1907 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 4 - University of Idaho Yearbook

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<ltnlru~nr April 24-"The Czar" has to withdraw from Manchuria and Edgett gi,·en charge of the mining building. April 25-Baseball: Idaho, 2; Washington State College, J. April 26---Hon. Burton L. French addresses student body. April 28-Baseball: Idaho, 6; Blair, 2.

MARCH, 1905. March 17-St. Patrick's Day. 10 A. M. Freshmen wear yellow shoes, all but Stein and Hopper, who wear yellow streaks. 12 A. M. All Freshmen wear yellow streaks, without shoes. March 18-Amphictyons win intersociety debate. March 23-Board of Regents meet and Rev. Roach elected president. March 25-Preps defeat Spokane High School debating team. March 27-King, Mac. and Monk fired from Humphrey boarding club. March 3~Ciass of 1907 win basket ball championship.

MAY, 1905. May •-Washington State College wms the second baseball game. May 2-Prunes at the Dorm for a change. May 3-Captain Chrisman addresses the assembly on "The War in the Orient." May s-Idaho loses the W. S. C. meet 63 to 59· Edmundson breaks the Northwestern record for the half mile. Idaho boys go broke on the hurdles. Freshmen hold Glee. May 6-Jones wins the Watkins medal. May 6-14-Gearheart Conference. Capt. Horton represents Idaho. Whitehead takes pictures of girls in bathing suits. Montandon falls in IO\'e with a waitress. ~lay 8-15-Encampment. Didn't rain. but it poured. Baldy and l\Iark Hanna organize "People's Party." Captain Hunter blows himself for pie. Dinkerspiel drills twice. Ab and Gus go fishing in a cab. Company A wins championship in baseball. !\lay ·~Prof. Eldridge entertains the Seniors. May 16-Baseball: Idaho. 11 ; Whitman. 4. May 18-Track-meet: Idaho. 64: Whitman. 58. May ~Preps win the Inland Empire championship in debate. May 20-27-Codfish three times a day at the Dorm.

APRIL, 1905. April 4-Soph's win Freshmen-Sophomore debate, but lose decision. April 7- ldaho wins \Vhitman debate and the ~lis~ionarics "endured it philo~ophically." April 9-S. D. White performs a surgical operation on an egg. April !~Price gets shaved. April II-1\Ioscow, 5; Idaho, o. April 18-Chrisman day. April 19-Prof. Judson digs into kleptomaniacs. April ~Attorney General Guheen fixes US o.; Univer'ity appropriations. April 21-Game warden after Monk. Monk last seen in Pullman. 195

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