american classic auto insurance

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american classic auto insurance american classic auto insurance Related

I broke my phone will my insurance cover it? i threw my phone t-mobile sidekick lx and the screen broke will my insurance cover it? Does having a turbo raise insurance rate? VW jetta? Does buying a VW Jetta 1.8 turbo have higher insurance than a jetta w/o a turbo? Also should I buy a $5,000 cheap car w/ high milage and own it straight out, or give up the $7k to the suits for a down payment and be in debt to the man?" How to get young drivers car insurance down?!... HELP :(? Hey, Im 19 and passed my test in july. Ive finally saved up enough to buy my first car and im looking at buying something around 1000-2000. Only thing im struggling with now is finding affordable car insurance. The cheapest ive been quoted is 2,500 a year, but im hoping to get it cheaper! Anyone any tips on how to get it down? .. would it work out cheaper if i went on my mums policy when she renews it later this month or would that not make any difference. Arggh this is so stressful!" "I will turn 64 in March, I am a widow, how can I get affordable health insurance? Dental and Vision most important No current health concerns Can a car insurance broker be wrong? This insurance broker gave me a quote that is a lot lower than what i pay for my car insurance right now. He double checked my information and my driver's licence and gave me a low quote, while all the other brokers told me higher amounts. Could he be wrong? What if I say I want to switch to that insurance, and it turns out he cannot get that locked quote for me? what happens then?" "If your home is valued at 73,000, why would your insurance company raise the coverage to 101,000?" If my house burns down, would they really pay out 100,000 or just the property value ?" When will Obama Care go into effect? Will I be able to get free health care? My husband and I are currently uninsured. We can not afford health insurance right now. How little do you have to make to get free insurance. And If I have to purchase it,

how much will it coast?" About a car insurance..? I've just got an instruction permit and wanna take a spin for the first time. But I'm concerned if it's ok to drive a car without my own insurance. The car is my mom's and I'm not sure the car itself is insured or she is. Why is insurance more...? Why does it cost more to insure a 1991 Nissan ZX than a 1986 Camaro? Wouldn't you think the Camaro would be more, since it has less safety features and is older?" Does anybody know how much it cost for insurance for a 16 year old in Arkansas? Does anybody know how much it cost for insurance for a 16 year old in Arkansas? Questions about motorcycle insurance? I am planning on buying a 150cc scooter in the Spring. In Michigan, my home state, these are considered motorcycles. Also, in Michigan, they must be insured. My questions are: (1) If I am only riding my scooter for three months out of the year, will I still have to pay for insurance during the fall and winter? (2) What is the cheapest motorcycle insurance out there, and typically, how much would I be paying per month? I am a new cycle rider, but have driven a car for 5 years without an accident." How do you know the address of health insurance company??!? On the insurance sheet for Band.. it asks Insurance company name: health Choice, then Address: and Phone: how do I know what it is?? There're different contact D:" "For Americans, How do you feel about your current health system?" Reason I ask, I saw a segment on television of people in the states lining up in a showground to receive basic health care, instead of clinics, I was horrified, is this the norm? In Australia we have Medicare & Private health insurance, the main difference is one is a bit more comfortable than the other, I would really like to hear your views." How much would It cost to Insure a 17 year old? I am 17, been driving for 2 years with my permit. I have had no accidents, tickets or a bad driving record. In 2 months my permit expires and I have to get my licence. I would be driving a 1991 Toyota Pickup DLX with 162k miles. The insurance would be with State-Farm. How much would It be to Insure me? or a quote. Reason I ask Is because I tried asking State-Farm but they cant give me a 100% accurate quote because i dont have my license yet. Thanks!" Is a 93' mustang hatchback cheap on insurance cause its a hatchback?

