Fugue 36 - Winter/Spring 2009 (No. 36)

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B.J. H ollars is an MFA candidate at the University of Alabama where he's served as nonfiction editor and assistant fiction editor for Black Warrior Review. He is also the editor of Yott Must Be This Tall To Ride forthcoming by Writer's Digest Books in May 2009. He's published or has work forthcoming in Barrelhouse, Mid-American Review, The Bellingham Review, Hobart, among others and has twice been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Rita Hypnarowski lives in Northern California where she attended American River College and the University of California at Davis. Her other stories are forthcoming in The Roanoke Review and Willard and Maple and her first short story collection is due for release in Summer 2010. Stacy Kidd is a student in the PhD Program in C reative Writing at the University of Utah and Poerry Editor 路for Quarterly West. Her poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Cohtmbia: A Jou.rnal of Litercmm and Art, The ]oumal, Spoon River Poetry Review, and WITNESS. H eather Kirn's essays and poems have appeared most recently in Alaska Qttarterly Rarie芦', Beloit Poetry Journa~ Florida Review, Crab Orchard Review, and Barrelhouse. She teaches writing at the University of California, Berkeley. Franz Neumann lives in California with his wife and rwo kids. Read his previously published fiction at scoriesandnovels.com. Michael P erry is the author of the memoirs Population 485: Meeting Your Neighbors One Siren at a Time; Truck: A Love Story; and most recently, Coop: A Year of Pot~ltry, Pigs and Parenting. He raises pigs and chickens in rural Wisconsin, is a contributing editor to Men's Health magazine, and serves as a first responder with the local fire department. His "Clodhopper Reports," filmed for Wisconsin Public Television, are available for viewing at his online home www.sneezingcow.com. Mark Jude Poirier is the author of four works of fiction: Unsung Heroes of American Industry, Naked Pueblo, Modem Ranch Liuing, and Goats. last year, Miramax released his first film, "Smart People," which premit:rcd at Sundance and also played at the Amt::rican Film Festival in Deauvillc, France. He lives in Weston, Connecticut. Octavio Quintanilla has poems published or forthcoming in Margie: The American Journal of Poetry, B01derlands: Texas Poetry Redew, Santa Fe Literary Revieu, The Baltimore Rt.'~!ietv, Georgecoum Review, New Texas: A Journal of Literawre and Culture, Versal, Ottawa Arts Review, and Brat>ado. He is ABO at the University of North Texas and the assistant poetry editor for American Literary Review. 110


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