East Bridgewater Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2333

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East Bridgewater Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2333 East Bridgewater Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2333 Related

How do i buy car insurance and how do I find a insurance company that suits me (cheap)? ok so I've seen a car I would like to buy, how do I get car insurance? should I ring a call or get insured online? Also a list of names of insurance companies would be helpful? thanks" Auto insurance : which company do you recommend? We want to switch car insurance...our current one is so expensive! Any recommendations please?Thank you so much. Which car would cost the least for insurance for a 16 year old male driver? 2000 Chevrolet Camaro Coupe V6 1996 Cadillac Seville STS Touring V8 1999 Ford Mustang convertible V6 How does american car insurance compare with british car insurance? why can young people in the states drive nice, big, expensive cars, and in england it so expensive, and we struggle to get insured in england at a resonable price. you watch tv and they drive range rovers, and in england we drive old cars where the insurance cost more than the car. by the way i'm 18 years old anyone able to enlighten me?" Am i paying to much for car insurance? I am 23 have a 1990 buick car. I have have nothing on it besides a stop sign which should be off my record now, it was 4 years ago when i was 19. I am paying $386 for 6 month period. I go though shelter insurance. They said it won't go down until i am 25 or married. thanks" "What are average prices for life, health, and auto insurance (any company)?" I'm doing a project for school and what would an average price be for 2 people with just a regular car, like a honda or something, nothing fancy, for auto insurance. and for 2 healthy people for life insurance and health? i've website but you have to give all this info for a quote, but i'm just looking for an average froma ny companies." Question about car insurance?

I'm hopefully buying a car next month and my brother has agreed to look after it for me as he has private land with his property so I can leave it with him uninsured and then I will insure myself before I go to uni in September and then collect my car. My brother says he will take it for a spin now and again to keep it warmed up which is fine by me but I'm worried as their will be no insurance listed for that car. Although my brother has his own car and his own insurance policy which says he can drive anyone else's car, I would be the legal owner of the car and have no insurance so was wondering if it would be possible for him to be accused of driving without insurance? Hope that makes sense. Also if a car needs an MOT does it have to be the legal owner that takes the car for MOT test or could my brother do it on my behalf (my brother lives 100 miles from me and I wouldn't have the insurance to drive it there). Thanks in advance." Auto Insurance Question/Teen Driver? Our teen is about to get his learner's permit. At what point am I obligated to notify my auto insurance company that our son is now a driver.....when he gets his learner's permit or when he gets his actual driver's license? I'm wondering at what point my rates will increase as a result of needing to insure my son. The state is Vermont. Thanks! How much will be my car insurance for new or used car? I am planing to buy a car.I am thinking to get a new one but i am afraid of high price for its insurance.I am a new driver,till 25 years old,no driving experience,NJ.I need a professional advice,please. Maybe to buy a used one is a good idea but the new car is less headache.:)" Does my insurance rate go up for next year? I got a citation for an infraction recently. I was sober and I drove my friend back onto campus. There were two stop signs at night and I did not see any lights so I thought no car was there and I passed right through the stop signs. When I parked a police officer came by and wrote me a citation so now I have to show up to court. I was wondering if my insurance rate goes up for this and if so, by how much? My insurance company is AAA." Do you have to have health insurance to....? do you have to have health insurance to go to planned parenthood and have like a pap test or any other tests like that? How can I get car insurance? Let me give some more information. I'm 18 years old, female, live in NJ and need to buy my own car and insurance soon." "Toyota celica, my first car?" so im getting a 2004 toyota celica gts as my first car and im wondering how much my insurance will go up just by having this kind of car and being a teenage male? also