hello I'm 17 and i'm looking to get a car. I have always loved the 93 mustang.Its my favorite car ever.It is a hatchback so would that make it cheaper on insurance?? my parents always helped my brothers by putting there name on the tittle along with my brothers.I'm pretty sure it made it cheaper.There are only 2 cars that i really want either the mustang or a older honda civic hatchback.i like the way both the cars look.please help. leave you comments/opinions Thanks! Getting my license in April. Good cars w/ low insurance rates? I like cars like the Scion tC, Mitsubishi Lancer, ect. Sports cars, but not super nice ones. I'm getting my license in April and will get a car shortly after. I want to get a car like the ones above, but I don't think my dad will want to pay a lot for insurance, but I don't want to get a Jeep, which is what he got my brother and sister since the insurance is low. What are some cars like these that also have good rates for insurance? Price range is any thing lower than $10k." No proof of insurance ticket in Southern California? I got pulled over for speeding. Got a speeding ticket plus a ticket for no proof of insurance 16028 (a). I do have insurance for the car but I forgot to put it in my car the day I got pulled over. If i show prove of insurance during the fine date, how much does it cost in calfiorina law. It is a correctable offense. I heard that I can get that offense dissmiss just by showing my prove of insurance. Is that correct?" Who has the best insurance price that you know of and has decent people to deal with if you get in an accident I'm to lazy to deal with hundreds of quoets and companies sending me spam.I had Allstate but they were terrible when I got rear ended and pretty much did nothing to help and I was paying them $230.00 a month! If you don't have car insurance.. is it okay if...? I live in Oregon. I was wondering if you don't have car insurance does your license get suspended? someone said it did, someone else said it didnt." How much is your car insurance? I just realized my car insurance is $383 every 3 months. I thought that was quite a bit. I'm 24 and totaled my car in February and just got a new Nissan Altima. So I was just wondering how mine compared to everyone else's. How old are you? What kind of car do you have and how much is your insurance? Need help with Car Insurance? I am a 17 year old in california, who just bought a 92 Buick Skylark and I need to no what would be my best bet when it comes to getting insurance, I would like cheap insurance, as more" What insurance plan is most affordable and supports therapy?

Hi, I've been seeking good therapy since I was 17, I'm just wondering, what insurance plan is the most affordable as well as obviously covers therapy? Thank you" "By about how much will insurance increase, sedan vs. sports car?" I am 20 years old currently and drive a 2002 Chevy Cavalier. I was considering purchasing a 2000ish model Chevy Camaro Z28 (5.7L v8) and was curious perhaps by how much my insurance will go up. I know obviously that no one can give an accurate guess as to how much since there are numerous factors involved, but just based on my current insurance I thought perhaps someone might be able to guess what the price on the insurance might be. I am currently on my Uncle's insurance plan, and if I bought the vehicle, would transfer the deed to him so as to retain the benefit of his insurance. I pay about 50$ a month for liability for my car due to his insuring many cars currently. I know this is very cheap for one my age, so I thought the camaro insurance might not be bad still. Anyway based on 50$ a month for liability on my 2002 cavalier, any guesses as to what a 2000ish camaro might run me for insurance? (Both liability and comprehensive if you'd like.) I know I can find out for sure by having my uncle call his insurance, but I just wondered if I might get a ballpark estimate before I approach him about it." Buying car insurance? I've got my driving test in September and thinking about buying a car if I pass. I'm just a bit confused about how to buy a car and car insurance. Do I need to look around for a car I like, get all the details of the car, buy insurance for that car, then actually buy the car, in that order? Also are new cars or older cars cheaper to insure? I think it's newer cars but I'm not sure. Also what is a good car for cheaper insurance. I've heard Ford and Vauxhall are good for cheap insurance. I've been on price comparison sites and it seems that even if I have pass plus and just third party cover 2k per year is a minimum :( Thanks." Cheapest sport cars for teenagers? What is the best cheapest sport car and the cheapest insurance. american classic auto insurance american classic auto insurance Cheapest way to insure a car temporarily? I have had a company car for the last 2 years and looking to buy a 2nd car for a little bit of fun on a few weekends a year. I dont want to buy a full years insurance as it is too expensive (looking at a porshe convertable) and I am only 21. Can anyone suggest a cheap way of which i can only insure the car for a few days a year? Thank you, Richard" What would insurance be for me with these cars? 2002 Impreza rs. silver, 4 door, all wheel drive, manual transmission. 2004 nissan sentra se-r, silver, 4 door, manual transmission. I'm 17 years old and would drive the car to work and school about 5 days a week."

