California Policy Options 2012

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had recently approved, a cuts-only budget could be

the legislature had in earlier propositions that it had

approved by a simple majority. So Republican votes

placed on the ballot reserved the right to create its

were not needed if that painful route were eventually

own (enticing) language for the title and summary. In

chosen. Democrats would be blamed for the cuts in

a case involving legislature-determined language for a

that event, since they had the needed simple majority.

2008 bond proposition for high-speed rail, it was ruled

Republican Senator Bob Huff signaled that Republicans

that the legislature could not author the language but,

would not need to come up with a cuts—only budget

as in the case of initiatives, would have to rely on the

themselves. “It’s a majority-vote budget,” he said. We’re

Attorney General. 4 8

not the majority. We respect that. We’ll be part of the process but it’s not like we’re going to lead with all the things where we become the bad guys.”


As will be described below, in the end Brown did not receive Republican support and there was no special election. Such an election—had it occurred—would

Indeed, Republicans set out to prove that there might

not have been confined to Brown’s tax extensions and

be a way for Democrats in the legislature to put tax

would have included any initiative that had previously

extensions on the ballot as modifications of prior

qualified plus a constitutional amendment passed by the

initiatives. They were able to obtain a limited legal

legislature in October 2010 involving an enhanced “rainy

opinion, seeming to endorse that view. According to a

day” fund.49 A budget was passed eventually that did not

Republican spokesperson, the opinion suggested that

include extensions and thus had more severe cuts than if

Democrats were just looking for “political cover” in

extension revenues had been part of the package.

asking for GOP votes.


Given hindsight, and given the statements made But in fact, following a legally-questionable approach

by Republicans initially, it can be asked why Brown

would probably have failed. A court might well have

continued for almost six months to try and negotiate a

enjoined the process and pushed whatever election

deal with them. Democratic leaders in the legislature

there was—if it were ultimately allowed—well beyond

came to the conclusion more quickly than Brown that

June. However, the objective from the Republican

no deal could be reached but could not proceed until he

perspective was mainly to indicate that Brown and

signaled that negotiations had failed. It may have been

the Democrats didn’t need Republican support and

that Brown’s approach was reflective of his earlier terms

should go ahead on their own (and answer to the

as governor in which the legislature was less polarized

electorate for what followed). Assembly speaker John

and in which bipartisan deal-making was commonplace.

Pérez complained that Republicans were “trying to abdicate their responsibility” by raising the simple-majority approach.


As for the numbers, Table 4 summarizes the Legislative Analyst’s budget estimates as of November 2010. Table 5 summarizes the governor ’s January

Even had the governor ultimately received sufficient

2011 proposals. Brown’s revenue estimates with

support from Republicans to put his tax extensions on

no tax extensions were more pessimistic than the

the ballot, a court opinion in late January suggested

Legislative Analyst had made in November. Thus,

that the wording of the ballot title and summary

absent any modifications, the 2010-11 budge—instead

would not be in the control of the legislature.

of showing a slight surplus—was about $2 billion

Initiatives that are filed receive a title and summary

in deficit. Some of the discrepancy between the

from the Attorney General and that language can

Legislative Analyst’s numbers and the governor ’s

have an influence on voter receptiveness. However,

involve a change in accounting accrual practices,

R e a l ly ! N o M e n ta l R e s e r v at i o n s

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