ID.\11 0



Ot·pgon Wllh n



Strangl' nois<>s amnn<l Cranuua P hi Beta hous<'. P ullman~


Why didn't Sll•\"l' f.!O to

I X.

Edna n•t lll"lls to fi 11 ish ( n•al jokt>) lwr t"our:-.c.


P mf. Wilson talk:-; to L:lw Col leg<•: so dol's Da,·i,.;.


\\·. S. ('. \ ":-<. Idaho. H o'elock Tnlancl.

:l l.

~ l ililnl'.\' hall.


Condit ion <'XII Ills.


··PI'C)(',. gop:-; fll :-;sing. ) Jj,.,.; :\Ll;.;on carri<•s E. K S."s sni tc:l se from

~Jason carri<'s

K E. Smith's stti!<-ns<' to the

rnlnncl. :L I.

.J . \ . ~J.-··J'roe"" c·onl<':-. homl' from fus.-.ing.


C:n•nt shorlal!<' of ti<•s in ) {o,.:cow.


)fo" spri llf.!s a I i(>.




('hns. \\'illwr

stirrin". pm\"('s

hiut:-;e)f the fu. sin!! kirl.

Leaveyourorder today for a

New Suit

I 000 Samples to se.le.ct from. Fit and satisfaction guaranteed.

'!he Men's Shop H AYN ES路 WHITE CO.

All ktnds of


Sherfey's BOOK STORE

N. C. Fasse.n. Prestdem


C.M.Fassett Company Incorporated

Importers. Wholesale and P-etail Dealers in

Laboratory Supplies For Assayers. Chemtsts. Physicians. Miners Smelters and Schools

MOSCOW. IDAHO " If n's new we are the first to have it"

207,13 Wall St., Spokane, W ash.



The First National Bank OF MOSCOW

Moscovv Steam Laundry C 8. GP..EEN . Propr.etor

Pioneu Bank of latah County OFFICERS W. L. Payne, President Chas. W. Shields, Viee President E. W. Pearce. Asst. Cashier

French Dry Cleaning, Dyeing and Pressing 1n Connection Office and Works are



'I'tvo 1ltmdred



Cab me n ucc lare di,·idends.

:!. :l.

Looks a ~ if s pring is here. " 'e know that spring i h ere, betausc the hi-.tor·.'· cia:-.:. hcnnl something about W. "~. \\~. ''.Kick·· tokes a ~nnll at the fly in assembly.




' cnior ,·uudc,·ille.

Booker T. \Yashington talks to


HaUn lion inspection.


Vo lunteer nand gives concert. l daho-Gonzaga brenk C\·cn.


Ik l\l orl(•y entertains


.\'ft <•t· w;liting for one-half year. Frosh painl the


F'rc;,hmcn win annual flag rush. .\lc.\dams nnrw;t•:-. nt aquatics. Frcshnwn and !::)ophomorcs bury the hntdwt 111 the Gym: upperclassmen slip one over on llli;;.-, Fn•udt. .\11 (hrmma Phi;, han' dates.


ll1111drcd OtiC



peop le.



Sterner's Studio Photography Kodak Finishing and Picture Framing

Special R ates to Students

But I also want to lfet you in front of my camera and ehow you what I can do in the way of photolfraphe. You muet be in need of some. as you have changed appearance eome, aioce you were at my place

last. Come in. tutd loolt over aome latest worlt. Youra truly,



J. J. Stern e r,

521 South :Main ~lOSCO\\,

As you sec above I am busy hid111g myself under t he cloth so ao to get a picture o( that bashful man.


/tfO.SCOW. 11>AIIO

Davenport Coal Company A superior Steam and D o mestic Coal. Used by Factories, Railways and Steam Plants. Preferred for H eati ng and Cooki n ~ purpo,es. Exclusively used at the University of Idaho. HEAD OFFICE:

507 Empire State Building Spoka ne, \Vash . ~IJNES


Two llttmln tl 'I'ICQ

Local W a nt Ad s WANTED-.\ neat little bungalow wllh a hundred-dollar job In connection. Address Seymore, Advertising Managllr Dartt & Seymor e Co.