Which camera insurance? Ive recently aquired a Nikon D90 camera with an 18-105 VR lens however i want to get specialist camera insurance in the case of an incident. I have looked at photoguard however the reviews have put me off for life! I am now looking at 'Glover and Howe' amateur photography insurance which will insure my kit against accidental damage, accidental loss and theft for just 28 a year! has anyone had any experience with 'Glover and Howe' or can recommend any cheap but good camera insurers? Cheers for any help :)" "How much do you spend on car expenses (gas, insurance, etc.) every month?" So I'm thinking of getting a car and just wondering how much just as an average estimate it costs people every month when you add car payments, gas, insurance, and whatever else like carwashes and oil changes. I know it's different for much for you?" Is car insurance cheaper for older cars? Is car insurance cheaper for older cars? What insurance companies allows under 25's to drive any car on fully-comprehensive insurance? Hi there, I'm 18 and have insurance with Tesco young drivers however that does not cover me to drive every car as under 25's aren't covered. I need to drive my mums car soon and she is abroad on business for 6months so cannot add me on to her insurance either, which leaves me with a problem. I can't find a company anywhere that allows under 25's to drive any car on fully-comprehensive insurance so was wondering if anybody out there did? Thank you" How do i get insurance for a party? having a party and venue request a certificate of insurance..i have no other insurance other than can i get a coi cheap and fast Car insurance renewal quote question? I hit a car in front last yr which i believe was not my fault. i didn't pay my excess as i had no damage on my car. however she said they was damage on hers and she had hurt herself which i believe was rubbish however!! when filling my questions out on my insurance quote do i say i had a claim? as i didn't claim for damage she did and compo, i only lost my no claims. can anyone answer please?" How does health insurance work? I'm completely lost on how health insurance works... and I'm finally starting to work and don't know what to do =/ so any information about it is greatly appreciated. thank you

National insurance for under 16s? If a 14 year old set up an online business in england, when it comes to paying taxes how can they fill in the tax form if the don't have a national insurance number. Can a 14 year old have a national insurance number??" In california does a 16 year old new driver have to be personally insured to drive their parents car? My sister lives in san jose and she was told by her parents that to drive one of their cars she has to pay for her own insurance. Is this true??? If you buy a car in full do you need to have collision coverage in your car insurance? If you buy the car in full (pay for the car at once, not lease or financed) do you need to have collision coverage? If I get into an accident with somebody, wouldn't the other person's insurance pay for my car's damage? I'm planning to buy a used car for $17000 (paying in full) should I get collision coverage? also somebody explain Liability and full coverage for me (I guess full coverage is selecting every coverage when you lease for finance your car)." How to fix a speeding ticket and no proof of insurance? I am a California resident in LA county. I got a ticket for speeding at around 80mph when the limit was 65. The cop pulled me over and asked for all the essentials. But i could not provide the proof of insurance even though it was in my glove compartment because the place was kinda messy. I found it after the cop left. Anyways, I got a ticket for speeding over 65 and no proof of insurance both marked non correctable. I know i can't contest for speeding, but can I somehow fix no proof of insurance? If there is a way, what are the steps?" What small cars are available as a convertible? Now that a second child in our family has started to drive we think we need two smaller low insurance cars and I want to trade my large car in for one that my 20 year old can share with me. I have loved having a convertible and would still like that so was wondering if there is a car on the market that is: small low insurance convertible (preferably hard top) about 2-3 years old (pre-empting any ranters - I have no intention of letting my wildish 17 year old drive around in a convertible and my 20 year old girl is a good, tee-total driver who has now been driving 3 years.)" "Lawsuits have been limited to $250,000 in California for years now - insurance costs haven't gone down...? all. Why do Republicans pretend that is the solution to healthcare costs? How much is YOUR car insurance a month?

