1912 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 9 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 43

J ol8ph S udw eeks, "Bishop,'' B. S. (Agr.). Kimberly. Idaho; Brigham Young University Prep., 'OG; Agricultural Club: Biology Club; 'l'rcasurer Sophomore Class; Editor Student l"armer; Cia><~< A Honors. Doesn't bellen• that prepaJ·Ing h i s Jesson>< before clasH Is taking an unfair advantage of his profl•ssor.

Ma.r guerite Gw'..nn Schick B. A., Moscow, Idaho; U. ol I. Pn•paratory. 'OS; Y. W. C. A.; three years. Ought to ha,·e been a mermaid. "'ould make a good wifp for Bluebeard.

Clinto n P i.s k e B essee, "BeHH," B. S. (C. E.l. Moscow. Idaho; {;. ot r. Preparato r·y. 'OG; Sergt•nnt Cadl'l 13attalion; PrN<Ident Sophomore Class; Clall!! Bnskethall; Class Indoor Track 'l'eatn; C. E. Society; Class D l lonor·s; Athletic Editor· '12 Q(•tn of the Mountains; Zeta l>el ta. J\lay lose his head, but ne ver· hi>! heart. Intt•ntl>~ to start a Dancing Aci\(Jt•my after graduation.

L inda M argaret B a.e, "Lindy Lou," B. A.. l\loscow, Idaho; {;. or 1. PrE'paratory, 'OS; Treasurer Fre11hman Clas>~; society Editor '12 Gem ot the Mountain!l; Society Editor Argonaut, 1910- '11; Y. \ V. C. A. CM>Inct, '09-'11; Gamma Phi Heta. Very Inconstant an'l wavering In her afl'ectlon. "Th~· (•yell haYe pler<•e-d me through and through."

V ernon L . Glaze , "Vern," B. S. ((.'. 8.), Emmett. Idaho; Emmett High. '08; Photographer '12 Gem of the :MountalnR; Secretary Of \';'ar; C. E. Society; Indoor 'l'•·aek. The "Glaze" retlecteth r ays or l<nowledge bac k to p ierce the surrounding><.

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