Winter 15 - UGAGS Magazine

Page 37


(It’s interesting that that Gladwell mentions the 10,000 hour rule. I did some math, and working 40 hours a week for five years [the time for a PhD] will ultimately result in 10,000 hours. So, it makes sense that to become an expert in a field, you have to work for so long to become an expert in the field.)


So, if you could change one thing about American society, what would it be?


If I could change one thing about American society, it would be lack of appreciation for chemists. Every time that I tell someone that I am getting a PhD in chemistry, the first thing I hear is “What are you going to do with that degree?” I think chemists and other research scientists are definitely overlooked. If you look around your house, a chemist made an impact all throughout it from the laundry detergent to the paint on the walls. I think scientists are quite underappreciated, and I would love to change that.


And, if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?


If I could change one thing about myself, I would like to stop being so hard on myself. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been striving to be the best and trying to be as perfect as possible. And so, when I make mistakes, I always take them quite hard. This has been interesting in grad school, where most experiments fail and mistakes are commonly made. I always have to remind myself that I’m in grad school to learn and that making mistakes and failure are a part of that learning process.

LinkedIn accounts. It’s advantageous to follow these accounts because many job announcements are posted on these accounts, the latest news and publications are commonly posted (allowing a person to easily keep up with the current literature/news in his or her field), and these accounts are a great way to get your name out there. In this age in time, everyone Googles. A young professional should have a positive “brand" on the Internet. By using these social media outlets, you can promote your research, insights, etc. to the right people and hopefully make some strong connections or, even better, get a job! Now, I think young people aren’t always smart with social media, but if used correctly social media can be a great resource.

Q. A.

Are you a day dreamer?

I don’t daydream as much as I used to actually. With grad school, my mind is always running at 100 miles per hour, and it’s hard to let my mind wander. However, when I do day dream, I really like to picture my goals or where I will be in the future. I think these thoughts help keep me on track and help remind me about what I’m working towards. n


Do you think the current role of social media is friendly to academic success, or an impediment?


I think social media is a great asset to academia, and I think everyone should utilize the resources social media provides. All of the major companies, journals, and institutions have Twitter accounts, Facebook accounts, and

UGA Graduate School Magazine W I N T E R 2 015


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