I know the make, model, and various other factors will affect my future car insurance search, but I'd really like to hear it from real people..if you would be so kind as to share with me? :O)" What would insurance costs be for a 16 year old with a crossover? I want a new 2011 equinox, and I just turned 16. About what would my rates be if I were added to my parents insurance? I don't want a quote from a website like progressive because I have to give out my parents info and I don't feel comfortable doing that. Can anyone give me just a guess at what they think my rates would be per month?" Car insurance for LHD car ? Hi there, I want to buy 2001-2004 year freelander (left hand drive), then drive to my country and insure it. I need insurance what would cover for two months on UK roads. Do you know any insurance company what would offer as cheap as possible and the possibility to cancel my insurance after 2 months ? Regards, Ed" What is the best car insurance company for a 16 year old? I'll be turning 16 next year and i want to get a headstart on what the best car insurance is for a 16 year old male in New York College Health Insurance in New York? I am a full time college student in New York and have always been a resident of New York. In a week on my 19th birthday my health insurance through, Child Health Plus is going to end. I am unemployed and my parents do not have the options of family health plans. I do not know what to do I need to have coverage to be safe, does annyone know where I can get affordable health insurance as a student and at my age in New York." "And finally, would you be willing to pay more for your medical insurance if you knew for a fact? people less well off then you would have a better chance at life. Is it worth coveriong your sport bike in your insurance or is it best to just cover liability? Covering your own bike literally triples the yearly rate, as in, your paying more for insurance than the actual bike. Is it really worth covering or should i just suffer my losses. Thanks to all and any veteran riders out their for opinion." Insurance on a scion? how much is the insurance on a scion? if im a teen and i took drivers ed with safe way. How much would insurance be for a 16 year old driving a 1988 lincoln towncar?

How much would insurance be for a 16 year old driving a 1988 lincoln towncar? Auto Insurance question...? If my teen neighbor (with a licence)borrowed my car and he/she wrecked it, would my insurance cover it? If so, why do teens that are driving, have a licence, have to be covered on parents insurance if they are driving their parents car? Isn't the car already covered by insurance? Why do I have to pay insurance on my teen and not my neighbor?" american classic auto insurance american classic auto insurance Car Insurance Question? My fiance and I want to buy a new car - and I am the primary buyer, and he is the co-buyer. Can we just add the new car to his auto insurance and list me as a driver of the car? (My current car is not on his insurance, it's on my moms because she helped me get my current car) Or must we be married to do this? I have heard that if you're not married, then I would need to get my own separate insurance policy, but I don't know how true this is. The dealership says that it doesn't matter, as long as the car has insurance. Do they check?" Do i need to have insurance on a car im not driving? I am turning 16 the very next April and i was planning on getting my license next year. Anyways i was looking online for cheap used cars that are suitable for teens because im paying from my own money. So i found this great honda civic for only $1,250 and there is only a few days left before the owner closes the sale and i really really want that car. So i was thinking buying it now and my dad drives it home and when i get my license he gives me the keys. But i was wondering do i need insurance even if i'm not driving the car? just keeping it in the garage?? because i do not think i will be able to handle the monthly insurance plans. as i said before im paying from my own money THANKS FOR THE HELP!!" Buying a home in south caroline? Just wanted to know if Conway is near the Myrtle beach airport and how far it is from the beach. How much is real estate tax for a home for about 100,000 to 200,000? Are there any marina's close to Conway? Is there a city wage tax on income? How much is car insurance? We live in philadelphia and are tired of the area and the high cost of living. Thanks, Jeanete" How much might health insurance cost per year for a healthy 22-year-old? Need to start buying my own health insurance, because I have some health concerns that i need taken care of ASAP. But overall, I am a healthy person." Autoplan insurance in Vancouver?

