My Story - by Foxy Metke

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By Foxy Metke

Buster gives big kisses that are kind of yucky.

His tongue is gigantic!

Buster is very big and strong. He weighs 100 pounds. Uncle John took Buster to the doctor to get tutored. He is very sweet to play with now. I think tutoring is a good thing.

My Career as an Artist I taught my mom and dad to give me my favorite treats when I perform. One of the first words I learned is “treat” and I’ve become a treat magnet. I am an artist but I am not a starving artist. I trained my mom and dad to give me treats whenever I express myself through my art. I love to dance. I do the “bunny hop,” the “moon walk” and I even do Zumba dancing, as long as my art is rewarded.

When the spirit moves me, I can roll over six times in a row and I can fetch my favorite toys. But don’t ever ask me to do “tricks.” I am a performance artist! Really famous artists are known by just one name. Watch out Beyoncé, Madonna, and Cher.

Make room for “Foxy”!


School My mom wanted me to go to a good school. We studied and practiced. I went to school at PetSmart.™ My mom tells everyone that I was the Valedictorian of my class. She doesn’t tell people I was the only student in my class. We learned a lot but mom learned the most. My teacher and I taught my mom how to be a good domestic guardian. Every furry person should take their guardian to parent training school.


My Favorite College


I went for a visit to Tyler Junior College. It is the best college anywhere.

The school colors are just like me - black and gold. I am a good student but I don’t know what I want to be. My Dad wants me to be a Presidential Honors Scholar at TJC. They are all smart students who come from everywhere.

My Mom wants me to be an Apache Belle. I am a good dancer and I have a great smile. The other Belles are all very nice. I think I need to grow a little taller yet. There are so many things I could be at TJC.

I am brave and I like to help people. I have special powers that would make me a great crime fighter. I could go to the TJC Police Academy and be a police officer. I think uniforms are very cool. I could also study criminal justice and become

Detective Foxy.

TJC has a great theater program and I have a big range for acting. I can be scary, sad, happy and funny. I have many different looks. My parents think I could be a famous actress.

I can tell when someone is sick before anyone else knows it. I could be a great doctor or nurse. Maybe I should go to the new Rogers Center for Nursing and Health Sciences. I could be Nurse Foxy and if I studied even more,

I could become Professor Foxy and teach others.


My Life as a Super Hero Many people are afraid at night but not my family! They know about my secret identity. I change from mild-mannered snuggle bunny to SUPER FOXY in the dark. I have many special powers. I am always on alert so they can sleep.

At night, I am on duty protecting my family. My eyes see what they can’t. My super hearing is very powerful. I even have special muscles to move my ears. I can hear better than any ordinary human. My super sniffer is more than just a treat detector. I can smell everything, even danger. I am better than any alarm and I don’t need any stinking batteries!

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