Fugue 20 - Fall 2000 (No. 20)

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Olsen, took Fugue that extra step to the perfect-bound, full-color cover stage, and to Ryan Witt, who took over in 1998 and helped us improve our format from issues # 16 through #20. Ryan received his MFA degree last spring and is now teaching full time as an instructor at Idaho State University in Pocatello. We wish him the best. It is no easy task simultaneously to take a full load of graduate courses, teach half time as a teaching assistant, and put out four or five issues of a literary magazine. On the other hand, that is exactly what we are asking of our incoming managing editor of Fugue, Andrea Mason, a secondyear MFA student whose undergraduate degree is from Colgate University in Hamilton, New York. Andrea hopes to improve the format of the magazine, to upgrade the paper stock, for example, and perhaps to include some artwork or a gallery, fmances permitting. Presently, we are considering the prospect of moving from a biannual to an annual publication, probably a good bit lengthier. We are also kicking around the possibility of a name change, so if anyone who reads this has observations or advice, it would be welcome. We think our tenth anniversary is a good time to reflect on where we have been and where we would like to go, and it would help if a few loyal readers would let us know what they think. Of course our plans include widening our circulation and building on our small list of subscribers. We think we should be much more aggressive in marketing and distribution, but that is always the case with small magazines like this one. For the foreseeable future, at any rate, we plan to hold subscription costs to $5 per issue ($10 per year) postage paid. We are proud of what we have accomplished over the past ten years, and we are especially grateful to our contributors, including the noted resident and visiting writers, who have allowed us to feature their work in our pages: Mary Clearman Blew, Joy Passanante, and Brenda Hillman (#13); John Haag, Roberta Hill, and Raymond Federman (#14115); Stephen Dunn and Ed McClanahan(# 16); Vivian Shipley and Lesa Luders (# 17); Sharon Olds and Virgil Suarez (#18); Philip Dacey (#19). In a few cases filii #21


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