Hi everyone, i am new to British Columbia and i will be living in canada for a very long time. I wanna ask you guys a question that suppose i have a driving license here ( N ) and i own a car under 20,000 dollars ( not included tax ). Then, how much do you think i have to pay for just the basic car insurance and the tax ? Thank you very much Best wishes to you guys and your family" How much do you pay for insurance and registration in your country ? well i paid 400 US $ for both ? What kind of car insurance......? do u have and how much do u pay a month Which auto insurance company covers him this time? My husband got sued in 2006 for a car accident he caused. His insurance at that time settled in court. He has since switched insurance company. Now he's being sued again by the same people. So, which insurance company covers him now? His old insurance company or his new one?" What insurance plan should i get? i am looking to get health insurance. i was offered plan A which is $5000 deductible with 30% out of pocket or plan B $2500 deductible with 40% out of pocket. i am 20yrs old, in sacramento california. i am health don't smoke or drugs, but do ride a motorcycle. plan A payment a month is 90$ with dental and vision, and Plan B is $110 a month with vision and dental. in the past i have only been to Dr's for broken bones, but things pop up and want to be covered if something were to arise. thank you" Does filing a police report increase car insurance? I filed a police report for a hit and run minor fender bender that I can fix myself. Did I make a mistake filing a police report? No proof of insurance ticket in California? I was driving my uncles car and got pulled over because the insurance paper was forgotten and left inside my uncles wallet. The car has insurance. I am not in the policy. I do not live at the same address the car/insurance is registered at. I was just borrowing the car for 1hour. The officer told me its like a fixing ticket you show up in court show the insurance and your ticket will be dismissed. So i went to court took the insurance and the judge told me my name is not in the insurance paper and i need to pay the fine. I read other places that i am okay to drive or borrow others car as long as the car has insurance and and also am not living at the same address the car is registered at or else i will need to be in the policy as well. What are your opinions? Should i get a lawyer and fight it? Or I need to pay the fine. I also got the ticket in California. Thank you Cheap car to insure at 17years old?

Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me. Ok, When I'm 17 I'm intending getting a car straight away and putting it onto my dads name. (he has been driving over 30years so it should be cheaper atleast a few hundred - his is like 300 per 6month's driving a 1.8 litre Ford Focus) Anyways - I have enough money to get my driving lessons completely paid for and passed (ofcourse as I was promised for it to be paid) and I have a few thousand left in the bank Anyways - I was wondering if someone could recommend a car for me. I'm into like these kind of cars: Vauxhall Corsa Vauxhall Vectra (the 05 type) Vauxhall Astra (the new kind of hatchback (05 again I think) Ford Mondeo 2001 Ford Fiesta (I love those modified but not for a first car!) Fiat Punto 2005 Seat Ibiza I know nearly everyone will be saying the Corsa is the least to insure of which I know it is (Insurance group 1 I think) but.. Its just not my sort of car for my first car but I would like to have it later in life. I'm 15 the Now (16 in March) and my dads covered with E-Sure. What car would be best to insure (In order)" How is the aca affordable? Recipients have a 12k deductible before they are coverd by insurance.? How is the aca affordable? Recipients have a 12k deductible before they are coverd by insurance.? HOW TO GET MY CAR INSURANCE DOWN PLZ!!? Do I need a license/registration for Motorized bicycle or 50cc gas moped scooter in CA? Do i need to register or obtain a license for the above 2 vehicles in California. I tried to call DMV but it really takes forever. I can't seem to find that info on the website either. Thanks Consequences of not paying car insurance? Im 19 years old, living by myself. My car insurance is $170 a month. I had not payed it in multiple months, and by October it was at $500, and foolishly I decided there was no way to pay it and I just left it alone until they cancelled my insurance. Have I totally F*cked my credit? To the point of no return? Also, will I be able to get another car insurance provider? Thanks.." Which motorcycle is cheaper to maintain? Suzuki Sv650s vs Honda Cbr600f4i? As in cost of ownership, including insurance, gas, maintenance, etc..." INSURANCE QUESTION ?!? 18 year old, male, 2010 camaro ss with 4000 miles on it. had a few speeding tickets, no wrecks LOOKING FOR INSURANCE QUOTES PLEASE" How can I get lower car insurance for my old car? I have a 1999 Hyundai Tiburon and it has 150,000 miles. It's paid for now and I'm paying about $700 6 months full coverage. Is there certain things I should lower the