what color is best, i cant decide between silver or black. i love black cars but i think the celica looks great in silver too. are black cars really a pain to have to clean all the time and which would look best? and does anyone know if they are well built cars" I have full coverage auto insurance and i am wondering what happens if my car breaks outside of an accident? my cars been acting up lately and i think the front end my go out soon and i was wondering if my auto insurance will pay for me to get it fixed CHEAP CAR INSURANCE WHERE PLEASE HELP? Hi im 17 and just passed my driving test but i can't find any where to get cheap car insurance. Please tell me if there is anywhere you know to get cheap car insurance, i have been to websites like go compare, and compare the market.com but they are to expensive insurance deals and i have been told the cheapest places are not on those website.Please help me as i want to drive :)" What would insurance be for me with these cars? 2002 Impreza rs. silver, 4 door, all wheel drive, manual transmission. 2004 nissan sentra se-r, silver, 4 door, manual transmission. I'm 17 years old and would drive the car to work and school about 5 days a week." Insurance...? I'm wondering... Is there an insurance company that will allow you and your partner on the same plan? Or do you have to live in a state that recognizes domestic partnerships? Insurance for 17 year old female? Hello, I wanted to know what the price would be ranging between for a car that probably would have been made in the year 2000. I haven't started lessons yet but i will be by october and wanted to get a rough idea. Also i heard that there is a insurance that you can get that is cheap but you're not allowed to go out after 11pm at night or something. Is this true? if so what would the price be roughly?" What happens after i complete traffic school for a speeding ticket? I'm 17. I got a speeding ticket in February, payed it in March, and finished traffic school this month. I went to take my traffic school certificate this week. Does this mean it is cleared? I live in California? I'm wondering because I'm trying to get an insurance rate and it asked if i ever got a ticket.?" What is the best 4x4 as a first car? Also cheap to run.? I live in a pretty rugged region, and, for my intended job as a country vet it would really help to have a car tough enough to cope with the bumps and ruts. Now I know that the best 4x4 overall is the land rover defender and, money permitting, of course I'd have

one. But to run and insure nearly all 4x4s are massively expensive! So far I've considered the old rav 4, a suzuki ignis, or the old fiat panda 4x4 and as of yet, i prefer the latter as it seems cheap to run, cheap to insure and also has the practicality of being small but robust. So if there is any other car better suited to this, ideally as cheap as possible to buy, run and insure, then I'd really be glad of the help." Is it true that I will have to buy health insurance or pay a fine? I thought the whole purpose of the Affordable Care Act was to make healthcare available to everyone. Now I am being told that I have to buy it. Can people really save 15% or more on their car insurance by switching to Gieco? is Geico a expensive car insurance or do you really save a lot? I'm planing to switch to Geico but I need to know if it'll be cheaper. I mean what do you guys who have Geico feel and think about the insurance? How much my insurance will go up? I had an accident which totaled my car. I am 100% at fault for that accident and my car worth 15000$. I have clear driving record and no tickets in past two years. How much will my insurance go up I am paying 900$ for six months What would it cost for insurance for a 16 year old male driving 1980 corrvette? What would it cost for insurance for a 16 year old male driving 1980 corrvette? How much auto insurance do I need? How much auto insurance should I get for a 1999 Ford Escort that is already paid for. I have insurance now but it is 660 dollars a year and that sounds like way too much for an 11-year-old car. East Bridgewater Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2333 East Bridgewater Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2333 What would insurance cost for a 16 year old male with 08 Honda Accord LX-S coupe/ 2dr? Hi, I am a 16 year old male and I might be getting a 08 Honda Accord LX-S coupe. But I want to know how much it would be to insure the car. I know that it is not classified as a sports car. I'm not sure if I am getting it so I just want to know. I have a clean driving record with no accidents (i just got my license). Thanks!" Car insurance question. UK only please? Hi. 18 months ago me and my hubby went bankrupt (long story) and we have had our new car insurance quote from the company we have been with for 12 years. It jumped from 37 to 60 and we were pretty outraged and so have been shopping around. We were told by someone we know that any new insurance companies would do a credit

