1907 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 4 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 77

The basement is given up entirely to baths. locker rooms, company rooms, furnaces, etc. On the first floor is found the office of the Commandant and other military offices and the main gymnasium lloor. extending almost the entire length of the building. I ferc we haYe a very generous supply of gymnasium apparatus. This floor is used for boxing, general gymnastic purposes, basket ball, indoor baseball and four times a year swell dress ball. On the second lloor is the ci rcular running track-twenty-two lap'> to the mi le-the gallery and club rooms. The intuior finish is plain, and the woodwork stained in \\'alnut. gi ,·es it all a \'Cry neat. though massi n! appearance. \\' ith a good "Gym" and good coaches, look out for Idaho.

[n the days when the Gni,·ersity of Idaho was young-not long ago, by the way-our athletes and cadets carried on their different forms of sport and labor under very unfa,·orable circumstances. Today, with our new Armory and Gymnasium, one of the largest and best equipped on the coast, we ha,·e much to hope for along athletic lines. fj tj

In r 903 the Legislature appropriated funds for the building of an ,\rmory and Gymnasium for the Cn i,·ersity. l n ~day, 1904. the contract \ras let, and by the end of the year the present building was completed. It is a very commodious building. 120 b~ 70 feet. constructed of reel pressed brick. ha\'ing a basalt basement trimmed with granite.


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