coverage cost?" "Would you shop for insurance online? If not, why? Will having an insurance makes a difference to our lives? What if I can't afford my car insurance payments? I think I do my car insurance a little different than most people. My family goes through a company who pays the insurance people in full. We then pay that company back. I got a new car in January and my insurance went from $25/mo with the '77 Ford Granada I had to over $200/mo with the 2001 Chevy Cavalier. Sad thing is my insurance per month is more than my car payment. Now I can't even afford to pay my insurance. The really bad thing is that I've only paid my car insurance once since January and now my 6 months is coming up and I still owe $1230....I have no idea what to do. Think any of you could help me? How much would auto insurance be for a 18 year old? i want to get a camero but i heard that 6 cylinders cost more on insurance....i live in texas and i would like to know if auto insurance is based on how many cylinders ur motor has Can I save money by canceling my insurance and just driving my girlfriends car? I got a DUI earlier this year, and naturally, my insurance rates went way up. I'm getting ready to move in with my girlfriend, and we are planning on selling one of the cars. If I sell my car, couldn't I just drive her car and not have to pay the high insurance rates? This seems underhanded and like I'm cheating the system. What are the rules and stipulations with this sort of situation." What is the cheapest car insurance? im 16, and my mom is making me pay for insurance for my new car. i was just wondering because my job isnt that good and moneys hard to come by these days..." Can I get a car insurance in MA when I bought my car in Maryland? Does the state limit? Do I have to buy a car insurance in the state where i bough my car? american classic auto insurance american classic auto insurance I want my own car but my parents wont pay for insurance? They say that they can't afford it but I know they can. They just don't want to pay for something that they think isn't necessary. Since they won't pay for insurance, I can't drive anyone's car. Not their cars, not a friend's car. So, my license will basically be useless. So I had this idea. After I get my license I'll buy a cheap car on Craigslist. I'll

get a friend to drive it home for me. I'll threaten to drive uninsured, and if that won't make em pay for insurance, I'll actually go drive uninsured. Then they'll HAVE to buy insurance. Will that work?" Is it illegal to not have car insurance? I'm just curious because car insurance is a huge scam and it is just another means of robbing people so I wouldn't be surprised if it is illegal. What home insurance company insures homes with knob and tube wiring? I am looking to purchase homeowners insurance on my home. It has knob and tube wiring and a circuit breaker. I was told that the knob and tube is a more recent version or wiring and not as bad as the older kind. I am having difficulty finding an insurance company with reasonable rates, under $600.00.The home is valued at $90,000." 350z insurance how much would it cost? how much would it cost in Canada Ontario the car is a 350z coupe 90k Miles 2005 my age is 18 Life Insurance Policy? What will happen if you have a Life Insurance and decide to stop to pay it? Will you lose all the money that you already paid? Or they will give it back to you? Where can I find cheap car insurance for young driver's in Ireland? I am an 18 year old guy,and I can't find any f****** reasonable motor insurance,because whether I'm 18 or 80 I'm not paying 3/4k a year for a 'in case' situation which is most likely never going to happen-i.e a crash.Because I only see driving as a form of driving,not as 'fun' or showing off.But I need to have a car to travel." Where can i get the best and affordable health insurance? company does not provide it anymore. where can i get the best and affordable health insurance that i pay for myself. thanks Cheap health insurance for college students? I live in Orlando, FL and i'm a non-smoking college student. Does anyone know of any cheap health insurance or even health discount plans that I could get on just to cover the cost of my Bipolar disorder meds and possibly a couple of visits to the psychiatrist? Yearly physicals and examinations I can handle, but this psychiatrist that I see is $200.00 a visit PLUS the cost of all of the perscriptions he prescribes to me. HELP!" How much insurance cost for an infinti g35 coupe?