check and that we may be refused insurance or may get pretty high premiums. As I said, we have been with our insurance company for 12 years and have paid on time every month by direct debit for the car insurance and for the home contents and pet one too. So as your premium is affected by your credit score, does this mean we should have let our insurance company know we went bankrupt, when we did back in Nov 2010? Or does it not count as we were already with them? i don't seriously see why we should've HAD to tell them, but I am not a bit worried. I don't want to make a claim and find that they refuse it because we didn't tell them of the bankruptcy!" What is the best but affordable health insurance w/h low deductibles anyone knows about? What is the best but affordable health insurance w/h low deductibles anyone knows about? Is there a good/cheap motorcycle insurance where you can pay like $100 for a whole year? I'm a college student...don't have loads of cash to pay insurance every single month. Anyone have motorcycle insurance like that or know anything about it. Or something similar like pay $50-100 every 5 months or so....something like that NO RUDE COMMENTS PLEASE As always thanks in advance Car insurance? I have been looking about getting a small car and i was just wondering how much younger people have paid for their insurance. Im 18 and it is really high and i was wondering if it was like this for everyone?? Does your car insurance rate go up if you get a seat belt ticket in illinois? Does your car insurance rate go up if you get a seat belt ticket in illinois? "If someone else drives my car while I'm in the car, but they're not listed on my insurance, is this legal?" My boyfriend and I are over the age of 25 and live together. We are not listed as drivers on each other's car insurance policies, so I was wondering if it's legal for my boyfriend to drive my car while I'm in it or for me to drive his car while he's in it. If we get pulled over or get into an accident, are we covered by the other person's insurance? Will we get in trouble for not being listed on the insurance of the vehicle we're driving?" Liability Car Insurance and Car Age? I am wondering about how old a car should be to only have liability car insurance on it. Also, can you get liability on any/all cars, or just ones that are a certain age or older?" "When buying a New Car, is it cheaper to get your insurance through independent?"

agents, and not through their recommendations? If I have to get full coverage, should I try to find the best deal on my own?" How much to insure a classic bus? i'm a mild bus enthusiast, and would quite like to buy a preserved vehicle. and i was wondering how much it would cost to insure the vehicle for pleasure purposes only, and how much it would cost to run. fuel figures and what not, tax and mot. also, what are the complications in being 17, like max people to carry and whatever. cheers ;)" What would have more insurance a 2007 dodge charger 3.5l or a 2004 Nissan 350z? Need to know just overall what would be the better car and what would have better insurance rates Ive been looking into pet insurance and Im a bit confused.? Ive been looking into pet insurance and Im a bit confused. When it says: wellness exam (split between two visits per year) $40 vaccinations $30 heartworm test $25 fecal test $15 deworming $20 microchip $20 flea and/or heartworm preventive $50 blood screen or x-ray or EKG $50 Is the dollar amount the price the insurance pays all year or per visit? How much does insurance usually pay off if your car is deemed totaled? Ok, so, my car incurred some damage due to the recent flood waters of hurricane Ike. A person from Safe Auto insurance company is coming out tomorrow to assess the damage. When we spoke to him over the phone, he said it sounded like our car would end up being deemed totaled. There is still amount owed on the car. If we were to pay it off tomorrow it would be $3100. The value on the car varies from tprivate party value in good condition being $3900 to retail value being $5600 in our area. We have a $500 deductible. Now, if the car is infact totaled, how does the insurance pay out?" How does multiple car discount work on insurance? ? Ok so I have an sr22 and my friend said I could add a car for a discount, so I added my moms car. I only have liability. So does my moms car have liability too? Sorry the insurance guy didn't explain it all that well." "What is the best rate (cheapest) for basic liability car insurance in ontario , primmum insurance told me?" thier rates is 135.00 / month and i have perfect driving record ,can any one help me plz" "I need family medical/dental insurance, where do people get this if they are self employed? We currently have very good insurance through my husband's work. He is in the process of starting his own business and will be leaving his current job soon. I am very

