1910 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 7 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 187



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It has ever been borne in mind, by the Regents and Faculty of the University. that suitable student organ izations are necessary for the full social and moral development of the young people of the state who are intrusted to their care, and it is hoped that the great problem of adding broadness and

culture along with their education wil l be fully met by placing at their disposal the benefits of any or all of the following student organizations which ha,·e grown ut> with the institution, and today stand as a ,·alued and highly deserving part of our Uni\'ersity life.

fllllutkrrs' Jrntrrtiur A.s.sntiatinn (Nrw f!ittittg &oritty) "Lord, what fools these mortals be.'' -A Midsummer Night's Dream. As a result of a long-felt want for a more efficient method As the assembled muckers keenly felt their inability to of guiding Profs., the organization of the Muckers' Protecstate their various objections in standard English literary tive Association was perfected early in the year, and on form, they enthusiastically endorsed the nomination of Burton George to member~hip, and. ha,·ing recei,·cd him as a Sept. 1, by-laws were adopted and the following officers chosen: brother. elected him to the position of \\'rangling Secretary. \Villiam Vernon Leonard ______________ Grand Bccfer Clyde Wellington Chaffins ___________ Chronic Kicker Charles llardnoodle Perkins _______ Exalted Howler Glenn Francisco Zeigler ______ Most Luminous Roarer Charle~ Gcronomo \Vethered ____ Illustrious Grouch

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