1907 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 4 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 202

i\lay 21-Prof. Cog:>well sails for Europe to get sea sick. May 22-A. S. U. I. officers elected. May 24-The market swamped with "GEM OF TilE MouNTAINS." Supply greater than the demand. May 25-M iss Forney follows Prof. Cogswell; Prof. Sheldon and Mr. Harrison console each other. May 26-Matthews, Edmundson and Murphy elected to represent Idaho at the Portland Fair. l\lay 27-Seniors n.. Faculty in baseball. Two Point Peterson, star. ~lay 30 and June J-Beastly exams. "Everybody works but Fat.'" May 31-Jones wins the Heyburn debate prize. JUNE, 1905. J une 2-Senior Ball. J une 3-Preplings graduate. June 4-Baccalaureate sermon by Re\·. Aull. June s-Aiumni feed. June 6--Senior class day. Hon. W. E. Borah delivers Uni,·ersity oration. June 7-President\ reception. June 8-Commcncement address by Re,·. Roach. June 9-E,·erybody walks the ties for home. June 15-16--Idaho takes second place at the Track-;\feet in Portland. Edmundson wins for Idaho the Northwest record for the half mile.

September September September September September Party. T. E.

SEPTEMBER. 1905. 18-Muckers return. Everybody shakes hands. t9-1fccting of the Married Men's Club. 21-E,·crybody starts in '"bucking." 22-Tom gets a Case. 23-Young Men's Christian Association Stag gets '"hot handed" and goes home mad.

September 25-First meeting of debate council to fill ,·acaney. September 26--Miss Forney returns wit hout Prof. Cogswell. September 27-Prcsident prohibits hazing. September 29-Young \\'omen's and Young l\lcn's Christion Associations join in reception. September JD-Football season opens.

OCTOBER. 1905. October !-President washes dishes. October 2-Deacon and "Bessie," president and vice president. Ad. and Della, treasurer and secretary of Junior class. October 3-Freshmen take Soph. physics. October 4-Rev. Fry addresses assembly. October s-Sophs advertise for wit and originality. October 6--Vic. and Art have it out in A. S. U. I. meeting. Art wins out. October 7-l\lontana snowed under to the tune of so to o. October 9-Sauerkraut and wicnerwursts at the Dorm. October 12-:'lliss :'llcCallie resigns. October 13-Senior, try to figure how much they are in "the whole" for that annual of theirs. October q-:'11 i>s Sonna threatens to take ·Toots" across her knee. October 17-Prof. Cogswell returns. October 2o-Electrical Association organizes. October 21-Prof. Morley introduces a new member to t he faculty. October 25-Most enthusiastic mass meeting ever held in the University sang, ''Roll it into Washington."' October 28-"Flunkers'" meeting. a great slaughter of C's. Football : Preps, 11 : Lewiston State Konnal. o. October 3o-"Rolled it into Washington."

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