At Buffalo Winter 2014

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“La Mer,” Theta Chi’s winning ice sculpture at the 1960 winter carnival.



A Winter’s Tale

For more than 60 years, UB’s annual winter carnival—now called Winter Fest— has been luring students out of stuffy dorm rooms and into the crisp February air to play games, make art, drink cocoa and otherwise celebrate the season of snow and sub-zero temperatures. “The Buffalonian” yearbook captured the 1960 festivities as follows: “The action-packed week-end was highlighted by a Ski fashion show, ice skating, a snow sculpture contest, skiing contest, a talent show, a king and queen contest, a beard growing contest, and a jazz concert.” Today’s version features such “classic” winter activities as ice bowling and an esoteric Canadian sport called broomball. We say, bring back the beards! Campus hipsters, your time has come. Cover of the 1960 yearbook.


WINTER 2014 At Buffalo

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