concerned about finding affordable insurance they provides good coverage for my family. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated. Car Insurance for Teen? I'm 16 years old and before my dad buys me a car, I have to have enough money in the bank for car insurance. (I've gotta pay for it.) I think I qualify for a discount since I'm, like, an A- student. Let's say... I get a 1999 Honda. Any quotes?" What is the best insurance that covers eating disorder treatment? What insurance is the best to cover all forms of treatment for an eating disorder. My family would like me to go to residential for my bulimia it is out of control right now. Is their any good insurance that also doesn't just cover Pennsylvania? What kind of business insurance is needed for a small business retail store? & on average, how much does it cost (it will be in Brookly/NYC)" Do I need insurance for my license? I live in North Carolina, and I just got my license a few months ago. I don't have a car yet, but I was told that I needed insurance in order to have a license. So, I'm paying $80 a month for insurance, just for holding a license. My car savings aren't looking too good at this rate, so I was wondering if anyone knew of any cheaper insurance companies I could go with?" Why are there not provisions in the ACA that put caps on how much health insurance premiums can increase? I just bought into a health insurance policy as I work 2 part time jobs and get no benefits in those jobs. Now my health insurance provider is saying my health insurance premiums will increase by 50% with higher deductibles and higher out of pocket maximums. This will put a strain on my finance as I can barely afford what I have now and having a $1500 increase really hurt. Why did this ACA not have something to cap these outrageous premium increases plus benefit decreases? It seems to be making it unaffordable rather than affordable. Smart roadster uk insurance.? Slight problem, was looking up TPFT insurance quotes for a smart roadster: 500 excess. 7000 yearly premium. 7500 annuall mileage. The car's only worth 8500 it has a 0.7L engine. How do they justify this price gouging?" How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old girl? i have a 1999 honda accord. im 17 years old, and i live in california. how much would my insurance be? please help me out?"

Can my auto insurance be lowered if I keep it in a garage and don't drive it for a year? The engine died on a car we're financing, can't sell it and can't fix it until we have the money which is estimated to be around February next year. We plan on parking it in our garage until we get it fixed next year. We have to continue to insure it since it's financed but do insurance companies offer lower rates on vehicles that aren't driven in scenarios such as this?" Car insurance policyholder and registered owner? I am 19, living in Florida. My car is registered in my name. My family keeps all of our cars on one policy. The insurance company is aware that I am the registered owner and I am also listed as the main driver for my car. Does that present any problems liability or insurance law wise?" East Bridgewater Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2333 East Bridgewater Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2333 Cheap car insurance in Arizona for an 18 year old with a volkswagon beetle? i really want a volkswagon beetle, and then one im looking at right now is a 2006 with 70,000 miles (i know, its alot but thats not what im asking you to answer on) and its a convertible. i've never had my own car, and right now im using a family member's. i dont have ANY credit, idk if that helps or not... i already know my car payments are going to be high, so i want cheap insurance, that will still cover me. i see commercials for The General and Freeway Insurance, along with Safeauto. are they good companies? i kind of checked out The General, and it wasnt as cheap as i thought it was going to be... help?!" Should I get business insurance? I am an LLC for my small online business (I sell handmade jewelry). Should I also have business insurance? I make under $50k a year. How much does a 50cc moped insurance cost per month (roughly) ? How much does a 50cc moped insurance cost per month (roughly) ? What is a good health insurance? I need help please!? I just turned 18 and am looking for cheap health insurances that cover well! I'm trying to get on social security disability, because I'm really sick all the time. I'm actually in the hospital right now on my phone!! But until they approve me I need good health insurance! PLEASE!! There's this $5.00 a day health insurance, is that alot????? I just don't know any comparison. Thanks." Do I 1st need car insurance to take license test or does the car I use for the test just need to be insured? P.S. My dad says he has researched and told me in order to get my license, I needs car insurance for myself, not including my dads insured car I would use for the test . I