WANTED-A new plMe to spend the moonlight bom·s. M uslc hall steps becom· ing too populat· with spt·ing evenings. 1-J.

"~.-\XTED-Two good, warm suits, by Hoff and )tcAdams.


w.~:-1TED-Pians submitted ror a "Cuss· ing" annex to the Botany Class. Pt·att.

BUGS WA:-.ITED-One million bugs. Aldrich.

Hughart &

H. P. EGGAN Photograph Studio and Art Store Un iversity W ork a Specialty

Phone 105 Y



I Two H•mdred Four



Gladys :-lankervls

I rene Tosney

Kate Keane Mabelle R udes ill Fay T homas Mar guerite Alie n Margaret Neuman Fern Berr y "Pete" Smith Jack Fox Alta Taylor "Bennie''

Toots Hockett

Elizabeth Hays Harriet Wildentbaler Zelia Bigham \Vinitred Brown

And others too numerous to mention

M embers

8dna Campbell Othe l Martin Tess Coram

P ledg es

F lo McConnel Lorena Dartt Sue Sinclair T hose Ref using

Maud Himes Ruth Annett

Betty Holaday Lulu Greenwood

lva Emmett Prospectives

This Annual was Printed and Bound by H alftones


Zinc Etchings

" Double Depth" Cuts


Williamson., Haffner Co.



'l'wo lfllllilt·cd /•'Ire


Some FaCts Concerning the University of Idaho More than fiye hun<lrNl Sllhjt•ct:-. nre olfl'I'Nl in tlw l -nin•r;.;ily.

The fucully nnndwt·s ;.;ixty-!:>ix. The C<Hu·,t•s nre un<l<•r the dit•t•dion of nwn of <li:-.tin~uish<'d :-cbolal . hip. with degrN•s from the ~l'(·at uniwr,.,iti<'s of tlw worlfl. TTa rnud, Yale. Princ<'ton, Columbia, Corn<'ll, Chicago. " ·i,.;<·onbin . ('ul ifol·nin. Stanfol'd. ~ebrnslca, I owa, Vir~inin, McGi ll. Toronto. Ooetting<.•n, Hedin. tlw Sorbonn<'. Mndrid. and otheJ' unin'rsitit>, Ill'(' l'('j)l'(•:-t•ntNI Oil til(' faculty of the rni,·ersity of Idnho. The Uniwr, ity is thP only in:-.ti tution in the stall• that prepal'<.'S students for tlw Rhodt>s Schol:m,hip cxalllinations. T his :-.dwlnr,hip o tfers the successful candidate thn•e Yl'HI':·; l'<',idt>ll('(' at Oxford r nin•rsity. England. nnd an in<'ome o f fiftt>en huncln•d dollal':-. a year. In re<'ognition of tlw high s<·holasti<· :-.tn ndard Lnnintaim•cl. the I daho Legislature hn:-. pa:-...,t•rl nn ad whieh entit(p,.. rni\'l' J':-;it~- gnuluate,, who haxe batisf:H·tOI'il~· <.·onlpl<'fed tlwi1· I'<>spe<'ti\l' <'OIII'"l'" in Education. to . tat <• Tectchers' C<·r·t i fic·a I cs. The (1ni\'(•rsity of ldnlw l111s the I"<'Pill alion of' h<•in:r OIH' of the most 0('lll0('l'Utic in;..titurion.., in the r nitNl Stall'"· .\ larg<' Pl'l'Centa:r(' of its students. by wor·k during the sumHH'I' or <lurinl! llll' c·olll'gt' y<'<ll'. pay part or all of their own <•xpens<'s. Tlwre i:-. no <li:-.nintinnt ion. :-;()(·in I or otherwise. against the mn n or woman who wor·ks.

