California Policy Options 2012

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for a few police applications. For example, small,

over half the completed price of its next helicopter. 1 8

inexpensive unmanned aircraft, operated by unsworn

The next time ASD is due to purchase a new aircraft,

personnel, could greatly extend the capacity of the

a UAS model at $80,000 could be purchased for each

“cop on the beat” to be aware of trouble as it starts.

of the 21 stations for a total of $1.7 million, or just over half of the cost of one new, fully configured

Timing of UAS Adoption

A-Star. Although the additional cost of stationing FAA-licensed pilots at each station must be considered, this could simultaneously maintain the ASD mission and develop a robust UAS fleet. These are only a few examples of how LAPD could substitute UASs for

One of the most important considerations for the

helicopters at the margin for a reasonable cost.

LAPD regarding UASs is timing: how much to do and how quickly to do it. The agency has the choice to be a headfirst pioneer, fast follower, or cautious follower in using UASs for policing. We analyze the choices below.

Fa s t F o l l o w e r i s t h e P r efe r r e d Approach

Drawbacks of F u l l Re p l a c e m e n t A complete replacement strategy in the short term would entail a full commitment to current UAS technology that may soon be out of date. Thus, if followed, this approach would require that the LAPD be a cautious follower for a widespread implementation. Significant changes in the regulatory framework currently governing UAS operations may

For a partial replacement strategy, it seems best that

soon alter the entire mission profile of unmanned

the LAPD be a fast follower. In the medium term,

flight. Because full replacement in the short term does

substitution at the margin within ASD might be the

not leave room for advances in UAS technology­—or

most practical approach. Partially replacing helicopter

for changes in FAA flight standards as proposed in the

shifts with UASs during either low-crime hours or

next five to ten years—there is cause to be wary of a

in low-crime neighborhoods (or both) would allow

sweeping UAS implementation.

helicopters to target activities and locations where their deterrent value is highest.17 However, one particular

Full replacement of the helicopter fleet is a

characteristic of Los Angeles creates a dilemma for this

long-term question that is guided by the uncertainty

strategy: Although the city’s areas with the highest

of FAA regulations in the next decade, the budgetary

violent crime rate are smaller and therefore more

constraints of the LAPD, the hourly cost of UAS flight,

geographically suitable for UAS flight, helicopters

and the plausibility of ever completely replacing ASD

are most effective in these areas. Therefore, a partial

personnel with unmanned aircraft. When the FAA

replacement strategy might best be implemented in

approves long-range, extended duration UAS flight

neighborhoods with higher property crime rates.

for densely populated areas, the paradigm for police aviation may shift significantly. If UAS models with

On the other hand, the LAPD might best be served by

these capabilities prove to be a cost-effective substitute

equipping each individual station with a UAS for just

for the general patrol function, the composition of ASD

E y e s in t he Sky

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