have been searching the web, and found nothing to prove either one of us right. I know I need insurance after I receive my license but is it a requirement when I take the test?" I have a a term life insurance calculator? I have a term life insurance calculator, i want to place the link in to other sites which are relevant to term life insurance. Can any one please suggest me list of those sites which are relevant to term life insurance or any article or blogs site which belongs to an individual person and is relevant to life insurance. Please provide me only US site. thanks" Questions about health insurance? I took my eye exam couple months ago, and now i need change my insurance company, so my question is can i take my eye exam again?" Who has the cheapest full coverage insurance in ca? Who has the cheapest full coverage insurance in ca? What are some cheap Auto Insurance Quotes for Oregon? I am looking for a cheap and reliable auto insurance company for just liability insurance. I have had one accident back in 2009, totaling my dads toyota 4-Runner and wrecking into an Audi A4. As well, I have 2 tickets on my record, both happened in 2008, the first one I got was running a stop sign and the second one (which happened literally the next day.. by the same cop) I got an illegal lane change or turning into a turning lane to early I cant remember which one it would fall under. Some of the quotes I got have been like 350 $$ which is way out of my price range. Anybody have any good ideas? I'd appreciate it." Where can i find a school to take classes for insurance health and life in missouri? i wanna know if theres a school im not asking about online courses im asking about actualy class i can attend and also for property and casualty also. thanks How much would car insurance be under my dad's policy? Or by itself under my name? I'll be 21 in September and I'm getting a car really soon. I just have no clue how much the premium is going to cost me. I'm getting an older car. 100,000+ miles. So my question is, if I insure my car under my dad's policy and put it as one of those cars that is occasionally/rarely used , how much would a premium cost? If I decided to not join my dad's insurance and just get my own, how much would it cost? I'm not looking for sure good insurance because I'm a very safe driver- but I'm also not looking for crappy shady insurance either. Thanks!" Insurances for starting a small business?

What are all the difference insurances for starting up a business? Please include a source or proof of your numbers Average family health insurance cost? for a school project i need to calculate how much my healthcare insurance costs per month. i am about to be a college student and do not understand how the entire insurance process works. i come from a family of 5, and apparently i have blue cross health insurance. was wondering roughly how much it costs monthly for my insurance, or what is an average monthly rate for health insurance for a person who is under a family health insurance committment? any sort of clarification helps thanks. c:" When you first get your drivers permit do you have to have car insurance to drive with adults? When you first get your drivers permit do you have to have car insurance to drive with adults? Or are you automatically covered by theirs? What would the insurance on a 2004 audi a4 be? i am a highschool student and i was wanting to know the insurance rate on the a4, it is a 1.8t, sportpackage, automatic. if this helps im a 4.0 student. any ball park estimate would be great. thank you" Discount Insurance Plans? Ameriplan.....and others...how do they compare to regualr insurance. Money is short, don't qualify for medicaid...so I'm thinking any discount will be better than nothing, but I don't want to waste my money even if it is as low as $29.95 Honest reviews please!!!" Does anyone know a insurance company that insures assembled motorcycles? i just purchased a 2008 assembled harley but am having a hard time finding an insurance company that deals with these! if anyone has one of these custom bikes please let me know, i want to get it insured so we can ride this weekend!!!!!!!" CAR INSURANCE FOR A 18 YEAR OLD? would it be more expensive for car insurance for a brand new car or a used car. For my situation what is the best way to minimize the insurance cost? my family has two cars. (maxima and accent) I (21years old) use the accent and my parents use the maxima. All three of us are under the same insurance plan. I might sell the accent and buy a used car and pay monthly(financing). so that means the insurance has to be full coverage right? and not liability. (the maxima and the accent are both fully paid and they are under liability right now) So if I buy a used car what is the best way to minimize the insurance cost?...any good insurance companies? can I be covered under my dad's name or something? my friend said something like

