pulse spring 2012

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100 DAYS LATER In the Winter issue of Pulse we told you about the Council’s 100 Day Campaign which started on Friday 16th December 2012.

We are now over 100 days later and the campaign has finished! The aim of the 100 day campaign was to reinforce the high standards of respect, decency and responsibility in Trafford through community events including litter picks, awareness patrols, environmental works, allotment open days, activity sessions and sporting activities. There have been many fantastic events including a parent and child crafts café at the Partington Library and Wellbeing Centre, a crime and consequences session led by the Youth Service’s Prevention Team, a garden clean-up at Davyhulme Youth Centre, a session for young people who are known to the Youth Offending Service entitled ‘Teams not Gangs’ and a free Urban Street Dance session at Sale High School Dance Studio.

On Tuesday 28th February 2012, the 75th day, there was a Skills North West event at the Trafford Centre, which was an interactive careers and skills exhibition and on Wednesday 14th March 2012, the 90th Day, the community came together to get Sale Water Park ready for spring. On the final day a family fun day was held at Sale Leisure Centre to celebrate an inspiring 100 days across the Borough. In total there were over 400 events that took place involving over 1,500 people, many of whom were tenants and staff of Trafford Housing Trust.


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