February 2015 Alumni Newsletter

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Countdown to DM

Alumni Spring Newsletter 2015

Alumni Spotlight

Q&A Cole Phillips with

Cole walked under the arch in 2012 with a degree in Biochemistry and History. He is currently attending the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta to pursue his passion for medicine. Cole is a UGA Miracle veteran serving as both a Business Relations Co-Chair (2010-2011) and Morale Co-Chair (2011-2012) during his time in Miracle. He kicked off our Dance Marathon 2014 fundraising push with one of the most memorable and powerful speeches in our organization’s history, and will be continuing this tradition at Dance Marathon 2015! However, Cole’s involvement in Miracle doesn’t end there. Currently, he is a Miracle Mentor and serves on the Ricky James Spirit Award Selection Panel.

Something you wish you knew when you were in Miracle that you know now?

How has UGA Miracle impacted you as an alumni?

No one that was out of school ever told me that what Miracle did inspired them. So I would like to tell students that even for those of us out of school, that are in the real world, that have left the blissful youth of college behind, what you do inspires us. The way that students in Miracle give of themselves challenges people that you will never even meet to serve in ways they never thought they could. Thank you for that and keep it up!

A favorite quote of mine comes from CS Lewis and he says “A pleasure is only full grown when it is remembered.” We only get the full joy of an experience after we have had years to let it marinate and recount all the ways that it was awesome. So on the one hand, it’s the memories of all the great times with people that have impacted me the most, but along with that comes the blending into those memories the new accomplishments that are being made everyday by UGA Miracle. Each time I hear about a new way that y’all are pushing the boundaries and finding new ways to love and support families and inspire a campus to service, that impacts me in an incredible way.

What are you most looking forward to at DM 15?

Aside from the hypnotist, which is always my favorite, I am most looking forward to seeing people that truly love to serve and exemplify radiance in every way. There is a different feel to the Grand Hall when DM is there and I can’t wait to walk in and hear about the impact being made, talk to families that have been touched, talk to students who are finding that serving others brings them alive, and finally I look forward to catching up with old friends and to make some new ones while I’m there!

Goal Reveal 2015


When you think of the greatest teams, families, armies or companies in the history of mankind, the ones that accomplish the impossible, what do they have in common? They work together. To do so, they had to come together. It’s time for the UGA Miracle family to come together, stronger than ever before. Big things are happening on campus, things that are only possible because of the impact you have left on this organization, on this campus, on our hospital and families. Things that are still only possible with you today. It’s time for all of us– alumni, students, faculty, family– to come together. With passion, with heart, with your help, $610,000 is possible. To donate please go to: http://www.helpmakemiracles.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donordrive.event&eventID=1884

It’s possible, with you.

Alumni Hour Timeline

2:30 PM

Krispy Kreme



Secret Sanford Time

Arrive at Tate Grand Hall to go on the field at Sanford (remember, it’s a surprise!)

5:45 PM

Last Resort catered dinner, exclusively for alumni and Miracle family parents (3rd floor atrium)

6:30 PM

A Walk Through 20 years, hear from fellow alumni, initiate seniors into the Alumni Connection, and more!

7:00 PM

James Family story and presentation of the Ricky James Spirit Award

Nearly 800 UGA students and miracle makers alike congregated outside of Stegeman Colisseum the morning of February 2nd. Cold, tired, and weary, these participants banded together to run the 3.2 miles around our beloved campus, as always, for the kids. Runners brave enough to take the dare ran 1.5 miles to Tate, ate 10 originally glazed Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, and sprinted (or struggled to) the finish line 1.5 miles away. Runners that shied away at the sound of the dare could opt to run as a leisure runner, receiving their donuts at the end. Miracle families and Miracle volunteers could be spotted cheering, dancing, and encouraging the runners on at crucial points throughout the race. This year’s turnout once again showed the love and support the Athens community and UGA student body has for this unbelievable cause. Everyone happily woke up early on a Sunday morning to run a 5k for those who can’t. It proved to be a great way to mark 3 weeks until DM 2015.

Shhh! We’ve got a big secret that only you, our alumni, will be getting the inside scoop on! The two best things about UGA are without a doubt UGA Miracle and the Dawgs. What’s better than combining them for a full hour on Sanford field?! This will be a huge surprise for our families and participants at DM, so don’t spill the beans! If you’d like to participate in the fun, plan to be at Tate Grand Hall around 2:30pm. As dedicated alumni, you deserve nothing but the best. To show our appreciation for you traveling back to Athens for Dance Marathon, the Alumni Connection is excited to provide a Last Resort catered dinner exclusively for you and the parents of our Miracle families. This meal will take place at 5:45 in the third floor atrium/lobby of Tate. Come hungry!

7:20 PM

Hear from alum Cole Phillips to kick off our big fundraising push (we have a special challenge for alumni, too!)

Dinner for Alumni


RSVP for Dance Marathon by February 13th!

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