that..but I don't know if there is such a thing. by the way my parents live in massachusetts and i live in NJ. what should i do? I have juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and no insurance? Is there any doctor of Rheumatologists in Las Vegas that accept cash payments for people who have no insurance? Help with car insurance quote please? If I have my own insurance it's 2,400, But if I put my girlfriend on it, it comes down to 600 but she's only got a provisional and I have a full uk licence were both 17 Just wanted to know how it comes down so much if she can't legally drive a car...without someone with experence? Or should I stop complaing?" Car insurance and deductibles? Last year I hit a car the damage was way less than the deductible. The person had on there car. The car insurance company wants me to pay for damage plus the deductible. Is that legal. I have know problem paying for damages, but the damages are only 1/3 of what they are demanding I pay." Is this type of health insurance legal? Here's the website > http://www.grouphealthinsurancebenefits.com/ The idea is, they put me on as an employee of their company (they call it a group). I then can join their group health insurance pool with Atnea PPO for both me and my wife. They would actually pay me each month, but then I'd turn around and pay them back. The net result is a cheaper cost for HI over me trying to get the same coverage on my own. Let me know. Thanks." "I need some cheap car insurance. I have a 2005 suburvan, a 97 chev pickup and a 97 mercury tracer.?" I need some cheap car insurance. I have a 2005 suburvan, a 97 chev pickup and a 97 mercury tracer.?" Car insurance in california? is medical expense coverage optional or required in california. I called my car insurance company to delete this coverage and the genius over the phone was telling me its mandatory, and I said to her...mandatory to california or to your insurance co?I know comp/ coll and liability are mandatory but everything else is optional...isnt it?" East Bridgewater Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2333 East Bridgewater Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2333 "Why is it that if your pregnant, you can't get health insurance?"

I currently have Kaiser with my fathers business(I work for him). However, he is thinking of canceling the insurance. I found out 2 days ago that I am pregnant, my father still does not know, and I know he will be happy for me, and maybe will not cancel the insurance for me. However, why is it that if your pregnant you can't get insurance? How about if i still want to stick with Kaiser, but have it on my name only? Oh I live in Southern California cause I know sometimes people ask that." Why is car insurance so expensive for an 18 year old? I was looking at quotes and they all range from 1000-1400 just for six months on a Nissan Sentra SR-E spec v. Which insurance is the cheapest and you would recommend. Its for a college student just for school and work. Teenager car insurance help? Okay! I am a 17 year old male who has been driving in total for 2 years and I have unfortunately had 2 accidents. The first occurred in May of last year. I pulled out of a gas station trying to turn left so I had to cross two lanes of oncoming traffic ( I was in an unfamiliar vehicle) I could not see the lane closest to the middle and I went out further then I thought and the oncoming car took off the front bumper. The second accident occurred 04/14 I was driving to school and there was a man ahead of me who had his signal light on for the past 4 miles it was pouring down rain so I looked over to change lanes and when maybe I looked for to long I'm not sure but wheeI turned back the man had come to a complete stop in preparation to turn from a highway onto a dirt road. I slammed on my brakes they locked up I couldn't steer away and I hit him in the rear. My question is. Is this going to keep happening to me? Am I really that bad of a driver? and what insurance company is best for my situation as my parents are removing me from their policy. Any help would be appreciated! Buying used car. What do I do for insurance? I'm buying a new car today and I was wondering if I could drive it home (~2miles) without insurance. If not, what do I do? Thanks" I need hand insurance? I need hand insurance "If you are driving someone else's car while they are in it, does insurance cover an accident?" Hey, I have my full G license however I am not insured under any car because I do not own a car. However, my girlfriend does own a car and we're planning on going on a trip which requires 12 hours of driving. She wants me to drive but I am unsure that if we got into an accident we would be covered. So question: Are we covered by the insurance company in the event of an accident Note: I am driving, have no car or insurance in my name on any car She is in the passenger seat during the whole duration of the trip" Cheap car insurance for 7 star driver?

