Edith House Scrapbook

Page 19


Shingle Comes D

By HENRY CAVENDISH Beporter of Tbe Miami Newa

Until recently, the sign over the door of room 235-B in the downtown Postoffice Building read: "Edith House - Adm. Asst. U. S. Attorney." But Inside, the uew ladydlshict attorney for the Southern District of F1orlda was hard II& work coaferrlDg with uslstallta, going over legal documents, uswerlng telephone calls. Typical of her unpretentiousneu Ja the fact that lhe hadn't bothered to move from her old eubbyhole office into the more pretentioUI quarters reserved for U. S. attorneys here, days after her appolnbnent.

Sworn into the governnient's top prosecuting office on a Monday, Miss House explained with candor her lack of fuss and feathers over the change.

TOO BUSY TO MOVE "I haven't time to move," she 1 • with an amused shake of the ght brown, bobbed hair, that she parts on the left.

"Actually, I don't even plan to," she added, "though I may have to because this office is just like a goldfiah bowl. "Everybody IUeb their head In the door, bat I Jlke te have them do it. 'Ihe ataH



wonderful - rve

the best group hen I evtF worked with.

think there's been any change. There's no help in hav~ come around yessing all the time."

With belated baste, Paul Jenkins, superintendent engineer of the Postoffice Building, took down the "admiuistratilt assistant" sign over h ~ door and offered it to &r as a souvenir. "You keep it," she admonished. "I may need it again, though I think I will have retired before that time." With a puckish grin, she turned to a newspaper reporter. "Don't you think you're overdoing this publictt,r?" she in· quired. "The thing about it is that the more you write the more people there are who call me up. "I'll have to be careful about what I say." With a

gay laugh: "Of course, I can always say I was misquoted."

Looking back over her first few weeks in the top job as U.S. attorney, Miss House, con· servatively attired in a dark blue dress with a single-string necklace about her neck, remarked she could express her over-all reaction with a single world- "Confused!" -with a confident smile added to controvert her own comment.

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