•\ syl:>tcm of club,.. ha, been or:ranizNl. ,..o that tlw -.tudent coming from any parl of tht• stat<• will be hrou:rht into dose t<>u<'h with othe1· studen ts from his section, asso<'intion with whon1 wi ll tllakt• the transilimt from high l'chool to colle:r<' easy. The north wing ha,.., ju,t be<•n added to tlw .\ dmini ... ti'ation Building and contains. lwsidcs ele\'en splendidly t'<')nipped cla;.;.">-rooms. the hu·ge Audi torium . whic·h wi ll be tlst•d fo r asst•ntbly and nil sorts of lllllsical und drama( ic e,·cmts.


.\!though the l-ni,·ersit~· of Idulw i:-. almost the youngest of the state uniYer:>ities, the high scholarship of ils faculty. the.> honot'S accorlled its nlumni in the gn•nt nniYersities of the East. und Europe. the proved rAkiency o f its gmduates in practic·tal life. its recognition by the Carnegie Foundation as orw of th(' group of thit'teen state unin•rsitit>s of highest stund:u·ds. ha,·e made it 1111 institution of whi<-h till' pN>ple of the shlt (' nnd thr Xorthwcst are ju. tl,r proud. The


The The The T he Tlw The

Il r

comprisl'!'. the following divisions:

Coll<·~c of L<•t !t•rs and , 'cienc·<•s. Coll<•;.!e of Eu~in<'t>ring. Collt';.!<' of Law. Co llc•w· of ~\gTi cultu r ·l•. Agrieulhr ral ExperinH'nt Stat ion. Sumuwr Ses.sion.

Tlw Collc•ge of L t•llN-s and Scien<'('S offers, bc•sides the c·ustomnry JL \. 1lncl four-y<•nr degn•(l ('0111':-.('S in ITom(' Economics and F orestry. Cmu·:-.t•.., in ~lusic. hoth Lhcorrti('al and practic·al. may bt> t·otmled toward the TL\. and H.H. degn•(•s. SJ><•c•ial proYision is mudc for JH'<•-medicnl and prel<'gal stndenti-i and for those drsirtng the• conrst•s in Eclucntion l<'ading to the Stat<' Tl'nch<'r·~ Ccl'lifkate. Xonnnl c·om~es nrc also offc•rc.>d in Physical Edu<'n t ion and ) l u!-.ic. n.~. ('()11 1':-.l'S,

The t'ollt>ge of EnginPt•ring ofl'l'r's four-~rrnr· cou rses in CiYil, ~fining. Elt•drical. ) l<'thauital and Clwmi<·nl EnginN•ring. in which ih<' instr·udion j, hot h thoi'Ough a n<l practi<·td. In its fifth year. the Col ll'J,!<' of La11· ('ontinu<'s to ofl'('r n thoroughl~r slnndcurriculum. hnsed upon tlw <•xperien<·<• of tht• h<''-t law ~<·hool in the count r.r. <'mhracing hroad. <·nltural tl'llining in legal theory. n eomparnti,·e sl ttdy o-f P n<'ifie Coast law and Home pntdical upplicaliorn.; of lh<'se prinriplc~. nrdiz~?d

The Collt•ge of .\gricultnt·l' offet·:-. thorough <·out-sc:. in .\gri<·ultural ('hcmi!-.11'."· Baell•riolog,,·. Dairying. TTorticulturl'. F orestry. Irrigation nnd D nlinuge . •\ gronom,v, ~\nimal IJushnndry. Soils aud \ ?cterina t·y Scicncr. The .\gri<·trltur·nl Exp<'riuwut Hlation condud!' original inY('stigntion:-. in tlw fields of a~n·icultural sc·i<•n<·t•. whi<·h arr of great nllll<' to the stat<' 11nd nul ion.

!A\ WG





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