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essentials what to bring



1. daypack: to carry belongings.

2. water bottle: to keep you hydrated. 3. first aid kit: in case of emergencies.


4. technology: such as a GPS application on a


smartphone to provide tracking analytics and help you find the trail if you get lost.

5. snacks: such as trail mix, nuts, granola bars, and fresh fruit to provide quick energy to sustain your energy level.

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what to wear 6. hiking shoes: help keep you grounded from slipping and falling.


7. comfortable clothing: such as a light

windbreaker and athletic shorts help moderate body temperature and act as a barrier to the elements.

8. hat and sunglasses: help shade your face

and scalp while also protecting your body from heat stroke and your eyes from dust and wind.

total wellness ▪ spring 2014

9. sunscreen and lip balm: help moisturize

and protect your skin from harmful UVA rays that penetrate deep into the skin, and from UVB rays that irritate the outermost layer of the skin, causing sunburn. Note: Using SPF 15 or higher and reapplying frequently during the hours of the day when the sun rays are the strongest is recommended.10


10. bug spray: helps repel insects and reduces

your chance of getting bitten on the trail. DEET is the active ingredient in many insect repellents, which works by repelling rather than killing insects and can be effective in keeping bugs at bay.11 Note: Using DEET concentrations ranging from 4%100% have been deemed safe by the Environmental Protection Agency, as long as you follow the directions.



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