Transitions E-Magazine

Page 15

a lot more money than I was making! She told me that she needed my resume as soon as possible so that I could have priority consideration. I panicked. My resume? How was I going to reformat it for an education position? I began to sweat. I began to search my hard drive for any old revision of my resume and found something that looked fairly new. It was formatted for an education position. When did I do this? When I instructed you to. Realization caught up with me, and I was astounded. I had never heard God speak so clearly into my life. I submitted that resume the same day, and God worked out the details. I was offered the job within the month. The perfect thing to discuss here would be how excellent the job was and how God made me live happily ever after. In a perfect sinless world, sure! But with my human condition, and all the other human conditions existing around me, the first few months of my new job were pure perdition. I imagined that God placed me there as a kind of purgatory. I was introduced to a world of hurting people that I didn’t know existed. There were so many things to fight for, and I had to choose my battles carefully. In this war zone, God began to cultivate my love of teaching and learning with adults. My flawed perception of adult learners was obliterated, and God showed me struggling, intelligent, defeated students, who needed someone to love them through all of their hardships, and show them how to achieve their goal of a college education. With my new passion weighing heavily on my soul, I began an information research journey on how to help my students and on what the best educational environment for adult learners looked like. I had much success in the learning center once key elements were implemented. On this journey, it became apparent that I needed to further my education in order to continue the work that needed to be done. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, support from my mentor Joni Schwartz, and much prayer, I applied and was accepted into the Ph.D. program for Adult Education at the Pennsylvania State University. This fall, I venture out into the vast terrain of God’s perpetual possibilities. I can’t imagine reliving the last five years any differently. What if I had given into my life back then? I look back at all the times after that when I still tried to give up. I remember each time

that I found my way home, and I am amazed afresh at the love and endearing mercy of Jesus Christ. He kept me when I thought I wouldn’t make it. He sent me women of God who loved me and pored over my life. He soothed me with a melody when I was up crying my life away. He loved on me more when I thought he had forgotten about me. He is unveiling his plan for me daily. As I get ready for this change, it looks rather demanding. I am leaving my safe place. How will I face a new town, with new people and, dread the thought, a new church? How will I deal without Transitions? For a fleeting moment I hear myself think quite loudly, How can you leave? This is your life! You’re making a mistake! Except now, because of his grace, I am wiser and I can recognize His voice. As He speaks quietly to my heart about my future and all that he intends, I resiliently respond, I am more than a conqueror! Nothing can separate me from Him and what He wants for me. Not even me. Written by Kimeka Campbell Kimeka has been a member of Transitions for the past five years and is currently on the Worship Team.


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