The Triangle Physician June 2010

Page 32

Men’s Health

Men Have

Range of Treatments for Overactive Bladder by Joseph M. Khoury, MD, FACS

Bladder storage symptoms occur when bladder capacity is functionally diminished, resulting in frequent toileting, urgency and urge incontinence and frequent nighttime voiding, called “nocturia.” Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS)

First-line Treatment

commonly occur in men over the age of 45

Treatment for overactive bladder is based on

years. Classified as bladder storage and/or

the underlying cause. Unfortunately, many

bladder emptying symptoms, LUTS interferes

patients will have an unremarkable evaluation

with a patient’s quality of life and activities

and are thus treated empirically.

of daily living. As a first-line treatment, the physician will Symptoms can be caused by a urinary tract

recommend avoiding certain beverages and

infection; bladder cancer; bladder stones;

foods implicated in triggering overactive

neurological disease, such as multiple

bladder. They include caffeinated and

sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and stroke; an

carbonated beverages and beverages with

enlarged obstructing prostate; and consump-

artificial sweeteners; as well as chocolate, nuts,

tion of alcoholic and caffeinated beverages,

tomatoes and citrus. Over-the-counter

and certain foods, many of which have a high

supplements that help neutralize acidity, such

acidic content.

as Prelief, bicarbonate of sodium and AlkaSeltzer, have been helpful in alleviating these

Bladder emptying symptoms include a weak

bothersome symptoms.

urinary stream, stuttering of the urinary stream, straining to urinate and hesitancy,

Pelvic floor rehabilitation that includes

which is difficulty initiating the stream. They

strength and relaxation techniques of the

are often caused by benign prostate hyperplasia

pubococcygeus muscles, in conjunction

(BPH), a condition covered in “Mechanics

with bladder retraining, often helps increase

of BPH Leads to Greater Understanding” on

The International Prostate Symptom Score

the functional capacity of the bladder and

page 26 in this issue of Triangle Physician.

(IPSS), a validated patient questionnaire, will

allows better bladder emptying. Scheduled

help determine the intensity of the symptoms Evaluation

voiding every two hours, while awake

and how those symptoms interfere with the

can decrease urgency and urge incontinence

Evaluation of overactive bladder begins with

patient’s quality of life. A three-day voiding

by 50 percent and is a useful strategy in

a thorough history and physical examination,

diary is invaluable in helping to determine

elderly patients, particularly those with

to include a digital-rectal examination,

if the patient is consuming large volumes of


assessing prostate size, rectal tone and fecal

fluid and if nighttime output is a result of

impaction. A well-tailored neurologic

nocturnal polyuria or overactive bladder.


examination, to include gait assessment, deep-

Urine analysis will look for infection and/or

In some men, bladder outlet obstruction may

tendon reflexes, particularly of the lower

hematuria, and urine cytology will rule out

cause overactive bladder symptoms. Many men

extremities, and sensation within dermatomes

bladder cancer, particularly carcinoma in situ.

can be initially treated with an alpha-blocker,

S2 through S4, is an essential part of the

Postvoiding residual urine testing is important

such as Tamulosin, and then reevaluated in


to ensure appropriate bladder emptying.

two to four weeks.


The Triangle Physician | JUNE 2010

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