i am 19 years old about to turn 20 in a couple of months and have state farm insurance. i am tryin to get a infinti g35 coupe. 2006 black infinti 2 door thanks. When do i get insurance money from my accident? ok so.. my friend was driving we were at a stop light and all of a sudden we got hit from behind.... hard!! i had to go to the doctor that day then a week later and now im in physical therapy. my neck and shoulder and my whole upper back hurt... there was no reason for her to hit us it was a red light... what should i do?? how much can i get?? P.S. it totaled the car i was in.. My grandpas doctor wont sign an insurance for him to drive? Im 17 and i live with my grandpa but i drive with his insurance. I changed the companies because of a rate increase and now they gave me a medical form for my grandpas doctor to sign that says hes ok to drive. I told the doctor i need him to sign it for me because i drive the car not my grandpa but he wont sign it what do i do i really need it. The doctor said my grandpa cant drive because hes 80 and he gets dizzy spells but i need it to drive asap "Car insurance, accident related question.?" I have been recently involved in a car accident where the other driver ran a red light and totaled my car. I have witnesses, police reports and the individual that crashed in me got a red light ticket. My neck has severely been strained from the accident also lower back and right leg. I am going through an injury law firm and they recommended me to a rehabilitation clinic. The money that this rehabilitation clinic will receive will be from my insurance company but will I have to pay for it in the following years in my policy. Or will my record be clean and my insurance premiums will not go up? Thanks." Do I really need home owners insurance? if a hurricane were to come into my area and cause a flood, wouldn't the flood insurance take care of it. What are some good home insurance companies in FL with minimal requirements. I made several calls but no one wants to insure me because I don't have heating or cooling." How much would car insurance cost for a Mustang GT.? I am 16 years old Never had a accident Live in a pretty big city 2012 Ford Mustang GT Where can you find the best/cheapest car insurance for a 17 year old? I am 17 years old and I hav recently jst passed my driving test. I was wondering where i can find the cheapest car insurance. Preferably, i would like to put myself as second driver of the car (under my dads name who is the main driver). But does any1 kno where i can find the cheapest car insurance for someone my age? Thanx in advance."

"Car insurance claim, name not on title?" I've had my own insurance using my grandfathers car whom recently passed away. I've opted to assume the loan to keep using the car for transportation and keep a piece of him at heart (which has been a troubling process and not yet finalized). Given that it is of course not titled to me will I have any issues if I total or lose the vehicle and attempt to make a claim with the original owner now being deceased? Please advise, thanks!" Best young drivers insurance for Fiat Stilo.? Hi all, I was wondering how much to get insured on a 2002 1.2 petrol fiat stilo. Is there a really good cheap insurance company in ireland, Im 17 by the way." Car insurance? which car would be the cheapest to insure for a newly qualified driver aged 19 male uk thanks in advance If I can't afford the affordable care insurance how do I know what the penalty is for not subscribing? If I can't afford the affordable care insurance how do I know what the penalty is for not subscribing? Cheap car insurance? Does anyone know where I can get cheap car insurance online? I need full coverage. I have checked Geico and Progressive, they are so expensive. Thanks!" How can i get insurance for my bike ? I am planning to purchase mahindra bike hopefully. how to get insurance for that ? What does Term Life Insurance mean with no surrender value? If I had a 15 year Term Life Insurance at $100,000. with no surrender value. What would it be at the end of 15 years. Can I collect the full amount on this type of insurance?" Explain why auto insurance costs are so high for young drivers? please EXPLAIN in the longest way possible I am single. Do I need life insurance? I am a 40 year old guy in good health. I have health insurance. Do I need life insurance or some other kind of insurance?

What is required for a new resident in England (from Canada) to get car insurance? Moving to England shortly, and it will be so much easier to find work and move into a new place if we have a car first. What information will we need to get insurance? We will be living with friends, so we could use their address and phone number until we get our own place. But will we need a national insurance number before we can get car insurance? British bank account? We'll be getting those things, but it would be so much easier to have the car first. Basically, what is required for us to provide in order to get a car bought, insured, and on the road? (We'll be paying cash.)" american classic auto insurance american classic auto insurance

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