1912 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 9 - University of Idaho Yearbook

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OeOrl'e K UI'h B oe O' Donnell, •·cap," B. A.. Moscow, Idaho; Moscow High, '09; Class A Honors; Captain <'adt•t Battalion; Winner Ftmcl ng T•·ophy; Edi tor-ln<'hlef '12 Gem of the Moun t a in><: Victor P•· lce Debaters: Junlo•· P lay Cast; Y. M. C. l\. ('nblnet; Chairman Music and Prog•·am Committee .MIIItar·y Ball; Zeta Delta. "In terms of choice I am not "olely led. by nice direction of a malden's eye."

E ul'enla B eatrice Swain, "Bee," B. s .. Boise, Idaho; Boise High, 'OS: St. Mary's Acatlemy, Alameda, Cal.; Biology Club; October Club; Junior Prom. Committee; Be-ta Hlgma. . Hlncc her •·eturn from nbr·ond she show s preferenc(' fOJ'


A malden fair she came from a Hall, broad and expansive, Into the kingdom of David.


B obert Veatal H ockett, "Hungry," B. S. Forestry; Moscow. Jdaho; U. of I. Preparatory, 'OS; Cadet Lieutenant Co. "B;" Chairman Junior· Prom. Music Committee; u. of 1. Yell Leader; Chalr·man Music Committee l\•l illtfu·y Ball, ' 1 0; Art Editor '12 Gem of the Mountain!!; Con·('spondlng Secretary Fo•·cstr·y Club; Kappa Rlgma. An nhlc cartoonist, fusser and actor; takes forestry becamle there Is nothing easier.

Eva M cFarland, "Doory," B. A .. Boise. Idaho; St. ~Iar­ garet's Hall, '01; Secretary Junior Class; Secretary Pnn-:ll'll e ntc Council; Y. W. C. A.: Biology Club; Beta Sigma. !Ia>< hut one rival in the A r·t of Sn('(•zlng. Thln l<s It wouhl l>e fun to nirt.

Erneat Wllllam E llis, "Cap," B. S. ()I. E .), Wardner, Idaho; U. of I. Pr!mar!\tOrl', '08: Mgr. JunIor Pia~·; Mgr. English Club Play, " I ler Own \\'ay ;" Mgr. l b>~C'n's "Doll's House;" Cadet Capt. Co. ".8;" Chairman Junlo1· Prom. Committee; Chairman Commlltee on Invltallon>< and P11tronesses Mllltllry Ball; Associated Mln,•r"; Kappa Sigma. llc Rr>l'n<l>< 10 hours per week studying, 10 hours fus•dng an<l 10 hours combIng his halt·. JlaR e,·en been known to break the quaranlln!• law for a lady In distress.

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