Cheap car insurance for 7 star driver? Do i need to tell my insurance company that i have fitted lexus lights on my peugeot 206? yea just want to know.... and if so how much extra it will cost? thanks If I'm on someone else car insurance am I liable? My old boy friend put me on his car insurance so I could drive his car. We are no longer together. If he gets in an accident could I get sued? He has nothing, but I do." How much does insurance increase for a teen with an old car? I was doing some research to buy my own car. I wanted either a 1976 dodge Monaco or a 1989 Chevy caprice. My question is, if I am 17 years old and I had this car, what is a rough estimate of how much my dads insurance will increase? I figure old cars and young drivers don't mix well but I need to know. Also, I have never gotten in any accident or received any tickets and I don't even remember the last time my parents crashed or got a ticket if that helps. Shanks" How to get low car insurance? ? Hi I'm 18, and just reasantly passed my test about 4months ago. And think a 1.0 vaxhaull corsa is the cheapest and best first car that I can afford! Now, I was just wondering what is the cheapest car insurer? Is there any techniques or tips on getting cheap car insurance? Can anyone help?!" Insurance for 18 year - which 7 seater? im looking for a 7 seater that i can get insurance on for myself and my son who is 18 years old. im over 50 and have got 5 years NCB, my son has had his licecnse for 1 year and ...show more" Can i get car insurance for my 17th so i can drive on my birthday? i turn 17 next week and i have a car i can drive around with a provisional licence but i cant get car insurance so i can drive it on my birthday. Car insurance question? how much is car insurance for a Mitsubishi lancer for a young driver Additional driver car insurance? hi , i have a car and i have my car insurance my husband he just get his driving licence and he want to drive my car ,does he need to apply for car insurance for himself , or can i add him with me in my policy and how much will cost him . if i add him as additional driver on my policy is that will cost him to pay"

What kind of insurance do I need.? I am hauling different random thing for people that dont have trucks. boats, 4wheelers, farm equipment..... I would like to keep my regular auto insurance. Is there something that I can add or get a separate plan to where I can cover what ever I have in my truck or trailer. say up to 50,000." Should i move to California? im a senior in high school, i just finished my junior year so its the summer in between lol. i really want to move to california. i also want to go to college there too but im just worried about it. its really been stressing me out alot lately. so do you have any advice or suggestions?" Would anybody please tell me what do I have to do to become a car insurance broker? I am interested in car insurance industry and would like to become an insurance broker. I don't know the course or the line to follow. Do you need to give a vin number in order to receive a quote on your cor insurance? My mom called the insurance company to get a quote for adding me onto the insurance. The woman on the phone told her that you need the vin number of the car in order to get the quote. Is this true if the car was going to be new and we knew the exact model and year that we were getting? Group health insurance? how can i convince a company to avail a group health insurance? some people in the company that has a position don't believe in such thing. how can i get their thumbs up? specific reasons please... thanks! Car insurance questions (Still on parent's plan)? I have a few questions... Is there a set age where I can no longer be on my mom's car insurance? Or is it completely up to her? For example can two adults (both in their 40's) be on the same insurance? I am 19. I currently live with my mom. If I were to move out, can I still be on her insurance? If I don't go to college, can I still be on her insurance? I heard you need to be a full time student to be on a parent's insurance? If I were to buy a car, would it have to be in her name?" Would having a Dodge Charger raise your insurance cost? I'm almost 17 and got my liscense a few months ago and I can get pretty much any reasonble car i want. I'm leaning on getting a used charger (not new cos im prob gonna reck it or at least mess it up). I was just wonder will it raise my insurance up just bc its a Charger? (I already know my age and new driver will be more expensive)

Car insurance rates dropping? hello, after my first ever six months of car insurance will my rates drop or will things be cheaper ? I am 24 about to be 25 years old. I have only had one speeding ticket." How much will previous drink driving ban cost company insurance? Hi, hope someone can help. I had a drink driving ban about 2 years ago. I am now applying for a job which would like a clean driving license (dont they all). What i want to know is how much extra money would it cost the company insurance to put someone on their books with a previous d/d ban. The job im applying for would require me to drive their vehicles, would it cost the company alot ? Thanks for any answers" Cheap insurance for 17 year olds? ok doing my driving test on tuesday and got a 02 reg 1.1 citroen saxo at most insurance companies im getting told around 10 grand however i have been able to get it down to 6 grand, btw im 17 d.o.b 08/01/94 does anyone know a company where it is cheap for 17 year olds? Thanks" East Bridgewater Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2333 East Bridgewater Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 2333

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