Mnemozine Issue 1, October 2011

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EDITOR’S NOTE Mnemozine; So named after the personification of memory in Greek mythology; the ancestor of the Greek Muses, Mnemosyne.



NEMOZINE is meant as a platform for History students to share their ideas, and hone their writing skills outside of their term-papers. If you’ve ever wanted to explore in greater depth a topic from one of your modules, or if you’ve gained a broadened perspective of the world from studying History, why not make use of this platform to share what you’ve learnt? As the publication of our student’s History Society, it is hoped that the magazine will contribute towards building a greater sense of community amongst History majors. If this is the first time you are hearing of the History Society (HISSOC), which you are a member by default - birthed into this student society from the day you declared yourself a History major in CORs, I welcome you formally into the club on behalf of all other History Society members. Do look out for History Society events in the next semester: weekly movie screenings, museum trips, NUS History Festival 2012 and other events currently in the pipeline such as a HISSOC Youth Expedition Project. This issue’s theme is “1911”, as a commemoration of the centennial anniversary of the Xinhai Revolution, a historical event significant for the overseas Chinese and which bears interest due to the numerous myths it has embedded within Chinese historiography. Without further unnecessary rambling, I invite you to enjoy the contents of the first issue and also, to contribute to future issues of Mnemozine. As you will find, this is not an academic journal but a magazine containing a fair mix of articles, including current topics, reports on History Society events, interviews with department members, reviews of History-related books and movies, write-ups on the physical heritage of the nation... and other things (planned for the next issue!). So, with this note I bid you hello, farewell and good luck for your coming examinations. Editor, Chow Alex October 2011

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